Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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All Parties Conference is needed

Dear Editor,
As it is obvious to every Afghan that even after a decade and in spite the presence and support of international community in addition to great scores of US-led NATO security forces in Afghanistan, we have completely failed to form a national government that guarantee peace, progress and unity of its masses. However, some progress and achievements in some specific areas have been gained in this duration but that do not represent a stable form of state.

The millions rather billions of funds and aids donated by international community for improvement purposes of needy and poor's lives, spent for growth of corruption and not else. In other words, corruption can be quoted as the only area in which Afghans have made notorious progress over the last ten years.

Although, a country like Afghanistan that has been ravaged for decades either by foreign invasion or by domestic strife, need long to regain its original status, yet it should have made basic achievements in the last ten years specially in constituting a stable form of a national government  that could pave way for a sustainable peace.

The artificial progress we have made in this span of time is feared to be vanished once American forces quit the country in 2014 as majority of aid and welfare international organizations will certainly leave the country following withdrawal of foreign forces.

The post 2014 situation will be a critical one for the country's political future that could recall the bitter past of Afghanistan when every so-called political and religious party stimulated by neighboring countries marked their own history of atrocities in the pursuit of anti-Afghan political aims.

Every common Afghan as me is concerned with the future of the country. So, to avoid such possible future situation of the country, all political rivalries and self-interests should be put aside and an All Parties Conference (APC) should be called in an effort to adopt a strategy that copes better with the upcoming uncertain circumstances.

All ruling and opposition political parties should attend the conference and present their views in greater interest of the nation's future. As far as the Taliban issue is concerned, that should be discussed seriously in the APC and should be invited once again formally to join the government and peace process putting aside all past clashes and differences.

In case, the Taliban respond negatively to a cordial offer made by representatives of the nation, they should be dealt as foes and not brothers for they have been invited several times to help rebuild this war-torn country while they are still stuck to their baseless stance.

They will have to realize that they will never regain power by committing suicide attacks and targeting peaceful Afghans. Alternatively, they should adopt a peaceful and a democratic way to be offered a part in government. Thus, a give and take policy can help gather Afghans on a single platform otherwise the flames of the burnt fire will cover the remaining Afghans as well which will be the responsibility of Taliban only.

Ahmad Shoaib, Jalalabad.