Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Education: the Only Way out

Dear Editor,
Today, the extreme pressure of global economy puts the people in the world into a question that how the people view the importance of education, job security, and what the returns of getting an education really are in today's society. With local and state governments running on a deficit, one of the first things to be cut is educational funding, along with higher tuition fees.

In addition to the world's lots of crisis, everyone understands the importance of education that how education effects in once career in daily routine. In fact, education is the only solution for every problem. And thus, it leads the person on the right trucks and eschews from practicing illegal activities.

Today, we perceive the power of education around us turning the world of darkness and haterate into brightness. It's a shadow with which we would further get closer and cooperative with one another. As of now, we observe Afghanistan is on the right track towards progressive by phasing into education, but what scared the people to lose their gains as the Taliban gets stronger and burning schools into fire.

As a result of education, today Afghanistan comparing to ten years back, has become so civilized and realized to give importance to education. If we really contemplate a bit around ourselves, then we would obviously find out and realize the changes that education has brought in our country today.

Above all, get education be educated to decorate your own lives with our own educated minds! So don't let your education rust it shut. Learn to think, not to follow. Combine your learning with action, letting unavoidable errors impel you to seek greater understanding.
Muhammad Ali Awang
Macroyan, Kabul