Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

EU Warns Karzai on Corruption in Afghanistan

EU Warns Karzai on  Corruption in Afghanistan

May 02, 2012

European Union special representative to Afghanistan Vygaudas Usackas said Tuesday that future development aid for Afghanistan is fully dependent on good governance and fighting corruption.Dim lights EmbedUsackas told TOLOnews that billions of dollars had come to Afghanistan to assist in its development, but the Afghan government had failed to provide good and transparent governance.The Salang Highway, Afghanistan's main transit route between the north and south of the country, closed again Sunday night because of heavy snow, officials ...

US to Release Osama Documents: Bernnan

US to Release Osama Documents: Bernnan

May 02, 2012

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration plans to release this week some of the documents US Navy commandoes seized from Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden's hideout in Pakistan last year, a top official said on Monday.
US commandos unearthed the documents when they raided Osama's safe haven in Pakistan's northwestern city of Abbottabad last year. While ...

Obama Arrives Afghanistan Amid Tight Security

Obama Arrives Afghanistan  Amid Tight Security

May 02, 2012

KABUL - U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Kabul on Tuesday amid tight security for an unannounced visit, Afghan officials said. During his trip to Kabul, the U.S. president is expected to sign a strategic agreement with Afghanistan, unnamed Afghan government officials were quoted as ...

Third Phase of Transition will Need more Cooperation: Mohammadi

Third Phase of  Transition will Need more Cooperation: Mohammadi

May 02, 2012

KABUL - The third phase of the security transition from NATO to Afghan security forces will face severe challenges if the two do not fully cooperate with each other, Interior Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi said Tuesday.
"Cooperation between Afghan security force and NATO is weak in ...

Strategic Ties with Afghanistan will be Strengthened Further: Singh

Strategic Ties with Afghanistan  will be Strengthened Further: Singh

May 02, 2012

NEW DELHI – Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh conveyed India's "unwavering commitment" to assisting Afghanistan in its efforts to build a peaceful, democratic and prosperous country and hoped the strategic bilateral partnership would be further strengthened in the critical period ahead.
The assurance was given by the Prime Minister when Afghan Foreign ...

ANF, NCA Ask for Legitimate Elections

ANF, NCA Ask  for Legitimate Elections

May 01, 2012

KABUL - Yesterday, in the presence of the leaders of the Afghanistan National Front (ANF) and the National Coalition of Afghanistan (NCA) both the opposition alliances issued a joint statement expressed their views and the concerns about the upcoming Presidential and provincial councils' elections.
Faizullah Zaki and the Fazal Rehman Oriya the spokespersons of the ANF and the NCA respectively read the Dari and the Pashto version of the joint statement in a crowded one agenda press conference. The transcript of the press statement issued by the two strong anti Karzai ...

MPs Want Lodin to Explain Remarks on Trust Vote

MPs Want Lodin to Explain Remarks on Trust Vote

May 01, 2012

He asked when the Wolesi Jirga did not take action against the corrupt ministers, what the upper house could do against them.

Mohammad Arif Rahmani, a lawmaker from southern Ghazni province, said what Lodin had told the house was an insult to the Wolesi Jirga. He urged asking the legislature to summon him to explain his ...

Early US Withdrawal will Increase Chaos: Khalilzad

Early US Withdrawal will Increase Chaos: Khalilzad

May 01, 2012

KABUL - Former US Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad said that insurgency and chaos could increase if foreign forces withdraw before Afghanistan is ready.
Khalilzad stressed in an exclusive interview with Tolonews Monday that an early withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan would be a ...

Gen. Allen Calls for Strengthening ANSF

Gen. Allen Calls for Strengthening ANSF

May 01, 2012

PUL-I-ALAM - The top NATO commander in Afghanistan on Monday underlined the need for enhanced coordination among Afghan security forces.
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Commander Gen. John R. Allen issued the call during a visit to central Logar province, where he ...

Bismillah Mohammadi, Interior Minister : Attacks to Intensify

Bismillah Mohammadi, Interior Minister : Attacks to Intensify

April 30, 2012

KABUL - The Afghan interior minister warned on Sunday that militants, being aided by regional spy agencies and terrorist groups, could step up their attacks in the build-up to the Chicago summit in May.
Bismillah Mohammadi issued the warning while deposing before the Meshrano Jirga, or upper house of parliament, after the defense commission head, Ali Akbar Jamshidi, said the security situation in the country was fast deteriorating.
In a reference to recent coordinated assaults in Kabul and three ...

No Fresh US-Taliban Talks: MoFA

No Fresh  US-Taliban Talks: MoFA

April 30, 2012

KABUL - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday said there is no truth in a British media report that revealed the Taliban movement and the US government had resumed stalled peace talks.
On Saturday, without naming any officials, Britain's Channel Four reported that high-ranking Taliban leaders and US officials had ...

Taliban Deny Holding New Talks with US

Taliban Deny Holding New Talks with US

April 30, 2012

KABUL - Taliban on Sunday denied that they had resumed talks with the United States, while the Afghan government insisted that the peace process was "on track".
The Taliban, who last month broke off contacts with the US in Qatar, said they would not resume talks "until the Americans take constructive steps and fulfill promises which were agreed upon for ...

