Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Unbalanced Fund Allocation for Provinces

Dear Editor-in-chief,

Unfortunately our country does not seem to, in a little while; get better in terms of security, economy and social services as the indications are suggesting some more intolerable situations are likely to occur. The government of Afghanistan is regrettably practicing a wrong strategy in providing facilities to the nation and launching reconstruction projects in the provinces.

Security is clearly the most fundamental need for implementing reconstruction projects across the country and the idea is repetitively expressed by national and international relevant officials. But sorry to say I see the government of Afghanistan is not practicing the appropriate strategy needed to implement productive reconstruction projects. The ministry of finance has yet allocated bulk of the funds southern and south eastern Afghanistan, the most restive parts of Afghanistan. Looking into security role in productivity of the projects, the idea proves realistic that the failure of reconstruction process in the country is partially due to such wrong policies and practices of the government policy makers.

Serving Afghanistan needs the government officials, at least, act out policies respecting balance of reconstruction projects throughout the country if secured provinces' reconstruction is not put in first priority. The northern and central provinces of the country have been the safest since the establishment of the interim government 2001 but little has been done as part of reconstruction process for those living in northern, western and central Afghanistan, peaceful parts of the country.

I hope the government top policy makers bear the fact in mind that a balanced fund allocation is needed to serve the people all over the country and bring about peace and security or else the remaining peaceful parts of Afghanistan too will get insecure.

Best Regards

Ahmad Javed, Kabul university graduate

Mazare sharif