Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Battling for Democracy

Battling for Democracy

October, 11 2011 | Nasruddin Hemati

Following months of violence and killing, Yemeni president promised to leave power. Since March this year, when Arab spring spread to Yemen, the long ruling Ali Abdullah Saleh has denied handing over the power to people. Domestic pressures and international calls have failed making him leave autocratic presidency in favor of a democratic regime ...

Fighting Corruption - Going after the Corrupt Politician

Fighting Corruption - Going after the Corrupt Politician

October, 11 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Corruption and lots of it still remains among the most pressing challenges that Afghanistan faces. The Wikileaks cables released by the whistle blowing website managed by Julian Assange has thrown light on the extent and depth of how corruption has affected, how ...

The Strike of Samin Barakzai

The Strike of  Samin Barakzai

October, 11 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

It has been eight consecutive days that Samin Barakzai, a female lawmaker,from western Herat Province has gone on hunger strike. There is serious concern about her health, like she might get kidney and stomach problems if she continued strike. Already she is in severe condition as her photos posted on internet and Media showing her ...

“Silence on a Crime is a Crime in Itself”

“Silence on a Crime is  a Crime in Itself”

October, 10 2011 | Sher Ali Yecha

The Quetta city of Pakistan has turned into a river of blood as the genocide of a particular community – the Hazaras – continues. The terrorism practiced on Hazaras there, began as early as 1997 and has taken lives of more than 600 innocent people so far. For a clear understanding on how the genocide of Hazaras is taking place in ...

How to Win the Minds Of Afghans?

How to Win the  Minds Of Afghans?

October, 10 2011 | Farman Nawaz

Pakistan's thirty years Afghan policy bore fruit and last days we saw an anti-Pakistan rally in Kabul and now a strategic pact between India and Afghanistan. Afghans protested against Pakistan's interference in Afghanistan internal matters. But here in Pakistan our leaders are reminding Afghans to unite against the 'common enemy' while ...

Do not Lose Hope on Afghanistan

Do not Lose Hope  on Afghanistan

October, 09 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

There are signs of increasing concern and rising apprehension in the Western capitals and media regarding the state of affairs in Afghanistan as the deadline of 2014 draws closer while the graph of insurgency and violence continues its sharp climb. The irony is that on October 7, as Afghanistan moved past the tenth anniversary of U.S. attacks ...

Wars, Their Vitality and Their Outcomes

Wars, Their Vitality  and Their Outcomes

October, 09 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Wars have always played a dominant role in human societies, if not positive all the times. There are many people in the world who consider that wars are necessary, though wars bring a lot of miseries with them. They even go to the extreme by calling them as a precondition to peace. But, on the other hand, there are many people who believe that ...

Twin Brother and Great Friend

Twin Brother and  Great Friend

October, 09 2011 | Muhammad Younas

"Pakistan is a twin brother, India is a great friend and the agreement we signed with our friend will not affect our brother," Mr. Karzai said on Wednesday and further added that the "signing of the strategic partnership with India is not directed against any country. It is not directed against any other entity. This is for Afghanistan ...

Ethnic Cleansing of a Minority in Pakistan

Ethnic Cleansing of a Minority in Pakistan

October, 08 2011 | By Abbas Daiyar

Hundreds of Afghan civil society and human rights activists held a demonstration in Kabul on Friday protesting against ethnic cleansing of a particular minority group in Pakistan. They were holding banners calling the UN to take notice of an ethnic cleansing in Quetta, where, according to Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, more than ...

A Decade Old War and Instability

A Decade Old War  and Instability

October, 08 2011 | By Dilawar Sharzai

Keeping in mind the history and socio-political scenario in Afghanistan, one can conclude that the current relative stability has been earned hardly. So, it must be cared for and all the indications of worsening of situation in the country must be dealt with, seriously. In the ongoing transition period there are indications of the worsening ...

The Prospective of Women Achievements is not Bleak

The Prospective of Women Achievements  is not Bleak

October, 08 2011 | Mohammad Jawad

An International Aid Agency, Oxfam, On October 3, warned that a quick-fix bargain for peace could reverse improvements for Afghan women's rights gained over the last decade. The organization alarmed that if women put out of the core search for peace, they would face a dangerous future after 2014, the deadline for completion of military ...

