Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Education is Must for Both Men and Women

Dear Editor!
Education is the root to all success, achievements and humanity, today education has put us into a new world with a new life initiative, we can never deny the importance of education. Neither we can stop the children from going to school, nor we have the right to so. Today rarely it happens with some of the children, their parents stop them from school and also it happened with most of the children that their parents have deprived them from their sole rights in order to send them for earning money in that early age. Firstly, we are supposed to tell the people that education is their children's right and they cannot be denied it because of their caste or any religion reason.

The parents must build up a confidence in their children to get education in order to brighten their future and so that they can decorate their own lives with their own hands. Today being ignorant is a burden, just put a glance to those poor and uneducated people going to Iran, despite Iranians don't have any good treatment with us as we observe these days. Therefore, I believe we must not stop the children from school instead of we must courage them to step further.

Best regard

Farishta Jalale

Sari Kariz, Kabul