Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Indiscrimination of Human on Earth

Dear Editor!

Today indiscrimination has reached on its highest peak, everywhere conflicts and clashes going on without and cease of comprehension to understand and put a glance on the importance of human kind on earth. This world has begin to become the world of hatrate, love and peace have gone away, now the war and human killing come to stay on every one's tear. Look at the world of history, you will easily find out how every day throughout history, human beings, have started killing one another so indiscriminately. Can we have one day when we pause and stop the killing?

This has become today's question that knocks every body's mind. Actually peace is not the act of saying, but rather peace begins with each one of us in homes, families, communities, organizations, countries, regions and the world. Peace is holistic, integrative, and ecological. It is a part of our every day's life... For us, peace means diversity, justice, sustainability and nurturing. It signifies equality, compassion and harmony... Peace is a collective effort, which comes through the contribution of many.

Best Regards

Nasima Mansori

Deburi, Kabul