Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

US Hails Istanbul Declaration on Afghanistan

US Hails Istanbul Declaration on Afghanistan

November, 05 2011

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has welcomed the declaration adopted by Afghanistan's neighbours, promising to respect the sovereignty of the country and work toward its security and stability.
"They have endorsed Afghan priorities, including Afghan-led reconciliation, transition to Afghan security leadership and regionally ...

Afghan Peace to Strengthen Stability in the Entire Region

Afghan Peace to Strengthen Stability in the Entire Region

November, 05 2011

NEW YORK - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stressed that establishing peace in Afghanistan will strengthen stability in the entire region and lauded regional efforts to find ways to enhance security in the Asian country as it prepares for the transition with the pull out of foreign forces in the next two ...

New Political Party comes into Being

New Political Party comes into Being

November, 05 2011

KABUL - Former interior minister Muhammad Hanif Atmar on Thursday launched a new political party, saying the Right and Justice group would stand by the people and work for promoting their interests.
While announcing the party's launch at a news conference, he said the president was authorised to call a traditional Loya Jirga any time to ...

Pakistan to Give Military Training to Afghan Army

Pakistan to Give Military Training to Afghan Army

November, 05 2011

ISLAMABAD - The Pakistan army will train the Afghan National Army and police under trilateral pacts signed at the 6th Trilateral Summit held in Istanbul, local media reported Friday.
Quoting Foreign Office spokesperson Tehmina Janjua, The News reported that Pakistan signed a protocol with Afghanistan and Turkey on conduct ...

Disengaging Assistance to Afghanistan, Pakistan Undermines US Interests: Clinton

Disengaging Assistance to Afghanistan, Pakistan Undermines US Interests: Clinton

November, 05 2011

WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday that disengaging civilian assistance to Afghanistan and Pakistan undermines US interests in the region ahead of Washington's decision to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.
Clinton said in a statement that the civilian surge in Afghanistan ...

29 Nations Pledge to Work Together for Afghan Peace

29 Nations Pledge to Work Together for Afghan Peace

November, 03 2011

ISTANBUL - An international conference on the future of Afghanistan concluded on Wednesday with 29 nations and international agencies pledging to work together in various areas and to follow up in the Afghan capital of Kabul in 2012. The "İstanbul Conference for Afghanistan: Security and Cooperation in the Heart of Asia," hosted by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, brought together regional leaders on Wednesday to find ways to improve security and economic development in ...

Regional Framework Needed for Afghanistan: India

Regional Framework Needed for Afghanistan: India

November, 03 2011

KABUL - India on Wednesday called for a regional framework for stabilizing Afghanistan and ruled out competition as it pressed for collective action in combating terrorism and religious extremism.
"India supports the aims and objectives of this Conference: to ...

Karzai Hosts Dinner for Zardari

Karzai Hosts Dinner for Zardari

November, 03 2011

ISTANBUL - President Hamid Karzai hosted a dinner in honor of President Asif Ali Zardari here on Tuesday after the Trilateral Summit concluded in Istanbul. President Karzai received President Zardari warmly. Other members of the delegation of both the countries who earlier participated in the Trilateral Summit hosted by Turkish President ...

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey to Have Joint Military Drills

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey to Have Joint Military Drills

November, 03 2011

ISTANBUL - Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Istanbul on conducting joint military exercises. Pakistan and Afghanistan also agreed on setting up a joint mechanism to investigate the assassination of former president Prof. Burhanuddin ...

Afghanistan Needs Pakistan’s Support on Reconciliation: US

Afghanistan Needs Pakistan’s Support on Reconciliation: US

November 03, 2011

WASHINGTON: As diplomats from regional countries converged on Istanbul to mull a viable way forward in Afghanistan, the United States recognized that Kabul needs support of its eastern neighbor Pakistan to propel forward the reconciliation process. "It's always been our view, and it's certainly always been Afghanistan's view, that an ....

Karzai Seeks Neighbors’ Help in Terror Fight

Karzai Seeks Neighbors’ Help in Terror Fight

November 03, 2011

ISTANBUL - Taliban and other militant leaders could join the peace process if they gave up violence, severed ties with Al Qaeda and returned to a peaceful life under the Afghan Constitution, President Hamid Karzai said on Wednesday. "However, as recent setbacks have indicated, the peace process will not succeed unless we are able to get ...

Pentagon Rules out Change in Afghan Strategy

Pentagon Rules out Change in Afghan Strategy

November, 03 2011

WASHINGTON - Despite a series of militant attacks in Kabul, the Pentagon has ruled out any change in its Afghan strategy, saying such assaults are targeted to have more of a psychological impact as the Taliban are actually on the run. "The focus remains on transition to Afghan security lead in other areas of the country and they (the Taliban) are feeling the heat ...

