Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Hope for peace

Dear Editor,

Knowing that Afghans are tired of further bloodsheds and conflicts and disputes, the country's future seems peaceful and bright.

The hope that peace and democracy will rule in Afghanistan has not died in the hearts of Afghan people, despite the three decades of bloodshed. People of Afghanistan are great supporters of peace. They are sincere. But this sincerity has been used negatively by other countries of the world resulting in destruction of Afghanistan. War is good for few but severely harmful for many. Today Afghans have realized that they are being used against each other in a very systematic way. Therefore, they protest the interferences in their internal issues even from Islamic countries such as Iran.

Peace will definitely prevail in the lives of our coming generations and Afghanistan would appear as a fast developing country of the word. Knowing that Afghans are tired of further bloodsheds and conflicts and disputes, the country's future seems peaceful and bright. The Afghans have to be thankful to the international community which has put efforts to empower Afghans in getting rid of extremism, violence, brutality and terrorism.

Shagufta Yari,
Chahar Qala-Kabul