Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Concern Over the Rights of Children is Must

Dear Editor,
Decades of war have strongly affected the children in Afghanistan both mentally and physically. Under-five mortality rates are among the highest in the world and both health and education systems suffer from poor finances, lack of qualified professionals, and security problems. More than half of all children in Afghanistan are stunted due to poor nutrition.

In this regard, Afghan constitution is responsible to establish the right to education for all Afghan nationals since the level of insecurity in many part of the region mostly prevents the vast majority of girls from attending school.

The food shortages are another devastative problem that has left dozens of children death each day.
According to data from the Ministry of Education, 46 percent of girls were enrolled in primary school, compared with 74 percent of boys. At the secondary level only 8 percent of girls and 18 percent of boys enrolled. But even in conflict-free areas, Afghan girls continue to face immense obstacles to education such as lack of girls' schools, sexual harassment en route to school, and early marriage, which tend to prematurely end schooling. In addition to numbers of problems dominated the rights of children, Physical violence still exists to varying degrees within all families. Such abuse includes, punching, kicking, and hitting with thin sticks, electrical cables and shoes.

In response to such the face of such existed problems, me and on behalf of our children sincerely request from the respectable government that please pay a little consideration over the rights of children who are running out of school and their rights are always violated, living under extreme pressure of discrimination, like the very recent one who have been hanged by the Taliban and in response, there have been taken no action on the ground for the poor, homeless and disabled children which is great matter of disgrace.
Respectfully Yours,
Farzana Ali
Pul-e- Baghumi, Kabul