Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Insecurity is the Matter of Concern

Dear Editor,
Insecurity continues to be one of the most serious issues in Afghanistan that challenges the political and development stability. This threats the lives of many people every day, in all around the country. Insecurity is continuing to be growing on in most parts of the country where there was safe haven several months back. A progressive country is defined by its stable-security system, since security guarantees every thing in a country.

And it includes, progress, stability, prosperity, development in many forms and stability which is always under the main talks of all the countries to be brought in the country.
But unfortunately, the insecurity system is just getting worst every day, everywhere people are giving devotion for no any reason and the Taliban are the main responsible for the such crimes in most parts of the country. And thus, they always claim to be responsible for, assignation of the passengers, beheading of the travelers and kidnapping and hanging of the travelers.

Above all, today insecurity must the main topic of the government, for peace and security building across Afghanistan they must work because the insecurity system has really worried the people and also NGOs who are working on various small projects. So unless, and until this wider insecurity is addressed seriously, all the people will continue to be the only target, making it difficult to meet their requirements, due to insecurity system.
Yours Truly,
Sara Nayazi
Taiman-e- Kabul