Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Quetta is Mournful for Hazara Community

Quetta is Mournful for Hazara Community

April 17, 2012 | Shoaib Korosh

Once again the Quetta city sheds tears in shame for deaths of innocent Hazara community, who are well-known for their sincerity, virtuousness and loyalty to democratic structure and Pakistan's constitution. And thousands of people from this community have set to mourn their shot family members and relatives within ...

Good Governance – A Must for Afghanistan

Good Governance – A Must for Afghanistan

April 16, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

There can be little doubt that ultimately, over the long run, the best defense against the Taliban and rampant culture of militancy and extremism is "good governance". This relatively new concept has come to be widely accepted as one of the most important preconditions for the development and progress of any ...

Genocide of Hazaras: UN & HR Organizations Need to Wake Up

Genocide of Hazaras: UN & HR Organizations Need to Wake Up

April 16, 2012 | Sher Ali Yecha

Systematic genocide of Hazara community in Quetta city of Baluchistan, Pakistan has intensified. In a short period of three weeks about 29 members of the community have been killed cold-bloodedly. That number is an addition to the 600 Hazaras that have been targeted in various incidents of ...

Peace and Stability Need Accountability

Peace and Stability  Need Accountability

April 16, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

4 decades of war passed and we have only seen the temper of bloodshed, abhorrence and destruction, disability and desperation. The aggressive darkness of the so-called policy is never the whole story, yet it is the outset that has begun to end not in a prognosticated period. Every citizen of a country tries for stability ...

Systematic Killing of Hazaras Continues

Systematic Killing  of Hazaras Continues

April 15, 2012 | Dilawar Sharzai

The systemic and brutal killing of Hazaras in Quetta, Pakistan continues, which indicates that the shrieks of innocent victims have found no ears and are wandering in the alleys of injustice and negligence. One does not need to say that the situation is really grave. About 30 members of Hazara community are killed within a ...

Revisiting the Conventional Wisdom about Taliban

Revisiting the Conventional Wisdom about Taliban

April 15, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The conflict in Afghanistan is an extremely complex phenomenon with diverse sets of actors being involved. Until today, no unanimous or single explanation or definition of the conflict in Afghanistan exists. There seems to be as many explanations as there are commentators and pundits. Taliban, as a major party to ...

Justice for Women

Justice for Women

April 15, 2012 | Noorjahan Akbar

Since Nawroz, New Year, at least five women have been killed in Afghanistan. Three women were killed in Herat, one of whom was beheaded by her husband. Another woman was killed by her husband in Khost and another was hanged after the unjust decision of the tribal court in Paktya. Halima, 17, was nearly beaten ...

Rights are Conditions of Social Welfare

Rights are Conditions of Social Welfare

April 14, 2012 | Dilawar Sharzai

The society consists of a large number of people whose mutual relations are conducted by certain well established rules of conduct. Unless people accept certain restraints and responsibilities towards each other, social life will not be possible. The conditions created by the state to ensure the security of the individual and property ...

A Bleeding Future Awaits for Afghans

A Bleeding Future Awaits for Afghans

April 14, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The future seems to be bleeding and the gloomy days are ahead of millions of common Afghans once again. The recent incidents of violence by condemning the inadvertently burning of Holy Koran to the horrifying attacks on civilians and the incessant attacks by the insurgent perpetrators indicate the bad days ...

Political Changes have to be Welcomed

Political Changes have to be Welcomed

April 14, 2012 | Sajjad Urya

A political system is established within a state so as to safeguard the rights of its people and solve the socio-political issues that may hamper the better life opportunities. If a system fulfills the challenges and solves the problems that may erupt within a state, the system is said to be an ideal system. However, it is not possible to ...

Democratizing the Budget Preparation Process

Democratizing the Budget Preparation Process

April 12, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Parliament of Afghanistan has for the second time rejected the budget bill for the fiscal year 1391. The skirmishes between the parliament and the Ministry of Finance regarding the budget and its details have been a hotbed of controversies. With the budget going for the vote on the floor of the parliament, the uproar of the ...

