Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Electricity is Today’s Dire Need

Dear Editor,
Shortage of Electricity has remained the most unconcern issue in Afghanistan, while electricity is the most outset pillar towards progress in a country, because today everything ends on electricity. In fact, electricity must be considered the pioneer column of business in today's modern world. However, today in Afghanistan we do witness Endless reconstruction efforts at many turns, with the support of U.S. and other international organizations. Seeing Afghanistan a safer, stable and a capable in the last few years but today we see everything is returning back into it's previous shape and the shortage of electricity is another big challenge for the government because all the expected progress which must have taken place yet couldn't register into a visible shape.

We can't disregard the efforts of the United States in Afghanistan made in the last 9 years. The United States has made an enormous and a bold commitment to building a new Afghanistan, but regarding electricity there has not been taken enough steps to fulfill the shortages. In most parts of the Kabul City the people are still facing the shortage of electricity, especially in Dasht-e-Barch-e-.
Electricity is the most required part of life in today's modern life.

Thus, everything depends on electricity, the most wanted once, education and business system, they all depend on electricity. So in order stabilize, mobilize and develop the country, we need to make a swift concern over shortage of electricity in un-contacted parts of Kabul City.
Best Regards,
Saba Sherwani
Makroyan-e-3, Kabul