Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

ANSF Ready for Security After 2014, Karzai Told

ANSF Ready for Security After 2014, Karzai Told

August 30, 2012

KABUL - Some Afghan army generals, who called on President Karzai on Wednesday, said Afghan security forces were ready to keep security for the whole of the country after planned withdrawal of ...

Allen to Visit Pakistan to Address Border Issues

Allen to Visit Pakistan to Address Border Issues

August 30, 2012

KABUL - The top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan Gen. John Allen is expected to visit Pakistan tomorrow to review the implementation of "border coordination" measures between ...

Karzai Says More Attentive to Cross-Border Attacks

Karzai Says More Attentive to Cross-Border Attacks

August 30, 2012

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday said his administration was decidedly more attentive to the cross-border shelling from Pakistan than other issues, directing the ...

Senate Voices Concern Over Growing Insecurity

Senate Voices Concern Over Growing Insecurity

August 29, 2012

KABUL - Meshrano Jirga or upper house of parliament members, voicing deep concern over escalating insurgency-related violence across the country, on Tuesday asked ...

Lawmakers Urge Karzai to Not Reappoint Muhammadi

Lawmakers Urge Karzai to Not Reappoint Muhammadi

August 29, 2012

KABUL - Afghan lawmakers on Tuesday urged President Hamid Karzai to introduce a fresh face as Minister of Defense after rumors strengthened that former Interior Minister Bismillah ...

4 Govt. Organs Yet to Enforce Karzai’s Decree

4 Govt. Organs Yet to Enforce Karzai’s Decree

August 29, 2012

KABUL - Four government organs have not yet implemented President Hamid Karzai last month’s decree aimed at introducing sweeping reforms and stemming widespread government ...

Taliban’s Deeds Defame Islam: Mufti

Taliban’s Deeds Defame Islam: Mufti

August 29, 2012

KABUL - Religious scholars should condemn the Helmand civilian massacre, particularly the act of beheading, as a violation of Sharia law, according to a former deputy of the Afghan Ulema ...

Tehran Meet Agrees to Continue Talks on Chabahar

Tehran Meet Agrees to Continue Talks on Chabahar

August 28, 2012

KABUL - A trilateral meeting between deputy foreign ministers from Iran, Afghanistan and Indian foreign secretary in Tehran on Sunday stressed cooperation to best utilize Chabahar ...

ISAF will Not Reduce Interaction with Afghan Counterparts

ISAF will Not Reduce Interaction with Afghan Counterparts

August 28, 2012

KABUL - ISAF troops will not reduce their interaction with their Afghan partners, but rather will look to boost the relationship in order to tackle the problem of insider ...

No to Rapprochement with Haqqanis: US Forces

No to Rapprochement with Haqqanis: US Forces

August 28, 2012

KABUL - The US forces in Afghanistan on Monday rejected as categorically false assertions made in an article in a Pakistani newspaper that the US is willing to cede Afghan territory as part ...

Taliban Insurgents Behead 17 Civilians

Taliban Insurgents Behead 17 Civilians

August 28, 2012

KABUL - Insurgents beheaded 17 civilians in a Taliban-controlled area of southern Afghanistan, apparently because they attended a dance party that flouted the extreme brand of Islam embraced by the ...

NATO Closes Over 200 Bases in Afghanistan

NATO Closes Over 200 Bases in Afghanistan

August 27, 2012

KABUL - The international military coalition in Afghanistan says it has closed 202 bases as part of its drawdown in troops, and has transferred more than that number to the Afghan ...

Tehran Summit to Help Boost Regional Trade: Musazai

Tehran Summit to Help Boost Regional Trade: Musazai

August 27, 2012

KABUL - As officials from Afghanistan, India and Iran met in Tehran on Sunday for a trilateral meet, the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes the event would be ...

US Republicans Seek Crackdown on Afghan Corruption

US Republicans Seek Crackdown on Afghan Corruption

August 27, 2012

WASHINGTON - At its national convention in Tampa, Florida, next week, the Republican Party is all set to seek a “crackdown on corruption” from the Afghan government and Pakistan to “sever any connection” between its ...

50 Pc of Foreign Non-Military Equipment to Be Delivered to Afghans

50 Pc of Foreign Non-Military Equipment to Be Delivered to Afghans

August 27, 2012

KABUL - Over 50 percent of the foreign forces non-military equipment would be delivered to the Afghan security forces as 400 compounds were shut down since the international forces ...

MPs Urge Karzai to Address Apparent Rise in Insecurity

MPs Urge Karzai to Address Apparent Rise in Insecurity

August 26, 2012

KABUL - Afghan lawmakers urged President Hamid Karzai on Saturday to find a solution for the country's security challenges in order to prevent any deterioration of the gains made so ...

Key Haqqani, TTP Leaders Killed in Drone Strikes

Key Haqqani, TTP Leaders Killed in Drone Strikes

August 26, 2012

KABUL/ASADABAD - A major Haqqani network leader and a senior Tehrik-iTaliban Pakistan (TTP) commander believed killed in separate drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal region of Waziristan ...

Kabul Municipality’s Onerous Fees Prevent Investment: ACCI

Kabul Municipality’s Onerous Fees Prevent Investment: ACCI

August 26, 2012

KABUL - The Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) blamed Kabul Municipality for hurting investment in the construction sector after charging onerous service fees from ...

Miscreants Not Loyal to Islam, Homeland: Karzai

Miscreants Not Loyal to Islam, Homeland: Karzai

August 25, 2012

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai has said elements out to destroy the country, block its development and kill innocent people were not loyal to the homeland ...

Taliban Behind a Quarter of ‘Insider’ Attacks: Gen Allen

Taliban Behind a Quarter of ‘Insider’ Attacks: Gen Allen

August 25, 2012

KABUL - The U.S. general leading NATO forces in Afghanistan acknowledged on Thursday that the Taliban could be traced to more “insider attacks” against Western troops than previously ...

