Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Traffic Problems Persist in Kabul

Dear Editor,

Due to large number of vehicles in Kabul, traffic jams have become a part of our lives. This is not only the fault of growing number of vehicles but also the traffic system and the roads are not adequate and proper. It is going to get warmer as the spring finishes and the summer is just to start. Since the traffic jams sometimes take long hours; therefore the lives of those who have to wait inside the cars, jeeps, buses etc will be at risk of diseases due to very hot weather conditions. Though many construction works going on in the Kabul city, there is much to be done.

The issues of traffic jams need quick consideration from government authorities but they seem to be sleeping like a log. After all Kabul is the capital city of Afghanistan and handsome amounts fund should be set aside for not only paving road but also beautifying this city. Repairing and construction the roads should be a top priority. And all the traffic rules and regulations should be implemented to avoid traffic jams.

Thank you

Mohammad Amin

Karte-Parwan, Kabul