Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, December 2nd, 2024

* Daily Outlook Afghanistan welcomes letters to editor from its readers. We value freedom of expression and publish all letters received. You can send your writings to mail {at} outlookafghanistan.com and outlookafghanistan {at} gmail.com

Telecommunication Companies of Afghanistan

Dear Editor,
I Mohamad Azim SARAJ, one of Kabul residents and working with one of Diplomatic Missions in Kabul. First, I would like to thank your daily news for providing the updated news about daily issues of both social and political. I have received your daily paper of today VNo: 2156, on page 4, in Reader's View section, I read the article which is somehow claiming that the Tele-communication company's of Afghanistan are not issuing the SIM-cards without registration, don't you think publishing such letters will be a sort of miss-used document for Tele-communication companies and as a report which they will use for future as a document.

As per my understanding, it will be better to publish such letters which are not going to be miss-used. as we all know nowadays, we can find 100s of SIM-cards of different Tele-communication agencies which are sold under black market and people misuse it so what if you publish such reports so that the Tele-communication companies get it and beside earning money think for this issue as well that to avoid the black business on their companies SIM-cards.

You can place a title on the first page of your daily news and criticizing all Tele-communication companies. If you want proof, you can go everywhere and can find a hundreds of SIM-cards without registration that are miss-used for some ill purposes.
Thanks for publishing this Letter,
Thank you
Mohamad Azim Saraj
Kabul, Afghanistan