Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Anti-Terrorism Court Soon: Nabeel

Anti-Terrorism Court  Soon: Nabeel

August 29, 2011

KABUL - The National Directorate of Security chief on Sunday told the Senate that an anti-terrorism court would soon be established.
Rahmatullah Nabeel, who was summoned by the ""'Meshrano Jirga or upper house of parliament, told reporters he had taken up the issue with President Hamid Karzai and the Supreme Court chief justice. The two ...

Kabulis Urged to Help Police Maintain Security for Eid

Kabulis Urged to Help Police Maintain Security for Eid

August 29, 2011

KABUL - The Kabul police asked parents to stop their children from using firecrackers, driving fast, and brawling during the three days of Eid-ul -Fitr.
The use of firecrackers or other explosives could create confusion for the people and problems for the police, a statement issued by the 101st Asmayee Police Zone ...

U.S. Embassy Condemns Violence in Helmand and Kandahar

U.S. Embassy Condemns Violence in Helmand and Kandahar

August 29, 2011

KABUL - The United States condemns Sunday's attacks in Helmand and Kandahar provinces. A press statement released on Sunday stated "Our condolences go out to the families of the victims of these violent acts, including a suicide bombing in Helmand and twin suicide bombings in Kandahar, which took the lives of many innocent civilians and injured ...

Afghanistan Hasn’t Received All Funds Committed By Donors: MoF

Afghanistan Hasn’t Received All Funds Committed By Donors: MoF

August 28, 2011

KABUL - Afghanistan has only received $57 billion out of $69 billion committed by the International Community to the country, finance minister said on Saturday.
Finance Minister, Omar Zakhilwal, told a news conference that only 18 percent of the whole $57 billion that has been flowed into Afghanistan as part of international community's grant to the country has been spent through the government budget.
And the remaining 82 percent of the ...

HOOAC Accuses Afghan, Foreign Officials of Graft

HOOAC Accuses Afghan, Foreign Officials of Graft

August 28, 2011

KABUL - The High Office of Oversight and Anti-corruption (HOOAC) accused high-ranking government and foreign officials of having a hand in increasing corruption in the country.The comments came as an official in US Defence Department last week faced trial over charges of corruption in a contract in Afghanistan.
Officials in the corruption watch dog said that they too ...

MPs Trade Barbs Over IEC Decision

MPs Trade Barbs Over IEC Decision

August 28, 2011

KABUL - A woman parliamentarian from western Herat province on Saturday threw her scarf over a member of the Reform Coalition for supporting the Independent Election Commission's (IEC) decision on disqualifying nine lawmakers. The two parliamentary blocs came to blows in a dispute over the ...

MoPH Shuts Private Hospital in Kabul

MoPH Shuts Private Hospital in Kabul

August 28, 2011

KABUL - Acting Minister of Public Health (MoPH), Dr. Suraya Dalil, along with her professional team visited Nawabi private hospital located in Darwaz-e-Lahouri Area of Kabul city and closed it yesterday due to the lack of standard health services and some problems. During her visit the various parts of the hospital, MoPH Acting ...

41 Freed from Nangarhar Prison

41 Freed from  Nangarhar Prison

August 28, 2011

JALALABAD - Forty-one prisoners were released and jail terms of 120 others reduced in eastern Nangarhar province, officials said on Saturday. The release and remissions are based on a presidential decree on the eve of EidulFitr and Afghanistan's 92nd Independence Day, which was marked ...

Jawzjan Governor Slams MRRD

Jawzjan Governor Slams MRRD

August 28, 2011

SHIBERGHAN - The Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) has not yet implemented a single water supply program in northern Jawzjan province, the governor complained on Saturday.

Mohammad Alam Sai said water supply schemes for Faizabad, Aqcha, ...

Losers Want Election Results Nullified

Losers Want Election Results Nullified

August 27, 2011

KABUL - Some losing candidates on Thursday called for nullifying results from last year's parliamentary election, saying the ongoing controversy should be referred to the International Court of Justice. "We don't accept the poll results because Afghans were not allowed to elect their representatives, who were chosen through fraud and irregularities," Amina Mujahid, a ...

WJ Rejects IEC’s Decision

WJ Rejects IEC’s Decision

August 25, 2011

KABUL – Wolesi Jirga (WJ) strongly rejected the decision taken by the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to unseat 9 lawmakers.
The administrative board of the parliament has issued seven resolutions under which it rules out any sort of change in final results of vote even if the change is brought by the IEC.
The administrative board said that the decision has been made under the pressure from President Karzai's Office.
This is unconstitutional ...

EUand its Member States Welcome the IEC Decision

EUand its Member States Welcome the IEC Decision

August 25, 2011

KABUL - Head of the European Union Delegation in Afghanistan and EU Special Representative, Ambassador Vygaudas Ušackas notes the decision taken by the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and expresses his hope that this will end the current political crisis. On the occasion, Ambassador Ušackas said "It is important to ...

