Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

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Unemployment Should be Concerned

Dear Editor,
Today the increase rate of unemployment in Afghanistan is driving into the main concerning factor, which has not been under concern of the government to full extend in the last few years despite everyday's ongoing harsh behaviors of the neighboring countries against our people and the extreme rate of Talibanization that is worse than unemployment.

Currently, Majority of Afghans have little access to clean water, job, job insurance, and regular income to run their daily life smoothly. The war-torn Afghanistan has experienced a crucial year in 2010 since the collapse of Taliban Regime in late 2001. One of the driving factors towards increasing instability, according to Afghans, is high rate of unemployment and poverty in the war-wrecked country.

May of those fighters joining Taliban insurgents are illiterate Tribal people, young seminarians, and low educated jobless youths.

"If I fail to find job, I would have no choice except to join Taliban or leave for Iran as I heard they (Taliban) may more stipend than the government," Said a jobless youth who was waiting for customer at a square in West of Kabul.

Like him, Hundreds of jobless Afghans are seen waiting from dawn to dusk at Kot-e- Sangy square, west of Kabul to be hired. They stand from early morning until the dark evening but return back home with empty handed and hungry. When there comes someone for a labor, dozens of people rush on him and finally the one will go with lowest wage.

A job-seeking man who introduced himself Alamdad emphasized that "no one would commit suicide unless he or she is fed-up with the miserable life or he has a job." The government is responsible to concern over this issue seriously.
Mohammad Esa Haidari
Darlaman, Kabul