Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Regional Commitment to Afghanistan Is Critical

Regional Commitment to Afghanistan Is Critical

December, 04 2011 | Yerzhan Kazykhanov

No country has had a more troubled recent history than Afghanistan. It has been the scene of conflict, violence and extremism for much of the last three decades. The result has been tragedy for its people. It has also, of course, been a matter of immense concern for the wider international community. Terrorism has been exported ...

British Political Culture and Secrets to its Stability

British Political Culture  and Secrets to its Stability

December, 03 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

British political culture and for that matter, the European political culture provide very interesting case studies of the evolution of liberal democracy and how capitalism, liberalism, and in many cases, socialism have all gone into the making of stable and progressive societies in Europe. Karl Marx, in his seminal book ...

Counter-narcotics Struggle

Counter-narcotics Struggle

December, 03 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Recently, a trilateral meeting was held in Kabul over combating drug-trafficking among Tehran, Islamabad and Kabul officials. All these three countries are the principle victims of opium cultivation, processing and drug-trafficking. Though all delegates counted about their respective effort ...

Ally or not Ally

Ally or not Ally

December, 01 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

The US-Pakistan relations seem to be well on its way of eventual demise after an ISAF airstrike across the border that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last week. In reaction, Pakistan has blocked the NATO supply from Torkham and Chaman, asked the US to vacate the Shamsi airbase in Balochistan and announced to boycott the Bonn Conference ...

The West Under the Siege of “Finance Capital”

The West Under the Siege  of “Finance Capital”

December, 01 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

If there is one fundamental problem with the West and its economies and politics, it is the sheer power and influence that "finance capital", comprised of banking corporations and financial institutions, wield over entire governments, political systems, politicians, elections and major decisions that shape the fate of the West and thus much ...

Time to Change Mode of Politics

Time to Change Mode of Politics

December, 01 2011 | Sher Alam Saqib

It is promising to see the United States and European that make up the core of international community involved in Afghanistan reiterating their long-term commitment to Afghanistan. It is now almost confirmed that there will not be a total disengagement from and with the country by these major players - the US and EU - that ...

Regional Tensions and the Responsibilities of Afghanistan 

Regional Tensions and the Responsibilities of Afghanistan 

November, 30 2011 | Nasruddin Hemati

Word has finally come out that Pakistan is to abstain from the momentous event that is set to take place in Bonn, Germany next month. The Pakistani government has announced that it will not participate in the upcoming Bonn Conference II, saying it has made the decision after the deadly NATO airstrike that ...

No Deadlock in Islamabad-US relationship

No Deadlock in  Islamabad-US relationship

November, 30 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Though Islamabad has been never content with the pres ence of foreign forces in Afghanistan and constantly voiced out irritation, but meanwhile never tried to cut ties with them. It kept the fledgling relation with the foreign forces, particularly with the US and remained committed to fight terrorism and al-Qaeda along with international ...

US Bases, Militancy and Regional Makeover

US Bases, Militancy and Regional Makeover

November, 30 2011 | Farman Nawaz

American decision to seek Afghanistan's approval for establishing long-term military bases has disappointed the people who speculated a humiliating defeat and withdrawal of American forces. It has unmasked the shallow analysis of the so-called political and military experts. Now the question is whether this decision will dishearten ...

Edgy Relations vs. Peace Efforts

Edgy Relations vs. Peace Efforts

November, 29 2011 | Nasrudding Hemati

As the clock is ticking to announce Bonn Conference 2 on Afghanistan, the country's significant neighbor Pakistan is said to have declined the invitation to attend the international conference going to be held on December 5 this year. The alleged denial comes as Pakistan's relations with its international strategic ally have dropped ...

Second Phase of Transfer of Security Responsibilities

Second Phase of Transfer of Security Responsibilities

November, 29 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The second phase of the transfer of security responsibilities to Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) has already been planned to take place early next year. A long list of provinces and critical provincial capitals designated for the upcoming second phase has finally been released by the ...

Violence Against Women in Afghanistan

Violence Against  Women in Afghanistan

November, 29 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

25th Nov is marked as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The day was designated by a UN General Assembly resolution on December 17, 1999. It urged governments, international organizations to generate awareness among public and organize different events to mark this day. The day marks brutal ...

