Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Iran Should be Dealt in Different Way

Iran Should be Dealt in Different Way

February 15, 2017 | Manish Rai

The United States new President Donald Trump decision to quickly slap new sanctions on Iran after it conducted a ballistic missile test clearly signals the hard turn the new administration...

‘If You Want Peace, Prepare for War’

‘If You Want Peace, Prepare for War’

February 12, 2017 |

Terrorism has been a serious threat to Afghanistan for decades. Afghan nation bears the brunt of militancy with the Taliban’s heavy attacks. In the current year, Afghan civilians and...

No Silver Lining for Our Cloud

No Silver Lining for Our Cloud

February 11, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

With the escalated insurgency, the hope for a peaceful future declines. Afghan nation continues falling victim to terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. Life is as cheap as ever...

Challenges Continue Unabated

Challenges Continue Unabated

February 09, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

People live in a pathetic state. The security crisis and economic stagnation have paralyzed their life. The simple individuals are the main victims of conflicts carried out by warring...

Successive Attacks Persist in Afghanistan

Successive Attacks Persist in Afghanistan

February 09, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Following the twin blasts targeted parliament which left nearly 40 killed and more than 100 wounded, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives near the Supreme Court building in Kabul...

Moscow: Seeking to Play a Major in Afghanistan

Moscow: Seeking to Play a Major in Afghanistan

February 08, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Given the new moves, it seems that Moscow is seeking to play a major role in the country by boosting military and economic cooperation with Kabul. However, it follows a series...

Cold Weather Aggravates Challenges

Cold Weather Aggravates Challenges

February 08, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The sufferings and misery of the poor have been compounded by the severe cold and heavy snow. A large number of Afghan people are engaged in manual labors from dawn to dusk to make the...

Removing HIA from UN blacklist after Kabul-peace Deal

Removing HIA from UN blacklist after Kabul-peace Deal

February 07, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has removed sanctions against Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of a militant group, some five months after the government inked a landmark...

Violence against Women Persists

Violence against Women Persists

February 05, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Though fighting against violence has been one of the most debated topics since 2001 but it remains one the most serious issue in Afghanistan. It occurs in various forms including...

Trump’s Strategy for Combating Terrorism

Trump’s Strategy for Combating Terrorism

February 04, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Barack Obama’s impassioned and eloquent speech in Egypt was seen as the advent of a new era. His emphasis on human rights, freedoms and mutual understanding between Islam...

What if Worse Comes to Worst?

What if Worse Comes to Worst?

February 02, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The public had a ball park estimate about the escalated militancy in Afghanistan. Insurgents continue inflicting casualties indiscriminately upon Afghan nation. The violation...

Glance at Critical Condition of Children

Glance at Critical Condition of Children

February 02, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After many years of war and severe poverty, combined with worsening migration crises, Afghanistan persists to be among the most dangerous places for children to be born! The longstanding...

Opening New ACJC Building Needs to Open the Political Will

Opening New ACJC Building Needs to Open the Political Will

February 01, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The Inauguration of a permanent Building for Anti-Corruption Justice Center (ACJC) is a good step to fight against corruption; it is hoped that opening a highly professional security...

An Iron Fist against Whom?

An Iron Fist against Whom?

January 31, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

On January 27, US President Donald J Trump signed two orders: authorizing the construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border and banning visas to the US to nationals from seven countries...

Constructive or Destructive Role of Media

Constructive or Destructive Role of Media

January 30, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The right to freedom of speech as one of the basic human rights enshrined in main international human rights documents and national law. Freedom of speech is the inseparable element...

No Strategies to Cope with Returnees Overflows

No Strategies to Cope with Returnees Overflows

January 29, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Afghanistan is in grave need of international support to cope with millions of refugees who are on the eve of returning home while some 700,000 have already repatriated and millions more...

From the Diary of an Afghan Woman

From the Diary of an Afghan Woman

January 28, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

I get goose-bumps whenever I think about my little daughter whose blood was spilt on the grounds of her race. Nothing and no one can ever fill the deep vacuum she left in my life. Whenever...

Who Carries the Ball?

Who Carries the Ball?