NSC Meeting Discusses Strategic Cooperation with Australia, Germany and Norway

NSC Meeting  Discusses Strategic  Cooperation with Australia, Germany and Norway

April 30, 2012

KABUL –The meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) on Sunday, chaired by President Karzai was dedicated, among other issues, for talks on the draft agreements of strategic cooperation with Germany, Norway and Australia.
The meeting participated by senior government officials including the ...

‘Only Afghan Leadership can Resolve Afghanistan Issue’: Munter

‘Only Afghan Leadership can  Resolve Afghanistan Issue’: Munter

April 30, 2012

LAHORE - US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter on Saturday said that only Afghan leadership could resolve the Afghanistan issue and Pakistan and the United States could only give it a helping hand.
The ambassador was talking to media at the second annual dinner of the American Business Forum at Royal Palm Golf and Country ...

Next Presidential Election Schedule, As Per Constitution: IEC

Next Presidential  Election Schedule,  As Per Constitution: IEC

April 29, 2012

KABUL - The latest draft of the electoral law has overhauled the previous draft by more than 50 percent, head of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) Fazel Ahmad Mahnawi said Saturday.
Mahnawi said that major election challenges have been tackled with the latest amendments which had been called for by electoral law analysts, including the Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA).
"The difference between the previous draft of the electoral law and the new one is 50 percent," he said at a press conference in Kabul.

"We've witnessed major challenges in previous elections but ...

Afghan, Pakistan, US Review Peace Efforts

Afghan, Pakistan,  US Review  Peace Efforts

April 29, 2012

KABUL - Top officials from Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States held the sixth meeting of their trilateral Core Group on Friday in Islamabad.
A Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement on Saturday said the meeting reviewed developments related to the Afghan-led peace and reconciliation process, and the continued role that Pakistan and US ...

Strategic Accord a Major Success: John Kerry

Strategic Accord  a Major Success: John Kerry

April 29, 2012

KABUL - US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, who met President Hamid Karzai at the Presidential Place in Kabul, on Saturday said making the proposed strategic agreement ready to be signed by leaders of the two countries was a major success.
A statement issued from the Presidential Place quoted Kerry as ...

Govt. has No Commitment to Fight Terrorism: Ahmad Zia

Govt. has No  Commitment to Fight  Terrorism: Ahmad Zia

April 29, 2012

KABUL - Leader of the Afghan opposition party Afghanistan National Front (ANF) claimed Saturday that the Afghan government had no political commitment in fighting against terrorism, evidenced by discussion of forming a coalition with the Taliban.
Speaking in at the 20th anniversary of the Mujahidin victory day, head of the National Front Ahmad Zia Massoud said that the Afghan government ...

WJ Criticized for Not Celebrating Mujahedeen’s Day

WJ Criticized  for Not Celebrating Mujahedeen’s Day

April 29, 2012

KABUL - Several Wolesi Jirga members on Saturday strongly criticized the government for not "enthusiastically" celebrating the Mujahideen's Victory Day, saying the lukewarm response on the day was an insult to the values of jihad.
The day was commemorated in Kabul on Wednesday in a ceremony, attended ...

WB to Offer Afghanistan $1b for Next 3 Years: Official

WB to Offer  Afghanistan $1b for Next 3 Years: Official

Sunday April 29

KABUL - The World Bank (WB) would provide Afghanistan $1 billion in assistance under its new three-year policy, an official said on Saturday.
The new policy was announced by the bank's vice president for South Asia, Isabel M. Guerrero, who presided over a forum held on the sidelines of spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ...

U.S., Pak, Afghanistan Consider Safe Passage for Taliban Militants

U.S., Pak, Afghanistan  Consider Safe Passage for Taliban Militants

April 28, 2012

ISLAMABAD - United States, Pakistan and Afghanistan said they would explore ways to arrange safe passage for Afghan Taliban militants who wish to engage in peace talks, officials from the three countries said on Friday.
While not yet making an iron-clad guarantee, officials told a news conference in Islamabad they would form a group of experts to consider the proposal.
"We need to be able to find them, those who are willing to talk wherever they are," Afghan deputy foreign minister Jawed Luddin

We Should Defend Afghanistan at Any Price: Karimi

We Should Defend Afghanistan at Any Price: Karimi

April 28, 2012

ABUL - Chief of Army Staff, General Sher Mohammad Karimi, called on his countrymen to be prepared to defend Afghanistan at any cost if peace negotiations do not bring the desired results.
Afghan security forces must be ready to fight against any threat in ...

Zakhilwal to Hold High-Powered Talks in US

Zakhilwal to  Hold High-Powered Talks in US

April 28, 2012

KABUL - Afghanistan Finance Minister Dr. Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal will hold high-level talks with his foreign counterparts in Washington to lay the groundwork for the forthcoming Chicago Summit and the Tokyo Conference.
He will be leading a delegation to Washington to attend the World ...