Stable Afghanistan Must for Regional Security: Zardari

Stable Afghanistan Must for Regional  Security: Zardari

August 25, 2011

ISLAMABAD – Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has underscored the need for focusing on the economic development and security of the region, saying that peace and stability in Afghanistan holds the key to this end."Pakistan supports every effort intended towards peace and stability of Afghanistan," he was talking to a delegation of ...

US Provides $1,300m to Modernize Afghan Energy System

US Provides $1,300m to Modernize Afghan Energy System

August 25, 2011

KABUL - The US Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide $1,300 million over the next four years to help modernize power supply systems in Afghanistan. Officials in ministry of finance said on Wednesday that $980 million of the fund will be spent through the government budget in fields with high ...

9 poll candidates granted parliament membership

9 poll candidates granted parliament membership

August 25, 2011

KABUL (PAN): The Independent Election Commission (IEC) had granted Parliament membership to nine candidates who have been declared as winners to replace as many sitting disqualified MPs, an official said on Wednesday. "Previously the rights of these nine candidates were not given accurately, but later an investigation showed they had ...

Karzai Pardons 5 Would-Be Suicide Bombers

Karzai Pardons  5 Would-Be Suicide Bombers

August 25, 2011

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai decreed the release of 5 would-be suicide bombers arrested by Afghan security forces. President Hamid Karzai stressed that the released suicide bombers will be provided with education scholarships inside or outside the country, especially in ...

Senate to Seek Removal of Senior Officials

Senate to Seek Removal of Senior Officials

August 24, 2011

KABUL - Meshrano Jirga members decided on Tuesday to ask President Hamid Karzai for removing his foreign minister, national security adviser and the acting National Directorate of Security chief from their positions.

The decision came after the three failed to appear before the upper house to answer questions from lawmakers regarding the proposed strategic cooperation agreement between Afghanistan and the United ...

Cabinet Discusses Delay, Suspension of Major Projects

Cabinet Discusses Delay, Suspension of Major Projects

August 24, 2011

KABUL - Cabinet members in a Monday meeting discussed the delay and suspension of a number of major projects due to security threats, the president's office said in a statement.
The key projects facing these problems included the construction of roads, water dams, mines and telecommunication. The meeting was held Monday evening and chaired by ...

Two Germans Missing in Afghanistan: German FM

Two Germans  Missing in Afghanistan: German FM

August 24, 2011

BERLIN - Two Germans are missing in Afghanistan and may have been kidnapped, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said on Tuesday."I have to confirm that two Germans are missing and I cannot exclude the possibility that they are victims of a kidnapping," Westerwelle said at a news conference broadcast on ...

Afghans Want Peace, Stability: Karzai

Afghans Want Peace, Stability: Karzai

August 23, 2011

KABUL - Afghans want the United States to help restore peace and stability in their country and, President Hamid Karzai has said.
At a meeting with a US Senate delegation on Sunday evening, the president said his nation wanted to have the presence of American forces legalized.
NATO commander in Afghanistan, John Allen and US Ambassador Ryan ...

IEC Announces 9 New MPs to the Parliament

IEC Announces 9 New MPs to the Parliament

August 22, 2011

KABUL - The Independent Election Commission on Sunday introduced 9 out of 62 MPs declared winners by the Special Electoral Tribunal into the Parliament.
The Commission stressed that 9 unseated MPs will have to leave their seats. IEC's Chief Fazl Ahmad Manawi said that following President Karzai's decree and study into findings of appeals court, nine protesting candidates have been announced winners replacing nine sitting lawmakers. Mr Manawi said this is the final ...

NDS Urges Formation of Special Tribunal for Terrorists

NDS Urges Formation of  Special Tribunal for Terrorists

August 22, 2011

KABUL - National Directorate of Security (NDS) highlighted the need for formation of a special tribunal mainly for trial of terrorists. The Afghan intelligence organization said that there are lenient articles in the penal code that can avoid insurgents to face required punishments. Meanwhile, the Tolo news has obtained the footage of Kabul ...

Disqualified MPs Vow Not to Leave Parliament

Disqualified MPs Vow Not to Leave Parliament

August 22, 2011

KABUL - Nine MPs, to be replaced by as many candidates declared winners by the Independent Election Commission ('IEC), on Sunday said they would not leave Parliament because the constitution does not allow them to do so. Earlier in the day, IEC officials announced the disqualification of nine sitting MPs in favour of candidates previously certified as having ...

Work on US-Funded Park Launched in Kabul

Work on  US-Funded Park Launched in Kabul

August 22, 2011

KABUL - A recreational park, benefitting more than 5000 families, would be established in the first Macro Ryan neighborhood of the capital, the Kabul Municipality announced on Sunday.
The foundation stone of the park, spread over 3.5 acres of land, was laid by Mayor Mohammad Yunus Nawandesh. The USAID-funded park, costing ...

