Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, January 25th, 2025

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Education Should be Given Priority

Dear Editor,
Today education should be the purpose of every Afghan youth. All the Afghans ought to send their children to schools because children are the assets of our country.

The government has to pay attention on making more and more schools and make specials plans for women education. Afghans have the talent to go forward and compete with the world. But without education we will remain backward and the world will continue categorizing our country as third world.

According to the Central Statistics Office, Afghanistan has population of approximately 22.5 million people and has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world. More than 11 million Afghans over the age of 15 cannot read or write. In rural areas, where three-fourths of all Afghans live, 90 percent of the women and more than 60 percent of the men are illiterate.

The real need of Afghan is education and development in Afghanistan largely depends upon an educated nation.

We need professionals in the fields of Engineering, Medical, Scientific Research and Information Technology, Teaching and other fields. Education has been emphasized in our religion too and is must for both man and woman. So, it is hereby brought to the attention of Afghans to let their children go schools.

The prime need of Afghanistan is education and we have to leave no stone unturned to seek knowledge.
Shaista Kamran
Kart-e-Parwan, Kabul