Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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An Outlook to the Pressurized Crises in Rural Areas

Dear Editor,
The remote areas were always the victims of the enormous and various problems and crisis and lost their nearest once for defending the country, remained uneducated and without health care protection and other basic requirements of life, as a result today they are having the worst life condition. Constantly, they are still the victims of the same harmful crisis surrounded them with their pressurized force turning them in the same direction they have been before.

Being in a very touchy and decisive situation, yet the government didn't provide them the very required facilities of the life and ease the pressurized crisis they are steeped in, like school, health care protection, clean water resources and other important requirements of life. Very sad to say, yet in some of the provinces the people have not been introduced to health care protection and schools, the people are extremely suffering from such frustrated crises which have surrounded them.

Finally, having nothing left, they will strongly join the Taliban and other insurgents groups to feed their families and protect their lives from such crises. If the government doesn't have preservative action against the crisis they are threatened, the problems will obviously increase and become unhealthier in the future, it will spread throughout the country.

Kindest Regards
Sara Naaz, Saberi
Afshar, Kabul