Work on Anti-Graft Strategy Underway: ISAF

Work on Anti-Graft  Strategy Underway: ISAF

August 22, 2011

KABUL - In response to President Hamid Karzai's frequent emphasis on an anti-graft drive, the NATO-led force on Sunday said it had started work on a comprehensive plan to fight corruption in Afghanistan. Areas of corruption would be identified before work on a comprehensive plan was launched, said McMaster, director of transparency at the ISAF ...

2014, Not the End of International Terrorist Networks: Spanta

2014, Not the End of International Terrorist Networks: Spanta

August 21, 2011

KABUL - America and Afghanistan are reportedly to sign an agreement allowing thousands of America troops to remain in the country till 2024. Afghanistan's neighbors like Iran and Pakistan have expressed disappointment, either publicly or privately, over the prospect of such a deal, The Telegraph reports.
A senior member of Hamid Karzai's Peace Council has said it risks being rejected by the Taliban and derailing any attempt to coax them to the negotiating table. However, Afghans are reportedly keen to ...

WJ will Witness Some Changes: IEC

WJ will Witness Some Changes: IEC

August 20, 2011

KABUL - Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Thursday said the Wolesi Jirga (WJ) will witness some changes next week. A spokesman for the IEC, Tabesh Frogh, said the IEC has finalized its decision to bring some changes in the Afghan House of Representatives, and that the decision will be officially made public in the beginning of next week.
The IEC stressed that it will not be responsible for the consequences of its decision in the ...

US is Committed Partner, Friend of Afghanistan: Clinton

US is Committed Partner, Friend of Afghanistan: Clinton

August 20, 2011

WASHINGTON - Congratulating Afghanis as they celebrate 92 years of their independence, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday that her country would remain a committed partner and friend of Afghanistan."Being independent, however, does not mean being alone. Throughout this transition and beyond, the United States will ...

US to Arm ANA with Unique Equipment

US to Arm ANA with Unique Equipment

August 20, 2011

KABUL - The US government will provide advanced military equipment to the Afghan National Army (ANA) in the next four months - a move to enhance the capabilities of Afghan forces to fight the Taliban.
The equipment are the first of its kind being supplied to the Afghan forces, said Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the head of transition ...

MPs Split on Talks with Taliban

MPs Split on  Talks with Taliban

August 18, 2011

KABUL - Some Wolesi Jirga members insist on peace negotiations with the Taliban to resolve the ongoing conflict, but others suggest the use of force against those unwilling to accept the Afghan constitution.
Last year, the government created the High Peace Council, tasked with reaching out to members of the Taliban movement for a dialogue as part of efforts at finding a negotiated end to the decade-old conflict.
The council says it has established initial contact with the insurgents, a claim rejected by the ...

Iran to Help Preserve Ghazni Historic Sites

Iran to Help Preserve Ghazni Historic Sites

August 18, 2011

GHAZNI CITY - An Iranian delegation on Wednesday visited historic sites in southern Ghazni province, pledging reconstruction and preservation of ancient cultural heritage of the province, which will be declared the capital of Islamic civilization in 2013. The four-member delegation was accompanied by advisers at the ...

Afghanistan to Celebrate Independence Day

Afghanistan to Celebrate Independence Day

August 18, 2011

KABUL - The nation will celebrate its 92nd Independency Day with traditional spirit and fervor on Friday, the Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday. Without identifying function venues, the ministry said the sacrifices of the martyrs, who won independence from Britain in 1919, would be remembered at a special ...

Increasing Urbanization Causes Unemployment: AREU

Increasing  Urbanization Causes Unemployment: AREU

August 18, 2011

>KABUL - An increasingly growing urbanization has boosted unemployment rate and caused disorder in cities in Afghanistan, a new research by AREU said. The research carried out by Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) said cities have been hit by a wave of rural and semi-rural settlers that could increase unemployment rate and mess up the lives of ...

Afghanistan Could Face the Fate of M.E.: Coalition

Afghanistan Could Face the Fate of M.E.: Coalition

August 17, 2011

KABUL - The coalition to support the law comprised of sitting lawmakers said on Tuesday that Karzai's lockstep to alter the parliament would make the country face the fate of Middle-Eastern countries.
A spokesman for the coalition to support the law, Abdul Latif Pedram, warned that any change in the parliament would be the beginning of an end to democracy.
The coalition stressed that if the president could unseat 17 lawmakers, he will extend that number ...

Pro-Karzai Parliamentary Group Set Up

Pro-Karzai Parliamentary Group Set Up

August 17, 2011

KABUL - A new group called "Reformists" has been created in the lower house of parliament in support of the special election court's verdict and President Hamid Karzai's decree. The coalition is said to have 106 members, including 33 who have parted ways with the Coalition to Support Enforcement of Law, a ...