Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Government Must be Supported

Dear Editor!

We make the government and we should support it. The government of Afghanistan is new and faces numerous problems like terrorism, corruption etc. We can help our government to move fast against these issues and fix them in short span of time. We are all responsible to bolster the current government. This is important for us, honestly! Instead of making progress and competing the world we are busy in burying dead bodies. We have seen many rocket and bomb attacks. So I request all my Afghan brothers to be very cautious, as soon as they see any suspicious person or vehicle they have to immediately report to the police.
Security is the most important factor that can guarantee peace and prosperity in Afghanistan. This is the responsibility of government to provide security to the civilian meanwhile I have to say that the government is unable to guarantee full proof security until and unless the citizens support it. So therefore we have to help our government in order to save our lives and properties. There is no doubt that the security condition is bad but it does not mean that we have avoided supporting our government and keep criticizing. We have to keep hoping for a secure Afghanistan.

Thank you

Best Regards

Bibi Naaz

Karte-Parwan, Kabul