Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

* Daily Outlook Afghanistan welcomes letters to editor from its readers. We value freedom of expression and publish all letters received. You can send your writings to mail {at} outlookafghanistan.com and outlookafghanistan {at} gmail.com

Insecurity is one of the Main Problem

Dear Editor,

I am sending this letter to bring to light the security situation in Afghanistan. As Afghanistan passing from its worst since 2001, the security is aggravating after every passing day, all the people throughout the country is worrying about their beloved country either it is Muslim or non-Muslim. I was very depressed after reading the news in your newspaper about the security problems which is being faced by the Hazaras in Central Afghanistan.
Government should guarantee the security of people and should do its best to provide the secure environment for every ethnic. This is not only problem for Hazaras but also for the other people too. Taliban is just 25km away from Kabul and people are afraid of traveling outside Kabul. It is difficult for the people who came from other areas in Kabul for work and they can not go to their home for long time due to security reason.

Best Regards

Ali Raza Karimi

Dehmazang, Kabul