Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Inevitability of Revolution

The Inevitability of Revolution

January 12, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

Change is in the nature of the matter. Matter is in continuous process of changing its shape and form. Everything flows, nothing stays. From tinniest object, atom, to the mightiest object, star ...

Taliban’s Cruelty Persists

Taliban’s Cruelty Persists

January 12, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

“I have arisen and become a tempest through the ashes of my burnt children. I have arisen from the rivulets of my brother’s blood. My nation’s wrath has empowered ...

The Shaky Security ahead of the Elections

The Shaky Security ahead of the Elections

January 11, 2014 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

In early days of 2014, the militant groups have launched a series of terrorist attacks across the country, indicating a sudden rise in the Taliban’s campaign of violence. In recent days, the ...

Increasing Sorrows of Afghan Women

Increasing Sorrows of Afghan Women

January 11, 2014 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Regarding the violence against women in Afghanistan, there is a bizarre situation that requires the genius of Einstein to be understood. Every passing day increases the number of reports in ...



January 11, 2014 | Omidullah Khawary

After gaining its independence in 1919, King Amanullah introduced a formal education reform in Afghanistan as part of his overall modernization program that focused on the literacy ...

Beyond Nationalism and Internationalism

Beyond Nationalism and Internationalism

January 09, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

Uncertainty, ambiguity, insecurity, hatred, disdain, tyranny, massacre, conspiracy and war; these are the gifts of politics and I believe that it has yet to bless humanity more. The sages of the ...

Eyes Fixed On Elections

Eyes Fixed On Elections

January 09, 2014 | Asmatyari

The imminent presidential and parliamentary elections seem to become a dilemma seeing numerous problems Afghan government faces at present. In contrary to political pundits, I term the ...

Taliban’s Release on the Pretext of Peace Parley

Taliban’s Release on the Pretext of Peace Parley

January 09, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Earlier this week, grave concerns about the release of Bagram prisoners were voiced, especially by the victims’ families. The announcement of the possible release ...

Secularism vs. Extremism

Secularism vs. Extremism

January 08, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

The emergence of different schools of thought, especially secularism and extremism, has made religion a complicated issue .God-fearing individuals face a dilemma. Freedom of expression ...

The Controversy over Taliban Prisoners Release

The Controversy over Taliban Prisoners Release

January 07, 2013 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

After sharp criticisms from the US to the decision for release of 88 Taliban prisoners, President Hamid Karzai acted to prevent a potential damage in relations, ordering that they should remain ...

A Sacred Revolution against Cruelties

A Sacred Revolution against Cruelties

January 07, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

With the emergence of the Messenger in a society which was deep in violence and corruption, on the one hand, there were the sincerest hearts smoldering with strong faith and on the other hand ...

Possible Replay of Iraq Scenario

Possible Replay of Iraq Scenario

January 07, 2013 | Masood Korosh

Exactly two years ago, during same days, Iraqi government and people breathed in relief as the last caravan of US troops left the country on Dec. 18, 2011. All propaganda against US such as ...

A Burning Candle in the Darkness

A Burning Candle in the Darkness

January 06, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

In the tribal structure of Arab Peninsula, the barbaric acts of cruelty and bloodshed were on acme. Human rights were trampled upon and human dignity was devalued. Violence, aggression and hostility ...

Terror, Religion and Humanity!

Terror, Religion and Humanity!

January 06, 2014 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

There has never been an era or time that should be free of people who dedicated their lives for the promotion of Islam and its progress as they had realized that this is the only system that can save the ...

The Reality of Nuclear Non-Proliferation

The Reality of Nuclear Non-Proliferation

January 05, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

The contemporary international political scenario can be well analyzed by keeping the term “hypocrisy” in our consideration. Basically the prevailing international politics does ...

The Suspect and the Suspicious!

The Suspect and the Suspicious!

January 05, 2014 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

An old man lost a precious thing. He looked for it everywhere but could not find it. In his neighborhood there lived a teenager boy whom he liked very much. The boy was very polite and possessed ...

A Perspective on Extremism

A Perspective on Extremism

January 04, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

“We are the best; others are the worst. We are righteous and pious; others are sinful and are led astray. We are the blessed people while others are the cursed ones. This universe and all its laws are ...