Karzai Plays Well

Karzai Plays Well

October, 06 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

For the first time when Afghan Independent Election Commission announced the result of parliamentary election which prompted some circles within and out of the country to claim that oppositions of President Karzai had largely found way into the house, the thing which was recognized as slap on his face and a preface for new round of ...

Afghan-Indian Strategic Pact

Afghan-Indian Strategic Pact

October, 06 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

The strategic pact between Afghanistan and India, though has great value for Afghanistan, comes at such a period of time that it is bound to have negative impacts on the Af-Pak relations that have been going through a deteriorating trend specifically after the attacks on US Embassy and NATO head quarters and the death of Burhand ud din Rabbani. Both the incidents ...

Britain: Policing, Corruption and Racism

Britain: Policing, Corruption and Racism

October, 06 2011 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The brilliant history of British police, established under the Metropolitan Act 1829 by Sir Robert Peel has recently become the centre of debate across Europe, when the corruption and racism cases of its officers were reported in local newspapers. These and other cases of abuse disappointed civil society and business communities ...

No End to Ethno-sectarian Killings in Pakistan

No End to Ethno-sectarian Killings in Pakistan

October, 05 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

The wave of ethnic and sectarian killings in Pakistan is getting very intense with each passing day. Pakistan has been suffering from the negative impacts of terrorism to a large extend. As Pakistan opted to join hand with US in the war against terrorism, the terrorist networks in Pakistan have displayed vehement response. They have ...

The Future of Conflict in Afghanistan

The Future of Conflict  in Afghanistan

October, 05 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

It is October and it was exactly ten years ago in the October of 2001 that the Taliban regime was toppled under the assault of international and Afghan allies. The ouster of the Taliban regime was a turning point in the history of Afghanistan. It promised to not only bring better days for the people of Afghanistan, but also to restore ...

Karzai! Again with Anti Pakistan Temper

Karzai! Again with  Anti Pakistan Temper

October, 04 2011 | Dr. Hussain Yasa

Yesterday evening, in his nationwide address, President Karzai said that against our expectations the Pakistani establishment didn't help us in bring peace and stability in Afghanistan. Insisting on terrorism as the common menace for both the countries he said that instead of Taliban direct talks Pakistan will be preferred. He was trying to ...

New Policy of Negotiations with Pakistan

New Policy of Negotiations with Pakistan

October, 04 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

The 11-minutes speech of President Karzai to the nation live on RTA last night was expected to announce a strategy or roadmap about the post-Rabbani peace, the strategic partnership with the US, or making a sense of his vague statements regarding direct talks with Pakistan, instead of Taliban. But he repeated the same rhetoric, ...

A Victim of Being Hazara and Shia in Pakistan

A Victim of Being Hazara and Shia in Pakistan

October, 04 2011 | Muhammad Younas

After 9/11, international forces led by American forces attacked on Taliban in Afghanistan and it took a month to oust Taliban along with Al-Qaida and other Islamic militant groups from Kabul who had been ruling Afghanistan since September 1996. It was Pakistani intelligence agencies, which played pivotal role in the making of ...

The Death of an Illusionary Friend

The Death of an  Illusionary Friend

October, 03 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Afghan government decisions—concealing the upcoming Pakistan's Prime Minister, Yosuf Reza Gilani's visit, and postponing the second round of Joint Peace Council Conference that was about to be held in Kabul city, the capital——set me on the dais of extreme astonishment. However, within past ten years, the bilateral relation has not always gone on ...

Insecurity Requires Serious Commitment

Insecurity Requires  Serious Commitment

October, 03 2011 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The Daredevil terrorist attack in heart of Kabul, in one of the highest-security zone of the capital is indeed the ultimate matter of concern and discussion. A thread blasts targeting the U.S embassy and NATO's headquarters paralyzing all the precautionary measures that the government and the foreign establishments had taken speaks of ...

A State is Known by the Rights it Maintains

A State is Known by  the Rights it Maintains

Dilawar Sharzai | October, 03 2011

The society consists of a large number of people whose mutual relations are conducted by certain well established rules of conduct. Unless people accept certain restraints and responsibilities towards each other, social life will not be possible. The conditions created by the state to ensure the security of the individual and property are ...

Da Afghanistan Bank and our National Economy

Da Afghanistan Bank  and our National Economy

October, 02 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Central Bank of Afghanistan, Da Afghanistan Bank, is the highest public institution in the country in whose hands the powers for management of Afghanistan's economy are vested. As any other Central Bank, Da Afghanistan Bank is responsible for a wide array of crucial issues related to the economy of Afghanistan and the standard of ...