Sectarian Violence Booms in Quetta Pakistan

Sectarian Violence  Booms in Quetta Pakistan

April 12, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Hazara community in Quetta Pakistan is believed to be a civilized and knowledgeable community who puts forward the best example for others in terms of nonviolence and hardworking in every walks of life. Perhaps, Hazaras in the last couple of years have had considerable achievements in the fields of education, sports and ...

The Syrian Situation is Gruesomely Dangerous

The Syrian Situation is Gruesomely Dangerous

April 12, 2012 | Shoaib Korosh

The situation in Syria has become unspeakably awful as violence and bloodsheds continue unabated. Cities where oppositions are active come under severe attacks. Restive cities have come under severe firings by Syrian security forces to suppress army defectors and oppositions who now have held arms to make the, so-called ...

Political Parties and Their Significance

Political Parties  and Their Significance

April 11, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Recently many questions have been raised about the drawbacks or shortcomings within Afghan political system. One of the major issues in Afghanistan's political crisis is the absence of one institution that has been a key for democratic systems in different countries of the world; and that is political parties. The ...

Budget Rejection

Budget Rejection

April 11, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

The parliament has rejected proposed budget for 1391 for the second time on Monday. It was first rejected on March 18 asking the Finance Ministry for some amendments. The quorum was 126 MPs, out of whom 123 voted against the proposed budget, while only 3 approved of it. MPs were mostly critical of the bailout package for ...

Interview with Mr. XuFeihong, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Afghanistan

Interview with Mr. XuFeihong, the Ambassador of the  People’s Republic of  China to Afghanistan

April 11, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

On Sunday, April 8, 2012, the Daily Outlook Afghanistan interviewed Mr. XuFeihong, the ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Afghanistan. The ambassador, Mr. XuFeihong, discussed China's economy, its changing position in the global economy, the reasons behind the recent Chinese government's policy ...

Afghan-US Strategic Agreement

Afghan-US Strategic Agreement

April 10, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the transition period is going on in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of international forces are going to be completed in 2014, there are concerns about the capability of Afghan authorities to shoulder the responsibilities of carrying on the security and governance of the country appropriately. This fact is now ...

Afghanistan and a Multitude of Challenges

Afghanistan and a  Multitude of Challenges

April 10, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The war in Afghanistan has long turned into a tough challenge on the hands of the U.S. and its military generals as well as politicians. The American approach to the war in Afghanistan has long been characterized by a lack of understanding or disregard of some of the most pertinent ground realities that needed due ...

Cyber Attacks on the UK State and private institutions

Cyber Attacks on the UK State and private institutions

April 10, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The issue of cyber attacks on UK official and private websites is a challenging problem as the country home office has recently experienced severe cyber attacks on it website. Home office in its website confirms that in a terrorist attack the Home Secretary leads the government response to the incident according to ...

Afghan Forces to Lead the Night Raids

Afghan Forces to  Lead the Night Raids

April 09, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The prospects of security in Afghanistan seem very much dubious. Among the different tactics that the NATO troops have always believed in to be very much useful against the terrorists the night raids are the most important ones. Through the night raids they have been able to achieve remarkable goals but at the same time ...

Record Gold Buying and the Financial Cataclysm Ahead

Record Gold Buying and the Financial Cataclysm Ahead

April 09, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

Today I was watching the Bloomberg, my favorite source of financial news and analysis on what is happening in the financial markets. The news and happenings coming out of the global financial markets particularly the gold and silver markets are very interesting. Gold, silver and other precious ...

Ten Things I Love About Being an Afghan Woman

Ten Things I Love About Being an Afghan Woman

April 09, 2012 | Noorjahan Akbar

There are a lot of negative ways in which we treat women in this country. Child marriage, forced marriages, violence against women, preventing women from education, women's harassment in public and at work, lack of women's access to services, etc. All this makes life very dim and difficult for women in Afghanistan. I ...

The Prospect of Terrorism in Europe

The Prospect of Terrorism in Europe

April 08, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The concept of countering terrorism is distinctive in different European states. Every state has its own culture of terrorism, extremism and violence. No doubt, their counter terrorism strategies are based on cultural and social principles, but recent violent acts of terrorism in Norway, France and Britain raised ...