Reach for the Stars but Focus on Business Growth at Home

Reach for the Stars but Focus on Business Growth at Home

January 04, 2014 | Curtis S. Chin

KATHMANDU, NEPAL – The contrasts could not be sharper. As Afghanistan struggles to break free from a turbulent modern history that seems at times to keep the country mired in poverty ...

Everything is not OK!

Everything is not OK!

January 02, 2014 | Masood Korosh

The British Chief of Army in Afghanistan warns that Taliban may retake key areas won as result of heavy casualties. Key Afghan towns such as Musa Qala, where British troops suffered ...

Understanding Happiness!

Understanding Happiness!

January 02, 2014 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In every social setup, extending from a family to a cross-cultural and multinational organization, efforts are done to motivate the people or members to show better performance. The main aim ...

Extremism and Terrorism are Reciprocal

Extremism and Terrorism are Reciprocal

January 02, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

Everyone seems to agree on the severity of the crisis that threatens the peaceful, civilized and modernized world. Even in the best scenario humanitarian analysts estimate that extremism ...

Hatred Cannot Drive Out Hatred

Hatred Cannot Drive Out Hatred

January 01, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

It can be observed in our today’s world that there has been increase in the negative energy displayed by human beings in different forms. The worst of its types can be found in the ...

Uphold the Spirit of Democracy!

Uphold the Spirit of Democracy!

January 01, 2014 | Asmatyari

Afghanistan has been ravaged by years of conflict. Subsequent to Taliban’s regime toppled, Afghanistan was put on the way to democracy, the established and wide practiced system of ...

Intendancy towards Religion

Intendancy towards Religion

January 01, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Religion is a natural need of human beings which was also common from the very beginning of the creation and in prehistory. From the very beginning, human beings felt a strong spiritual thirst and sought way ...

Individual does Matter

Individual does Matter

December 31, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

With the rise of Utilitarian school of thought in Europe, the concept of individualism started flourishing by leaps and bounds. It started with Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of ...

The Unlikely Predictions for Afghanistan Post-2014

The Unlikely Predictions for Afghanistan Post-2014

December 31, 2013 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The military and intelligence assessments about Afghanistan’s post-2014 security indicate that there may be troubles for Afghan security forces in sustaining the achievements of one last ...

A Fake Picture!

A Fake Picture!

December 31, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In some circumstances, when one wants to make others fool by telling lies, a comical situation emerges out of this rubbish. In such a situation, the person who is telling lies and trying to ...

Before Blaming the Leaders…

Before Blaming the Leaders…

December 30, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Man is called a social animal for he cannot live his life alone; rather he lives in a society with the gathering of some other humans. As he is not perfect, he needs the people to be ...

Egyptian Political Mayhem

Egyptian Political Mayhem

December 30, 2013 | Masood Korosh

On Dec. 25, a powerful blast rocked police headquarters in Nile Delta city where top security officials came together to work out arrangements for an upcoming constitutional referendum, leaving 15 ...

FM Idrissov Says Relations with Traditional Partners Important, New Regions Come in Focus

FM Idrissov Says Relations with Traditional  Partners Important, New Regions Come in Focus

December 30, 2013 | The Daily Outlook Afghanistan

ASTANA – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov reported on the preliminary results of the Foreign Ministry’s activity in 2013 focusing on relations with key ...

We Must Rise and Act

We Must Rise and Act

December 29, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Life is a complicated phenomenon; it is full of loses and victories. When we are born, we have to live the life in any condition; mostly we find losses in this complicated life. Whatever! We are here to look at the positive aspects of life so as to make ...

Radical Ideology Based on Religious Worldview

Radical Ideology Based on Religious Worldview

December 29, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

“Do you not know that faith is the leading principle in all matters? For what husbandman can reap, unless he first trust his seed to the earth? Or who can cross the sea, unless he ...

An Aimless Society

An Aimless Society

December 29, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Of the number of scenes that irritate and sadden us, one is to see the people idle and wasting the time in a number of useless, aimless and stupid activities. You pass by a small shop where ...

The Dirty Syrian War!

The Dirty Syrian War!

December 28, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

After the failed experiments of launching attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan, war in Syria is also becoming another failed experiment that is going to add manifolds to the widely sprouting and expanding ...

The Sparkles of Democracy Were Extinguished

The Sparkles of Democracy Were Extinguished

December 28, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

According to history, Afghans sustained reigns of terror and cruel regimes over the centuries. Fight for independence, eruption of civil war and finally the dictatorial regime of Taliban went down in ..