Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Lighten Afghanistan!!

Dear Editor!

The longer periods of conflicts have left Afghanistan with serious social and economical issues – these are very concerning and need urgent attention. Problems like poverty, unemployment, child labor, worst women condition etc are the biggest challenges. Though they will take long time, we need to start today! Providing basic necessities to Afghanistan should be the priorities of our government. One of those necessities is electricity.

Electricity is the basic need of today's world and life cannot be smooth in its absence. In this era of technology, electricity has a very vital role to play in the daily activities of people. The residents of Kabul city had to wait for years in order to have proper electricity at their homes. However, other cities of Afghanistan like Mazar-i-Sharif, Kunduz, Herat etc had received this facility years before Kabul. Today electricity is available in many parts of Kabul city; it still has to be expanded. Many residents of capital Kabul are waiting for the government to work for providing them this facility but the process of accomplishing this object seems quite slow which needs to be accelerated.

Lightening the home of Afghans would gather much credit for government. Although electricity came to Kabul residents after long delays, it can be regarded a good step of the government. Now the government should pay attention for any flaws in the system and maintain the services intact 24/7. At the same time, other development projects have to be launched for the purpose making Kabul look like a real capital.

Best Regards

Sharafat Ali

Dehbori, Kabul