Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

NATO Helicopter Crashes in Maidan Wardak, Killing 31 U.S. Troops

NATO Helicopter Crashes in Maidan Wardak, Killing 31 U.S. Troops

August 07, 2011

KABUL- A NATO helicopter crashed during a battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan, killing 31 U.S. soldiers and 7 Afghans, the Afghan president said on Saturday, a devastating toll and easily the worst single incident for foreign troops in 10 years of war. A brief statement from the presidential palace said the troop-carrying Chinook...

Afghan-Bound Trucks to Unload in Specified Destinations

Afghan-Bound Trucks to Unload in Specified Destinations

August 07, 2011

KABUL - The Afghan Commerce and Industries Ministry on Saturday said Afghan-bound trucks will unload in targeted destination, dismissing the possible unloading of trucks inside Pakistan. Based on the latest transit trade agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan, trucks could be unload in last specified destinations...

Taliban Excluded from Bonn Conference: Crocker

Taliban Excluded from Bonn Conference: Crocker

August 06, 2011

KABUL - The US Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker told a press conference on Thursday that Afghans would lead Bonn conference, but the Taliban are excluded in the conference.
In Istanbul conference that will be launched before Bonn conference all neighbors of Afghanistan would make commitment for peace and stability in Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker told reporters.Mr Crocker said after the neighbors' of Afghanistan make their pledges; the Taliban would be warned that they have no choice except

Instability in Pakistan Linked to Afghanistan: Gilani

Instability in Pakistan  Linked to Afghanistan: Gilani

August 06, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani Friday said that instability in the country's southwestern Baluchistan province and largest commercial city of Karachi was linked to instability in Afghanistan. Talking to reporters in eastern Multan city, he said that the situation in Baluchistan and Karachi was linked to the on-going fight ...

Afghanistan Ready to Include Pak in Taliban Talks

Afghanistan Ready to  Include Pak in Taliban Talks

August 06, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Afghanistan is ready to include Pakistan in the United States-led dialogue with Taliban in its efforts to move forward on the national reconciliation process aimed at stabilizing the Afghan society and ensuring peace in the region, Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesperson Janan Musazai has...

Mullah Omer Ready for Peace Talks: Peace Council

Mullah Omer Ready for Peace Talks: Peace Council

August 06, 2011

KABUL - The Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omer is willing to join the Afghan peace process, the Afghan High Peace Council said on Friday.The Council said there is optimism that the Taliban's willingness to hold peace talks will increase, adding that direct and indirect contacts were being made with the...

Al Qaeda Remains Threat: Panetta

Al Qaeda Remains Threat: Panetta

August 06, 2011

WASHINGTON - Despite being badly damaged, the Al Qaeda network continues to poses a threat to the United States, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said."Even though we've badly damaged Al Qaeda and their ability to conduct attacks in this country, the fact is that they still remain a threat," Panetta told reporters at his maiden news ...

Karzai, Wounded Himself Politically: ICG

Karzai, Wounded  Himself Politically: ICG

August 04, 2011

KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai "shot himself in the foot and wounded himself politically" at the first place by forming special tribunal and cutting off communications with the parliament."Karzai has shot himself in the foot and wounded himself politically by cutting off his communications with parliament, by building the special court in order to prosecute people who may or may not have committed crimes along the way with the election process," Candace...

Germany Ready to Host 2nd Bonn Conference

Germany Ready to Host 2nd Bonn Conference

August 04, 2011

KABUL - The German special representative for the region has announced his country's readiness to host the second Bonn conference on Afghanistan, officials said on Wednesday. Michael Steiner, Germany's special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, expressed this willingness at a meeting with Foreign Minister Dr. Zalmai ...

Dushanbe to Train Afghan Drug Control Officers

Dushanbe to Train Afghan  Drug Control Officers

August 04, 2011

DUSHANBE Eights officers from the Afghan Ministry of Interior are currently taking training course in Dushanbe on using i2 software solutions for investigation of drug-trafficking crimes.
Officers from the Sweden National Criminal Police are conducting the training for Afghan police officers at the Drug Control Agency...

MTN Ramadan Gold Offer: We Strongly Believes in Honoring our Loyal Customers

MTN Ramadan  Gold Offer:  We Strongly  Believes in Honoring our Loyal Customers

August 04, 2011

MTNA strongly believes in honoring its loyal customers and to benefit them with highly rewarding offers to make them a true winner in every walk of life, in continuation of its efforts MTNA brought yet another exciting offer for its customers which will surely make them feel double the happiness during the holy month of Ramadan filled with ...

WJ Passes Law on Extradition Law

WJ Passes Law  on Extradition Law

August 04, 2011

KABUL - The ""'Wolesi Jirga, or lower house of the Parliament, passed on Wednesday a 51-article law on exchanging criminals with countries that have extradition treaties with Afghanistan. Under the law, the government in Kabul will deliver an Afghan citizen accused of a committing crime or convicted in a foreign country, said ...

