Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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No Place for Exercise to Maintain Good Health

Dear Editor,
Perhaps every body is looking forward having a very good health. Rolling a good health doesn't only need to make diet, and healthy food choices alone don't work to maintain your weight, bur rather, exercise is a much needed companion to those fruits, veggies and whole grains.

To be honest, I don't recommend that an hour a day moderate intensity exercise for those who don't want to diet, but who want to maintain their weight. So should you choose to lower your calorie consumption, you can correspondingly lower your exercise time to achieve the same result.

But if you like to eat and are comfortable with your current calorie intake, engaging in activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, aerobic exercise or swimming, working out at the gym should keep those fat pads at bay which is not possible in current situation since there is no place for doing all these things because perhaps government is reluctant to invest these arena.

It is obvious that in today's modern life, we are absolutely dominated by the daily activities. In fact life had become a dimension and had certainly intervened us from our ownselves that we can't give time to our health, but we must find the options to make time for ourselves because our health is very important, we must consider the importance of our health.

So do exercise to maintain a good health and prevent other unexpected diseases.
Best Regard
Mohd. Hussain
Chehel Satoon, Kabul