Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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Security Situation Worries the Afghan Citizens

Dear Editor,
I am Nizamuddin from Maidan-e-Wordak province and one of the daily readers of your newspapers. I believe your newspaper leads the latest news in around the country with best updates about the current and future situation of the country. One thing that has not been under discussion much is the Security concern while this is one of the most concerning factor today in the country. We experience the worst security threat as of today, after the security responsibility has been transferred to the Afghan national army.

Witnessing the current political situation in the country, one can clearly observe the great leader (President Karzai) is not showing interest in controlling the security situation as he is supposed to. He comes with bundle of promises every time, but none of his promises was fulfilled yet.

People were expecting him to bring further peace in the country but it was in apposite. For his personal ill interest, he is making another war among the nation.

We have seen in the past two weeks our brothers have been under illegal attacks in Behsud district by Kuchis, but the president has not shown any interest upon the grave situation in there. Behsud have been under constant attacks with dozens of casualties and displacement in that area, yet the government keeps quite as of one of Kuchis major supporters.

The future seems the same as of people living in Behsud, steeped in bloodshed for the rest of us in every parts of the country as long as he rolls the nation. Being a Pashton, I strongly condemn Kuchis attacks on these innocent people. The government instead of improving the security situation is kindly requested not spoils the situation.

We have been suffering from the civil war in the last couple of years with worst ever consequences; we can't tolerate further bloodshed and killing of each other. Please put a concerning step to stop kuchis attacks and safe the lives of the people.

Respectfully Yours,
Nizamuddin Jalazai,
Maidan, Wordak