4th Trilateral Meeting of Af-Pak-US Core Group

4th Trilateral  Meeting of Af-Pak-US Core Group

August 04, 2011

KABUL – Senior-level delegations from Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States held the fourth meeting of their trilateral core group in Islamabad on Monday. Deputy Foreign Minister, Jawed Ludin, who led the Afghan delegation, also held bilateral meetings with the Pakistani Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, and Foreign Secretary...

Etisalat Afghanistan Announces Winners of Facebook Sweepstakes Offer

Etisalat Afghanistan Announces Winners  of Facebook  Sweepstakes Offer

August 04, 2011

KABUL - As part of its ongoing efforts to bring the latest offerings to its customers that can give them the best value for money and an access to the world-class technology, Etisalat Afghanistan today announced the winners of Facebook sweepstakes offer through a ceremony held at a local restaurant in Kabul. The role of social networking has become ...

Poland Supports Afghan-Led Peace Process

Poland Supports  Afghan-Led  Peace Process

August 03, 2011

KABUL - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski on Tuesday said his country was ready to support the Afghan-led peace process and would continue its assistances beyond 2014, when the withdrawal of foreign troops complete.
At a joint conference with his Afghan counterpart, Zalmay Rassoul, Sikorski said his country would sign an agreement with the Afghan government regarding economic support in the...

ANSF Prepared for Second Phase of Transition: MoI

ANSF Prepared for Second Phase of Transition: MoI

August 03, 2011

>KABUL - A senior official in Ministry of Interior Affairs said on Tuesday that Afghan security forces are ready for the second phase of security handover and to take over security from international troops.
In the first stage of the security transition process to Afghan lead, ...

Islamabad Holds Fourth Round of US-Afghan-Pak Trilateral Talks

Islamabad Holds Fourth Round of US-Afghan-Pak Trilateral Talks

August 03, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Top Afghan, Pakistani and U.S. diplomats will hold trilateral meeting here later Tuesday to discuss peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan, officials and diplomats said.
The trilateral Core Group, which has been established to promote the process of reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan, has held three ...

‘Iran’s Exports to Afghanistan Hit $1.3bn’

‘Iran’s Exports  to Afghanistan  Hit $1.3bn’

August 02, 2011

TEHRAN - Iran's Ambassador to Kabul Fada Hossein Maleki says the volume of the Islamic Republic's annual exports to Afghanistan has hit USD 1.3 billion, reported Press TV with reference to IRNA.
"The volume of Iran's exports to Afghanistan has increased from USD 300 million to USD 1.3 billion a year," Maleki told IRNA on Monday.
The Iranian envoy added that food products and goods in families' consumption baskets are the main items exported from Iran to its ...

India, Afghanistan to Strengthen Cooperation in Media and Communication

India, Afghanistan to Strengthen Cooperation in Media and Communication

August 02, 2011

NEW DELHI - A delegation from the Afghanistan Information and Culture Ministry called Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry Secretary Raghu Menon here today.
The delegation's visit comes in the backdrop of the "Memorandum of Understanding on Information and Broadcasting sectors" signed ...

Pakistan, Poland for Stable and Peaceful Afghanistan

Pakistan, Poland  for Stable and Peaceful Afghanistan

August 02, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan and Poland on Monday exchanged views on Afghanistan and counter-terrorism and expressed their commitment to a stable and peaceful Afghanistan. According to a Joint Statement issued by the Foreign Office, following the meeting between Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski and Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani ...

October Deadline for Withdrawal: Mullen

October Deadline for Withdrawal: Mullen

August 02, 2011

KABUL - The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has been ordered to submit a plan by mid-October for the initial withdrawal of American troops, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Sunday. That plan may hinge in part on whether the latest surge in attacks continues through the holy month of ...

Ramadan, Month of Worship, Forgiveness, Generosity: De Mistura

Ramadan, Month of Worship,  Forgiveness, Generosity: De Mistura

August 02, 2011

>KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) congratulates all Muslim Afghans inside and outside Afghanistan on the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month of worship, forgiveness, generosity and doing good...

Ramadan, a Time of Intense Devotion, Prayer: Ryan Crocker

Ramadan, a Time of Intense  Devotion, Prayer: Ryan Crocker

August 02, 2011

KABUL - Today I join with all Muslims around the world in welcoming the beginning of Ramadan and wishing you a blessed month. Ramadan Karim. Ramadan is a time of intense devotion, prayer and reflection on the Islamic faith, and on Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human...

Ramadan, a Month for Contemplation and Compassion: Australian FM

Ramadan, a Month for Contemplation and Compassion: Australian FM

August 02, 2011

ISLAMABAD - Foreign Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd has extended his warm wishes to Muslims in Australia and around the world for the holy month of Ramadan. According to the message released by Australian High Commission here on Monday, Rudd said, "I extend my warm wishes to Muslims in Australia and around the world for the holy month ...