US Should Talk to Afghan Neighbors: Kissinger

US Should Talk to Afghan Neighbors: Kissinger

November, 03 2011

KABUL - Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger has proposed the Obama administration should first hold talks with Afghanistan's neighboring countries before negotiating with the Taliban.
Speaking at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Centre, Kissinger said: "I have no objection in principle to negotiating ...

Iran Opposes U.S.-Afghanistan Strategic Agreement

Iran Opposes U.S.-Afghanistan Strategic Agreement

November, 03 2011

BAKU - Iran is against signing a strategic agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan, IRNA quoted Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi as saying in Istanbul on Wednesday.
Salehi stressed that U.S. and NATO's plans are ill-considered, ...

UK Supports Turkish Peace Initiative

UK Supports Turkish Peace Initiative

November 03, 2011

ISTANBUL - The United Kingdom on Wednesday supported the peace process initiated by Turkey, saying stability in the region, especially in Afghanistan, was important.
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for South Asia Alistair Burt, also a participant of the Istanbul Conference, urged the international ...

China Supports Development Paths, Chosen By Afghan People

China Supports Development Paths, Chosen By Afghan People

November 03, 2011

BEIJING - China supports the development path, chosen by the Afghan people and backs comprehensive economic reconstruction there, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei at a press conference on Wednesday. Responding to a question on Regional Conference being held by Turkey in Istanbul to ensure peace, development and security in ...

Declaration of Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan Held on November 02, 2011

Declaration of Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan Held on November 02, 2011

November, 03 2011

We have convened in İstanbul on 2 November 2011, under the leadership of H. E. Mr. Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and H. E. Mr. Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey, and at the joint invitation ...

WJ Sets Demands for Istanbul Conference

WJ Sets Demands for Istanbul Conference

November, 02 2011

KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga's Defense Commission on Tuesday set a number of demands for the regional cooperation conference in Istanbul due on November 2.
The commission demanded of participating countries to pursue peaceful policy, asked neighboring countries to stop meddling in Afghanistan's internal affairs, respect to Afghanistan's sovereignty, co-existence, end to political hypocrisy and good neighborhood, the commission chairperson Shukria Barakzai told a press ...

Turkey to Join Investigation on Rabbani Assassination

Turkey to Join Investigation on Rabbani Assassination

November, 02 2011

ISTANBUL - Turkey will take part in a three-nation commission that will try to shed light on the Sept. 20 assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, the former chief of Afghanistan's High Peace Council, the Hürriyet Daily News has learned. The breakthrough came at the ongoing Istanbul Forum ...

India, China Should Play Constructive Role in Afghanistan: US

India, China Should Play Constructive Role in Afghanistan: US

November, 02 2011

KABUL - Ahead of the crucial Istanbul conference on Afghanistan, the United States has said it wants India and China to play a "constructive role" in bringing long-term peace to the war-torn country.
"We've talked with both capitals about very constructive roles that they can play," a senior Obama administration official ...

Pakistan Almost Agree with All US Demands:Gilani

Pakistan Almost Agree with All US Demands:Gilani

November, 02 2011

ISLAMABAD - Pakistani Prime Minister, Yosuf Raza Gilani ,has said that at meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to Pakistan, the two leaders 'almost agreed' on all points demanded by the Americans. Pakistan is ready to support any initiative by Afghanistan for reconciliation, Gilani said in an interview to ...

Afghanistan Doesn’t Need New Security Structure: Pak

Afghanistan Doesn’t Need New Security Structure: Pak

November, 02 2011

ISALAMABAD - Pakistan on Tuesday said the world community should focus on implementing existing mechanisms for regional peace and security instead of floating proposals for creating a new security structure for the war-torn ...

Gul Offers Karzai Cooperation in Mining Sector

Gul Offers Karzai Cooperation in Mining Sector

November, 02 2011

KABUL - Turkish President Abdullah Gul, promising greater economic cooperation with the landlocked country, said on Tuesday he would send a team of experts to Afghanistan for extraction of mines.
At a meeting with President Hamid Karzai in Istanbul, Gul said Turkish companies wanted to invest in the area of extraction of mines ...