Pakistan Would Be Supportive of Any Political Solution for Peace in Afghanistan: Khar

Pakistan Would Be  Supportive of Any Political Solution for Peace in  Afghanistan: Khar

April 28, 2012

ISLAMABAD – Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin called on Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar on Friday. He was accompanied, among others, by Mr. Masoom Stanakzai, Head of High Peace Council Secretariat and Ambassador Umer Daudzai. Foreign Minister Khar was assisted by Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani and ...

Russia against Artificial Afghan Exit Timetable

Russia against  Artificial Afghan  Exit Timetable

April 28, 2012

KABUL - Russia on Friday said it was against the artificial determination of any timetables for coalition forces' withdrawal from Afghanistan, asking the international community to boost the fighting ability of Afghan forces.
"Our fundamental position is that the foreign military presence ...

WB Commits to Sustained Engagement

WB Commits  to Sustained  Engagement

April 28, 2012

WASHINGTON - The World Bank's (WB) Board of Directors Thursday discussed its Interim Strategy Note (ISN) for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan which provides a sustained commitment and vision to the country's development through the period of transition and ...

Pak Greets Afghanistan on Revolution Day

Pak Greets  Afghanistan on  Revolution Day

April 28, 2012

KABUL – Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani have sent greeting messages to President Hamid Karzai and the Afghan nation at the occasion of Afghanistan's Revolution Day falling on 27th April ...

Afghanistan Must Improve Governance: EU

Afghanistan Must  Improve Governance: EU

Thursday April 26

KABUL - The European Union said Afghanistan policy makers need to improve the nation's governance as it would be crucial denominator, when international community decides on future funding for the turmoil-plagued country.
In Brussels, Vyguadas Usackas, EU Special Representative and Head of Delegation, told the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament that Tokyo Conference in July, would largely focus on governance and development, before deciding their long-term commitment to Afghanistan.
"The Afghan government should take action before and after Tokyo ...

Afghanistan Seeks Indian Help in Water Infrastructure

Afghanistan Seeks  Indian Help in Water Infrastructure

Thursday April 26

NEW DEHLI - With long years of conflict reducing the area under irrigation, Afghanistan is looking for assistance from India and other "friendly countries" in building its water infrastructure and management, says visiting Energy and Water Minister Alhaj M. Ismail.
Ismail, who met Water Resources Minister Pawan Bansal during his ...

Bryce Promises Increased Assistance to Uruzgan

Bryce Promises Increased Assistance to Uruzgan

Thursday April 26

TIRINKOT - The visiting governor-general of Australia on Wednesday met with troops from her country in central Uruzgan province, promising improved assistance toward the province's education sector.
Quentin Bryce, accompanied by the Australian ambassador to Afghanistan, also called on the Governor Amir Mohammad Akhunzada at his office in ...

Afghan Electoral Law Needs Amendments: FEFA

Afghan Electoral Law  Needs Amendments: FEFA

Thursday April 26

KABUL - Afghanistan will face fresh challenges if its electoral law is not revised and reviewed by the Afghan parliament, the chief of Free and Fair Election Foundation for Afghanistan (FEFA) Jandad Spinghar said Tuesday.
Spinghar said at a press conference in Kabul that the Afghan electoral law is very basic and that major amendments are needed to clarify the ...

US, Pak, Afghan Hold Core Group Meeting

US, Pak, Afghan  Hold Core Group Meeting

Thursday April 26

ISLAMABAD - A high-level group of Afghan, Pakistani and American officials will meet on Thursday for the first time since September last year for talks on the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan, including efforts to involve the Taliban in negotiations.
The work of the "Core Group" of the three countries was ...

Marshal Qasim Fahim, First Vice President: Fade UP with this Type of Government

Marshal Qasim Fahim, First Vice President: Fade UP with this Type of Government

April 25, 2012

Speaking to a gathering on the occasion of the introduction of Salahuddin Rabbabni as the new chief for the High Peace Council on Tuesday, Afghan First Vice President, Fahim Qasim, commented on the efforts at peace in the country, saying that demands from the different political parties were threatening the future peace and security of Afghanistan.
He said with each political party prescribing a solution for Afghanistan, they have failed to address the most important things which should come first like "hospitals and hospital ...

US, Afghan Officials Studying Long-Term Agreement: Panetta

US, Afghan  Officials Studying Long-Term  Agreement: Panetta

April 25, 2012

ASHINGTON - Officials from the US and Afghanistan are studying a "tentative" agreement on a strategic partnership between the two nations post 2014, the White House and Defense Department said Tuesday, confirming that the agreement "finalized" on Sunday was by no means final.
"For the United States, that will mean review by the ...

Rabbani Calls on Insurgents to Renounce Violence

Rabbani Calls  on Insurgents to  Renounce Violence

April 25, 2012

KABUL - The new head of Afghanistan's High Peace Council called on insurgent groups to renounce violence at his inauguration ceremony in Kabul on Tuesday.
Salahuddin Rabbani was officially installed as chairman of the council, which has had no chief since the assassination of its former leader and Salahuddin's father, Burhanuddin Rabbani, in September last ...