NDS, Foreign Ministry Deputies are Refused Senate Hearing

NDS, Foreign Ministry Deputies are Refused  Senate Hearing

August 01, 2011

KABUL - The upper house of Parliament or ""'Meshrano Jirga on Sunday refused to allow the deputy foreign minister and deputy intelligence chief to brief senators.The two were to discuss Afghanistan's security situation and the proposed strategic cooperation agreement with the US on behalf of the foreign minister and the intelligence chief.
Last Sunday, the upper house summoned the acting intelligence chief, Rahmatullah Nabil, national security...

First Phase of Security Transition Completed: Ghani

First Phase of  Security Transition Completed: Ghani

August 01, 2011

KABUL - The second, third and fourth phase of the security transition process had begun and a clear cut policy in this regard would be worked out in next three months, said head of the transition process on Sunday. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai told a meeting of the National Security Council, chaired by President Hamid Karzai at the presidential palace, that the...

President Karzai Accepted Spokesman’s Resignation

President Karzai  Accepted Spokesman’s Resignation

August 01, 2011

KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai has accepted the resignation of his spokesman, his office said in a statement Sunday. Wahid Omer, who had been in the post for 18 months, had the tough job of managing Karzai's relations with Afghan and international media amid increasing violence in Afghanistan and tense ties between Karzai and ...

EU Renews Commitment to Peace in Afghanistan

EU Renews  Commitment to Peace in Afghanistan

August 01, 2011

KABUL - The European Union Delegation in Afghanistan on Sunday reiterated its commitment to the Afghans, saying its efforts were aimed bringing peace to the country."On behalf of the Delegation of the European Union in Afghanistan, I wish to extend my best wishes on the commencement of the holy month of Ramadan," the EU special ...

Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai: Challenges Hurdle Transition Process

 Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai: Challenges Hurdle  Transition Process

July 31, 2011

KABUL - There are challenges and perils facing security handover process in the country, chief of transition process said on Saturday. Afghanistan still fails to find its moral, political, social and economic gravity centres, Transition Chief Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai said at a session.
Participants in the session, landscape of peace and assessment of the current situation in Afghanistan, which was attended by a number of MPs, representatives of right groups...

Anxiety Among US Troops for Pay Defaults

Anxiety Among  US Troops for Pay  Defaults

July 31, 2011

KANDAHAR - It is unclear if the United States will be able to pay troops on time in the event of a debt default, the top U.S. military officer told troops in Afghanistan on Saturday. Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Pentagon officials were working hard to plan for a

Defense Ministry Official Accused of Leaks to Taliban

Defense Ministry Official Accused of Leaks to Taliban

July 31, 2011

KABUL - A senior Defense Ministry official who allegedly leaked secrets that helped the Taliban stage suicide attacks in Kabul has been arrested by the Afghan Intelligence Service, one of three high profile arrests announced Saturday by the agency. An agency spokesman also said ...

Afghanistan, Tajikistan Stress Regional Integration

Afghanistan, Tajikistan Stress  Regional Integration

July 31, 2011

KABUL - Afghanistan and Tajikistan have stressed the need for greater regional integration through implementation of economic projects and expansion of road and rail links, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul said on ...

Large Portion of Afghan Drug Money Goes to Traffickers: UN

Large Portion of Afghan Drug Money Goes to Traffickers: UN

July 31, 2011

KABUL - A top UN anti-drugs official said on Friday that most of the Afghan drug money goes into the pockets of traffickers, stressing that strict border control will help curtail the illicit trade.
Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said in an introduction to a new study, Global Afghan Opium ...

German FM Guido Westerwelle: Afghan Political Process Will Lead to Peaceful Solution

German FM Guido Westerwelle: Afghan Political Process  Will Lead to Peaceful Solution

July 30, 2011

>KABUL - At an exclusive interview with Tolo news, German Foreign Minister said Afghan reconciliation and reintegration process would result in a positive outcome. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle reassured that the German government would not forget Afghanistan beyond the year 2014, when security transition to Afghan lead is expected to be completed. Mr Guido Westerwelle said there might have been some setbacks in the transition process, but he said he thinks there has been progress in ...

Foreign Troops Won't Interfere in Afghan-Controlled Regions: Azimi

Foreign Troops Won't Interfere in Afghan-Controlled Regions: Azimi

July 28, 2011

KABUL - International troops would not intervene in security affairs of the regions that have been transitioned to Afghan forces, a top official in Afghan defense ministry said on Wednesday.
Addressing a press conference Defense Ministry Spokesman Gen. Zaher Azimi said Afghan army has the necessary capacity and strength to ensure security in first handover ...