Istanbul Conference ShouldAddress Economic, Security Needs

Istanbul Conference ShouldAddress Economic, Security Needs

November, 02 2011

KABUL - National and international development and humanitarian aid agencies working in Afghanistan on Tuesday said it was essential that social, economic and security needs of ordinary Afghan men, women and children were at the forefront of the agenda of Istanbul conference. The joint statement was issued by Action Contre ...

weapAfghans Ready forSecurity Switch in North

weapAfghans Ready forSecurity Switch in North

November, 02 2011

MAZAR-I-SHARIF - Security officials in the north on Tuesday said they were ready for the second phase of security transition.
Lal Mohammad Ahmadzai, the 303rd Pamir Police Zone spokesman, told reporters that security forces had launched 25 independent and 36 ...

US, UNCondemn KandaharAttack

US, UNCondemn KandaharAttack

November, 02 2011

WASHINGTON - The United States and the United Nations on Monday condemned the attack on a UN office in southern Kandahar province, vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice.
A group of suicide assailants, armed with heavy and light weapons, attacked the United Nation Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in the second police district of Kandahar City a day ...

UN Urges Investment in Afghan Girls, Women

UN Urges Investment in Afghan Girls, Women

November, 01 2011

KABUL - With the world population set to reach seven billion people, the United Nations on Monday called for focus on Afghan girls' health and education, calling the spending the smartest investments a country can make.
In a report, the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) said people less than 25 years old mad up almost 70 percent of Afghanistan's total population. With health, education and opportunities, girls and women could contribute fully to their societies and help ...

Karzai Participates in a Trilateral Summit in Turkey

Karzai Participates in a Trilateral Summit in Turkey

November, 01 2011

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai left Kabul for Turkey on Monday to participate in the Istanbul conference on bringing security and economic stability to Afghanistan, an official said. Several Cabinet ministers, advisors to the president and journalists are accompanying Karzai on the trip, a spokesman for the Ministry of

ANSF Replace Americans on Baghlan Bases

ANSF Replace Americans on Baghlan Bases

November, 01 2011

PUL-I-KHUMRI - The security responsibility for seven bases in the Dand-i-Shabudin area of northern Baghlan province was transferred to Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) from US Special Forces on Monday, officials said. Afghan National Army (ANA) commandos and local police forces replaced Americans on the bases, Col. Sayed Zamanudin Hussaini, the provincial ...

US Seeks ISI Role in Talks with Haqqanis

US Seeks ISI Role in Talks with Haqqanis

November, 01 2011

KABUL - Despite their stringent criticism of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) for aiding Haqqani militants, Americans are seeking help from Pakistan's spy service in ending the Afghan war and promoting reconciliation, a leading US newspaper reported on Monday. During her visit to Kabul and Islamabad earlier in the ...

Mixed Expectations Ahead of Istanbul Conference

Mixed Expectations Ahead of Istanbul Conference

November, 01 2011

KABUL - Some Afghans believe the Istanbul conference would bring no positive change to Afghanistan's security situation, but others expect key decisions on the country's future.
The regional cooperation conference will deliberate on issues related to security transition, including the recruitment, training, and equipment of Afghan forces, as well as the reconciliation ...

MPs Want Hajj Minister Summoned

MPs Want Hajj Minister Summoned

November, 01 2011

KABUL - Wolesi Jirga, lower house of Parliament, members on Monday accused the hajj and Islamic affairs minister of failing to do his job well and summoned him to answer lawmakers' questions regarding his performance. The ministry had received fees from a number of intending pilgrims, but failed to send them to Saudi Arabia for the ...

Turkey to Try to Smooth Relations Between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Turkey to Try to Smooth Relations Between Afghanistan and Pakistan

November, 01 2011

ISTANBUL - Turkey will try to calm tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan in two days of high-level talks in Istanbul that start today (Tuesday) and form part of international efforts to map out a future for Afghanistan after the departure of Western troops in 2014. Hopes for a success of the Istanbul talks are low, given the level of ...

US Military Bases to Fuel Insecurity: Iran

US Military Bases to Fuel Insecurity: Iran

October 31, 2011

HERAT CITY - The Iranian consul general in western Herat province on Sunday said the proposed permanent US military bases could further deteriorate Afghanistan's security situation.
Addressing a news conference on recent developments in the strategic cooperation deal between Afghanistan and the United States, Rahim Mohammadi Yakta said foreigners had failed to bring peace to Afghanistan over the past 10 ...

Afghanistan to Ink Strategic Agreement with France

Afghanistan to Ink Strategic Agreement with France

October 31, 2011

KABUL - Afghanistan is to sign a strategic agreement with France ahead of the Istanbul conference, Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
According to the MoFA, it has received a copy of the agreement from the French Foreign Ministry.
Based on the agreement, Paris is committed to continue supporting Afghanistan in different fields even ...