The Future Prospect of Afghanistan

The Future Prospect of Afghanistan

November, 28 2011 | Muhammad Younas

Rich mineral deposits in Afghanistan could create a new international interest in this region. The country is be lieved to have a long list of vast deposits of iron ore, barite, chromium, coal, magnesium, copper, gold, silver, lead, natural gas, oil, critical industrial metal like lithium and precious stones like sulfur, talc ...

War Against Terrorism and the Deteriorating Diplomatic Ties

War Against Terrorism and the Deteriorating Diplomatic Ties

November, 28 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

The weary war against terrorism that was launched after the incident of 9/11, brought with itself different sorts of influences and impacts on the lives of people in Afghanistan, South Asian region and U.S. in particular and the world in general. The war, though has done much to topple down the Al-Qaida favoring reign of Taliban ...

Economic Hardships Ahead

Economic Hardships Ahead

November, 27 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

In the post 2014 scenario, Afghanistan would be facing myriads of challenges in order to guarantee security and stability in the country provided that the international troops withdraw as per the announced schedule. It does not only require determination and iron will but resources and assistance to make the country ...

Afghanistan and the Folly of Neo-Liberal Economics

Afghanistan and the Folly  of Neo-Liberal Economics

November, 27 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan continues to rank among the poorest countries in the world on par with some of the most poverty-stricken countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. It consistently ranks among the worst countries On some of the most crucial development Indicators such as infant mortality, literacy rates, literacy rates ...

Will the Current Economic System Fall?

Will the Current  Economic System Fall?

November, 27 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Few days ago I wrote two articles, titled will the current economic System Fall, where I detailed about what made many stunningly courageous to talk about the possible collapse of the capitalism. And in both articles, I mentioned two factors that fuelled assumptions around the world of the possible collapse of current worldwide ...

Human Smuggling and Afghanistan

Human Smuggling  and Afghanistan

November, 26 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

As there have been poverty and discriminations in different parts of world, there have been different types of social problems as well. Among them one of the most dominating one erupting from the countries with disorder and poverty is Human smuggling. Human smuggling is defined as 'the facilitation, transportation, attempted ...

Derailed Peace Process and Need for a Multipronged Strategy

Derailed Peace  Process and Need for a  Multipronged Strategy

November, 26 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The very idea of talks and negotiations with the Taliban and Haqqani group lies dead in tracks at least for now. After the assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, th ex-president and the head of the peace council, there has been a marked attempt on the part of the government and the president to play down the issue of talks even if only ...

Afghanistan Financial Management Information System (AFMIS)

Afghanistan Financial Management Information System (AFMIS)

November, 26 2011 | Mohd. Ahsan

There is no doubt that the deep rooted corruption in almost all or ganizations of Afghanistan is hampering nurturing of our social and economic infrastructures but one should not be pessimistic about the future of Afghanistan. Developments can not be achieved over nights. Nonetheless, Afghanistan is endeavoring to accomplish ...

Sense of Insecurity Prevails In Afghanistan

Sense of Insecurity  Prevails In Afghanistan

November, 24 2011 | Muhammad Younas

More than 2,000 self appointed delegates by the government attended the four-day Loya Jirga under intense security in Kabul City on Saturday endorsed President Karzai's decision to negotiate a long-term U.S. military presence in Afghanistan beyond 2014. A list of more than 76 recommendations was reported to have read out at the Jirga's ...

Sherry Rehman Appointed as Ambassador – Diplomatic Triumph for Pakistani Military?

Sherry Rehman Appointed as Ambassador – Diplomatic Triumph for Pakistani Military?

November, 24 2011 | Hadi Zaher

Lawmaker for the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and a close aide to the late Benazir Bhutto, charismatic and courageous Sherry Rehman has been appointed Pakistan's new ambassador to the United States. She replaces the embattled former journalist and diplomat Hussain Haqqani. Her appointment ...

Swimming Against the Tide

Swimming Against the Tide

November, 24 2011 | Nasruddin Hemati

Amidst increasing domestic and international calls upon Syrian regime to stop violence against civilian protestors, Bashar Al Assad's forces continue cracking down against unarmed Syrian demonstrators who have been asking for their political rights since the very beginning of this year. Alike the Libyan Moammar Al Gaddafi who was finally left ...