Good Governance and Afghanistan

Good Governance  and Afghanistan

April 08, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Afghanistan is going through a transition period which involves the transfer of security responsibilities from international troops to Afghan authorities. At the same time it is being considered that transition of security arrangements alone would not solve the issues in Afghanistan; rather the overall scenario has to go ...

Turmoil in Iraq Engulfs Kurdistan

Turmoil in Iraq  Engulfs Kurdistan

April 08, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The situation in Iraq continues to be volatile. The government of Nouri al-Maliki has found itself in the eye of storm following the recent wave of political unrest that threatens to derail the nascent political understanding among the three main political groups: the Shias, the Sunnis and the Kurds in the Northern ...

Concerns about the 2014 Elections

Concerns about  the 2014 Elections

Saturday April 07 | Dilawar Shezai

The future of peace and tranquility within Afghan society remains ambiguous and it is also affecting the confidence of the people regarding the important development processes. Security situation can play a very vital role in Afghan's socio-political scenario. Afghan authorities along with Western allies have to guarantee the country's ...

“Kankor” and the Hapzard Steps of MoHE

“Kankor” and the  Hapzard Steps of MoHE

Saturday April 07 | Jawad Rahmani

It has been several months that entrance exam was taken by more than hundred of thousand students from across the country who just graduated from high school during last three years, remained behind the higher education institutions' doors whatever the reason behind, and almost a month since the announcement of the result, yet discussions and ...

Taliban’s Latest Propaganda Approach

Taliban’s Latest  Propaganda Approach

April 05, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Taliban's Al-Emarah Voice of Jihad website has launched a new online question-and-answer forum, where visitors can submit questions to be answered by their main spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid. Some mainstream news wires have already reported the new tactic of Taliban propaganda, but only ...

Who kills Hazaras in Pakistan and why?

Who kills Hazaras  in Pakistan and why?

April 05, 2012 | Muhammad Younas

At least 12 Hazaras have so far been killed in four separate killing incidents within last seven days in Quetta City, Pakistan. Two of them were murdered on Tuesday 3rd, April 2012 by terrorists while nine Hazaras including a woman and a minor girl were killed in two separate killing incidents on March 29th, 2012. The first ...

The Way Ahead!

The Way Ahead!

April 05, 2012 | Ahmad Noor “BAHEIGE”

After more than ten years of wars and presence of thousands of NATO forces stationed in Afghanistan, the situation has become infinitely more complicated. The recent unrest and demonstrations in the country renewed doubts about the success of the exit strategy in 2014. The future of this war-ravaged and ...

What about the Economic Transition?

What about the  Economic Transition?

April 04, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan and the international community have had a close cooperation ever since the new chapter in Afghanistan's history began in late 2001. Since then, much has gone by and Afghanistan remains tied to what the international community has had to offer – without active assistance doled out by the international community ...

Can We Get Rid of the Menace of Drugs?

Can We Get Rid of the  Menace of Drugs?

April 04, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The concerns about the drug production and trafficking are bothering not only the Afghan authorities who are interested in getting rid of this evil but also drug-haters in international community. Though there have been different sorts of commitments, promises and suggestions to deal with this issues, no tangible outcome ...

Britain faces the Threat of Cyber Terrorism and Economic Warfare

Britain faces the Threat  of Cyber Terrorism  and Economic Warfare

April 04, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The government proposal about the new strategy of interception of communication raised many question in Britain. Business communities are worrying about their business communication across the border as security agencies will have the right to check every e-mail, phone call and text message. Under this new law all Internet ...

Reconciliation and Reintegration

Reconciliation and Reintegration

April 03, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Going through what is being called as "The End Game" in Afghanistan is becoming very tough for the International community involved in Afghanistan and led by US, or it may be that it is not yet the end of the game. Though many in international media and politics emphasize that it is now the end of the ...

Toward a Political Settlement

Toward a Political Settlement

April 03, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

International Crisis Group has published a report, "Talking about Talks: Toward a Political Settlement in Afghanistan". Released on March 26, the report is a thorough analysis of the obstacles of a political settlement towards an end to the conflict in Afghanistan with comprehensive ...