January 26, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The terrorist networks, and Mullah Mansour’s death, stigmatized Islamabad and widened the Afghan-Pak rift last year as the US and Afghan officials stated that the Taliban...

Dark and Alarming Economic Outlook

Dark and Alarming Economic Outlook

January 26, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Undoubtedly, there would be no clear economic outlook without unambiguous security strategy. The high number of civilian casualties, the collapse of the key provinces, the...

The Centralized Political System Deepening The Crises

The Centralized Political System Deepening The Crises

January 25, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The centralized political system recognized one of the key factors to deepening the crises in Afghanistan. The reason is that the highly centralized model that was chosen for...

ISIL – A Global Challenge

ISIL – A Global Challenge

January 24, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a serious challenge and seeks to destabilize the world through spilling the blood of people on the grounds of their...

Afghanistan: At the Crossroads of Its Destiny

Afghanistan: At the Crossroads  of Its Destiny

January 23, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Nowadays, everybody has a question on the tip of his tongue what would be the plan of President Donald Trump for Afghanistan? Many of Political commentators and experts in Afghanistan...

Long and Rocky Route Ahead

Long and Rocky Route Ahead

January 23, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down,” Donald John Trump, the 45th president of the United States, told hundreds of...

2016: The Deadly Year for Journalists

2016: The Deadly Year for Journalists

January 22, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Despite significant improvement in freedom of speech in last 15 years, Afghan journalists have been facing serious threats and challenges imposed by insurgent groups while the local...

Living in ‘the Global Village’

Living in ‘the Global Village’

January 21, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

When a new flu infects one human being, all are at risk. When one nation pursues a nuclear weapon, the risk of nuclear attack rises for all nations. When violent extremists operate...

Parliament: Ups and Downs

Parliament: Ups and Downs

January 19, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Parliament is widely recognized as the pivotal institution of democracy and everybody agrees on what the functions of a parliament are. Nobody doubts that they are to embody the...

Counting the Fatalities

Counting the Fatalities

January 19, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

In spite of these spectacular strides in science and technology, and still unlimited ones to come, something basic is missing. There is a sort of poverty of the spirit which stands...

The Agricultural Challenges

The Agricultural Challenges

January 18, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Agriculture and agriculture-related industries are fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, generating 50% of the country’s GDP and supporting 85% of its people...

Future of Afghan Refugees

Future of Afghan Refugees

January 17, 2017 | Dilawar Sherzai

According to the U.N. refugee agency, in the first week of 2017, 1,643 unregistered Afghans chose to return or were deported from Pakistan, and 7,776 returned from Iran, according...

The Wide Vacuum for Democracy

The Wide Vacuum for Democracy

January 16, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The hegemony of democracy has been challenged in Afghanistan as the rights and liberty of individuals are violated egregiously. In post-Taliban Afghanistan, the nation took active...

Let’s Learn from the Experience of Japanese Education

Let’s Learn from the Experience  of Japanese Education

January 16, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Japan is one of the unique societies in the world that pay great importance to education. The introduction of a modern education into Japan, taking several Western countries as models...

Unknown Fate of Disqualified Ministers

Unknown Fate of Disqualified Ministers

January 15, 2017 | Asif Ghaznawi

Almost two months ago, Wolesi Jirga or Lower House of the parliament impeached 16 ministers of the national unity government and disqualified seven of them. Ministers were impeached...

Afghanistan: Entering New Chapter of Crises

Afghanistan: Entering New Chapter of Crises

January 15, 2017 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Considering the new political stances, it seems that Afghanistan is entering a new chapter of crises. Since beginning of 2017 Afghanistan has been shocking with consecutive deadly...

The Violation of Humanitarian Law

The Violation of Humanitarian Law

January 14, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Annually, thousands of Peace Day events take place around the globe, many programs are held to promote peace, and Nobel Peace Prize laureates make speech to show the world their work...

Successive Attacks in Afghanistan

Successive Attacks in Afghanistan

January 12, 2017 | Muhammad Zahir Akbari

On contrary to the white hopes, 2017 is commencing with multiple terror attacks in Afghanistan. The day before, Afghan large cities were shocked by successive deadly attacks thereby...