Jirga Resolutions and Strategic Partnership Agreement with the US

Jirga Resolutions and Strategic Partnership Agreement with the US

November, 23 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

The Traditional Loya Jirga has issued a 72-article resolution with recommendations and demands regarding the US-Afghanistan strategic partnership agreement and talks with insurgents. There is nothing new or unexpected in the long resolution than what President Karzai has already said. As discussed in my previous op-ed on this ...

Strategic Agreements

Strategic Agreements

November, 23 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

As the transition period is going on in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of international forces are going to be completed in 2014, there are concerns about the capability of Afghan authorities to shoulder the responsibilities of carrying on the security and governance of the country appropriately. This ...

Taming an Unaccountable and Predatory Government

Taming an Unaccountable and Predatory Government

November, 23 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The headlines and media attention both inside and outside Afghanistan seem to be dominated by the country's security situation and the planned next phase of transfer of security responsibilities in addition to the high-profile but equally futile Loya Jirga which concluded its four-day long deliberations with issuing a resolution. While ...

Afghan Women & Int’l Day of Elimination of Violence against Women

Afghan Women & Int’l Day  of Elimination of Violence against Women

November, 22 2011 | Mohd. Ahsan

This is twenty first century and women in countries categorized as 'first word' enjoy full rights and freedom. They have earned this status by fighting hard for their rights for centuries. In third world countries, however, women are still deprived of their basic rights. Afghanistan falls in the list of the ...

The Saga of Iran’s Nuclear Program

The Saga of Iran’s  Nuclear Program

November, 22 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States have been in loggerheads ever since the Islamic revolution in 1979 when the Shah of Iran was toppled within a few months of mounting social unrest. The Iranian regime's nuclear program has been a hotbed of controversies with the U.S. and Israel accusing Iran of harboring ...

Government and Loya Jirga’s Resolution

Government and Loya  Jirga’s Resolution

November, 21 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The traditional Loya Jirga, a congregation of more than 2000 delegates drawn form throughout the country, ended its four-day long deliberations in Kabul on Saturday issuing a 76-point resolution. The outcome of the Loya Jirga in terms of what the resolution calls for has largely been in line with expectations and predictions of observers ...

Post-Loya Jirga Scenario

Post-Loya Jirga Scenario

November, 21 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

Loya Jirga ended in Kabul but it brought with itself many controversies and ridicules, as well. From the very question of its legitimacy to the superstitious number 39 and the metaphor of lion, there were different issues that made the jirga the center of interest for four days. The basic question was whether the jirga was democratic ...

People Seek for their Survival in Winter

People Seek for  their Survival in Winter

November, 21 2011 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Long-terms of war, bloodshed, drought and poverty caused Afghanistan to remain backward for ages. The very current image of this country only displays war, bloodshed with no clear image of hope for the next generations. The disastrous games played out over many generations, whereas the people with many efforts and hardships ...

The Futility of Loya Jirga and a Government Under Siege

The Futility of Loya Jirga and a Government Under Siege

November, 20 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The much-anticipated and much-publicized traditional Loya Jirga or the grand assembly of elders opened in Kabul on Wednesday, November 16 amid much public fanfare. The government of President Karzai had for long been all decked up to make the event as high-profile and momentous as it can possibly get ...

The Superstitious Number 39

The Superstitious Number 39

November, 20 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

The world is replete with different sorts of thoughts, ideas, feelings and beliefs. These thoughts, ideas and beliefs are basically the endeavors to understand the world or the different phenomena in the world. Since the very beginning of their life on earth human beings have wondered about different things existing in the world and the ...

Will the Current Economic System Fall?

Will the Current Economic System Fall?

November, 20 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

As the euro tsunami hits countries one by one and there is no rock-solid solution on the prospective to control it, as well as the increasing financial crisis-led social annoyance across the glob, there are people talking about the collapse of financial system and perhaps even capitalism. However the fall of capitalism is not a new ...

The Loya Lion in the Jungle

The Loya Lion in the Jungle

November, 19 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

Much has been said in media about the 'Traditional Loya Jirga' (TLJ) going on. I got to know two new things; that we were a nation of 'lions' living in a 'jungle', and that the 'pimp number' 39 has plagued the minds of our elders too. President Karzai started his speech with the controversy about the ...