Pushing to Fight

Pushing to Fight

October, 02 2011 | Nasruddin Memati

In the latest attempt to push Haqqani network to impasse, NATO forces said Saturday that they had captured a senior Haqqani network member in Afghanistan. US forces have recently embarked on some harsh measures against the brutal group led by Sirajuddin Haqqani. The group's aggressive attacks have triggered tensions between the US and ...

The Law Emanates from the Will to Power

The Law Emanates  from the Will to Power

October, 02 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

As human societies kept on evolving, the necessity for codified rules and regulations started being felt intensely. With the societies turning more complex and human relations and interaction becoming more frequent and usual, the requirement of marking a difference between what is perceived to be right or wrong became inevitable. The human ...

President Karzai’s Dilemma

President Karzai’s Dilemma

October, 01 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

President Hamid Karzai has been in dire straits ever since the assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, the ex-president and chairman of the High Peace Council. The assassination robbed Mr. Karzai of an invaluable ally who provided the President with a formidable bridgehead towards a wide segment of Afghan ethnic mosaic. In the ...

An Ideal State is the Visible Embodiment of Justice

An Ideal State is the Visible Embodiment of Justice

October, 01 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Most of the political philosophers and analysts believe that justice is one of the basic pillars on which the building of a political system can be constructed. Justice, in simplest words, is 'to give what a person deserves' or 'it is what the courts offer' or else 'it is what law tends to achieve'. But these definitions of justice are too simplistic and concise ...

Breathing Turns Difficult in Kabul

Breathing Turns Difficult in Kabul

October, 01 2011 | Mohd. Ahsan

Kabul, the capital of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a city where according to health pundits, pollution forms greater threat to life of people than the insecurity does. The hundreds of thousands of vehicles have turned healthy breathing a dream while burning of coal and wood for heating purposes during cold season create monstrous ...

The Eurozone Debt Crisis - More to Come?

The Eurozone Debt Crisis - More to Come?

September 29, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The European Union and the Eurozone member countries - the bloc of countries that have adopted Euro as their common currency - are having sleepless nights. The problems with the financial situation of Greece, a member country, have now come to head and threaten a catastrophic collapse of the European financial and monetary union if ...

J.S. Mill, Individual, Democracy and Proportional Representation

J.S. Mill, Individual, Democracy  and  Proportional Representation

September 29, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

With the rise of the concepts of individualism and utilitarianism in Europe, the concepts of individual rights and liberty also became prominent. The political thinkers like Bentham and J.S. Mill played dominant roles in defining the roles, responsibilities and liberty of individual in relation to the society. Both were great English ...

Animosity Damages both Countries

Animosity Damages  both Countries

September 29, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Have you ever found Afghans tear all communal, lingual and religious ties apart and be glued to one another that no divisive force can poke in their unity? Just make that fantasy. Yes, fantasy, because, presently, the notion of a united Afghan without an external force seems unlikely and unattainable for many. Partly ...

The House of Nation in Disarray

The House of Nation in Disarray

September 28, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

It has been more than a year since the parliamentary elections opened up another chapter, albeit controversial, in Afghanistan's post-Taliban experience with democracy. The happenings, ever since, have been bitter with the brutal political tug of war, involving the three branches of the state, casting a long shadow over ...

Heightening Position of Women in Saudi Arabia

Heightening Position of  Women in Saudi Arabia

September 28, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Through out most part of history women have been discriminated in some way or the other. Most of the human societies in history have been patriarchal with men having the upper hand in all the institutions of the society, while women have suffered from various forms of discriminations designed in the name of religion, tradition, values and ...

Breakfast with the Taliban

Breakfast with the Taliban

September 28, 2011 | Adam Valen Levinson

One Saturday in June, traffic was light on the road from Kabul to the town of Bamyan, nestled deep in a high valley lined with sandstone cliffs 240 kilometers to the northwest. But for all the paving efforts that have made it among the smoothest in the country, this route from the Afghan capital through the 10,000-foot-high Shibar pass is less ...

Working Towards Social Justice

Working Towards  Social Justice

September 27, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Achieving social justice in Afghanistan, having been the omnipresent mantra of all in the early years of the post-Taliban era, has now been relegated to the bottom of the national and international agenda for Afghanistan. Social justice is all about creating a just and fair society where every human being as a citizen enjoys a range of ...