Karzai Meets US Senator, German, Dutch Ministers

Karzai Meets US Senator, German, Dutch Ministers

August 25, 2012

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai held separate meetings with the US Senator Lindsey Graham and ministers of Germany and Holland at the Presidential Palace in Kabul on ...

US Aims to Leave Behind A Stable Afghanistan: Gen. Allen

US Aims to Leave Behind A Stable Afghanistan: Gen. Allen

August 25, 2012

WASHINGTON - The United States is working to create a series of conditions that would leave Afghanistan a sovereign state, secured by a capable military, a top American commander has ...

India Ratifies SAARC Agreement on Natural Disasters

India Ratifies SAARC Agreement on Natural Disasters

August 23, 2012

KATHMANDU- India became the first country to ratify the SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters, South Asian Association ...

Indian Consortium Bid for Copper Mine in Afghanistan

Indian Consortium Bid for Copper Mine in Afghanistan

August 23, 2012

KABUL - A consortium of six Indian companies, including four state-owned ones, has bid for a single copper mine project in Afghanistan’s Shaida area from an array of copper and gold deposits that are on offer for development in the mineral-rich country.
“So far, it’s the ...

Pentagon Eyes Top Marine as Afghan Commander

Pentagon Eyes Top Marine as Afghan Commander

August 23, 2012

WASHINGTON - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has recommended General Joseph Dunford, the No. 2 Marine officer, to lead the war effort in Afghanistan once the outgoing commander of U.S. and NATO troops rotates out of the post, a U.S. official told Reuters on ...

Foreign Intelligence Agencies to Blame for Surge in Insider Attacks

Foreign Intelligence Agencies to Blame for Surge in Insider Attacks

August 23, 2012

KABUL - The Afghan government is blaming the onslaught of attacks by Afghan police and soldiers against international forces on “infiltration by foreign spy agencies.”
Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi told reporters Wednesday that intelligence services, including those in neighboring countries, are ...

Authorities Deny Pul-E-Charkhi Prison Break

Authorities Deny Pul-E-Charkhi Prison Break

August 23, 2012

KABUL - Afghanistan's top prison official quashed reports of a Taliban break-out from the country's maximum security prison on Monday night, saying that an escape was attempted but all potential escapees were recaptured.
The Central Prison Directorate chief Gen. Amir Mohammad Jamshid told ...

Karzai, Panetta Discuss “Insider Attacks”

Karzai, Panetta Discuss “Insider Attacks”

August 22, 2012

WASHINGTON - US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Saturday called President Hamid Karzai and discussed with him the progress in war against terrorism and the security transition from international forces to their Afghan counterparts
“Secretary Panetta and President Karzai talked by phone earlier today to discuss the war in Afghanistan. The Secretary highlighted the significant progress that has been made by American and Afghan ...

15 Inmates Flee Pul-I-Charkhi Jail, Claim Taliban

15 Inmates Flee Pul-I-Charkhi Jail, Claim Taliban

August 22, 2012

KABUL - Fifteen inmates, most of them insurgents, escaped Monday night from the heavily guarded Pul-i-Charkhi prison, east of Kabul, the Taliban claimed on Tuesday.
A Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid in a statement said the inmates had escaped from the jail’s sixth bloc. Most of the fleeing ...

93rd Independence Day Celebrated

93rd Independence Day Celebrated

August 22, 2012

KABUL - The 93rd Afghanistan’s Independence Day was celebrated during a simple ceremony in Kabul, with President Hamid Karzai placing a wreath of flowers next to the minaret of liberty at the Ministry of Defense.
Afghanistan is celebrating the 93rd ...

Dempsey in Kabul for Talks on ‘Insider Attacks’

Dempsey in Kabul for Talks on ‘Insider Attacks’

August 22, 2012

KABUL - Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey arrived in Kabul for talks with Afghan officials on Monday, a day after two men in Afghan police uniforms shot at US troops, killing one and injuring another in southern Kandahar province .
Dempsey, who arrived at the Bagram air base, north of capital Kabul, ...

Obama Watching Afghan Insider Attacks with 'Deep Concern'

Obama Watching Afghan Insider Attacks with 'Deep Concern'

August 22, 2012

KABUL - President Barack Obama said Monday the United States was watching with "deep concern" an increase in so-called "green on blue" attacks on US troops in Afghanistan by insiders in Afghan uniform.
"Obviously, we have to do more, because there is an uptick over ...

No Change in Lisbon Transition Timeline: US

No Change in Lisbon Transition Timeline: US

August 16, 2012

WASHINGTON - Despite an uptick in violence in recent weeks, the Pentagon on Monday said it was encouraged by the progress made by Afghan forces and renewed its commitment to the Lisbon timeline for completing security transition by 2014.
“There has been no change in our strategy. ANSF is working quite affectively at the moment in Afghanistan. We remain committed to the Lisbon timeline -- transition ending the end of 2014,” Pentagon Press ...

Karzai Asks Pakistan to Immediately Stop Attacks on Afghan Soil

Karzai Asks Pakistan to Immediately Stop Attacks on Afghan Soil

August 16, 2012

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai met in Mecca, On the sideline of OIC Summit, on Tuesday with Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan to discuss issues of mutual interest.
In the meeting also attended by Foreign Ministers of both countries, ...

Steps on to Counter Insider Attacks: Panetta

Steps on to Counter Insider Attacks: Panetta

August 16, 2012

WASHINGTON - The Taliban are trying to wreak havoc by increasing attacks, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Wednesday.
The US and Afghan forces were taking a series of measures including increased counter-intelligence and a tougher vetting process to counter the attacks, he ...