Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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The Insecurity Situation Sets Afghanistan on Fire

Dear Editor,
After the announcement of President Obamma to pull out his 30, 000 troops from Afghanistan starting from July 2011 has brought a gigantic chaotic in the security system of the region. The profound transformation of insecurity not only paralyzes the development and stability process but it will also shift to mount the business dynamic into a woe chaotic.

If the insecurity chaotic remains to continue in the same manner, Afghanistan won't be able to stand a chance of finding that stability on its own. What we should, therefore be working towards is a political solution that invests Afghanistan's entire gigantic crisis in the form of insecurity and the creation of a regional security framework.

The north parts of the country once was the most peaceful par of Afghanistan, but as NATO prepares to transfer control of parts of the country to Afghan forces, suicide bombings and high-profile killings pint to an ominous decline in security. Today not only the north of Afghanistan is steeped in violence of Taliban's-led insurgency, but also the insecurity has begun to accelerate in the whole region.
As an example, Ghazni province once to some extend was peaceful and calm but now it seems to be surrounded by Taliban all along the way from Kabul to Ghazni the Taliban has full domination on the high ways. The ones who are an official employees or working with NGOs are so restricted even cant travel kilometers out of Kabul city due to the high-profile insecurity.

This may very likely continue to get worse, the only answer to the dilemma we face would be the presence of the US and its allies in Afghanistan till the government of Afghanistan itself would be able to undertake the security challenges. US and its allies departure must response to a save and peaceful Afghanistan and ensure that the government of Afghanistan is capable to determine the security challenges.

Kindest Regards
Keramuddin Ansari
Shahr-e-Arai, Kabul