Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Insecurity Requires Serious Commitment


Insecurity Requires  Serious Commitment

The Daredevil terrorist attack in heart of Kabul, in one of the highest-security zone of the capital is indeed the ultimate matter of concern and discussion. A thread blasts targeting the U.S embassy and NATO's headquarters paralyzing all the precautionary measures that the government and the foreign establishments had taken speaks of the high penetration that immoral elements have made and the vulnerability that has set in.

The reports are driving not the fact to confirming the exact causalities on that grieving day. In fact, this attack brings into line that it has exposed the security decorum of the Coalition forces and that of the fragile regime in Kabul. It has been reported that at least four suicide bombers have been involved in the assault operation and had engaged the security forces in irregular gunfight for long hours.

It, in fact, indicates that Taliban and Haqqani Network, who accepted the responsibility for the attack, have regrouped and are in an offensive mood for more violation in Afghanistan and in the world at large and obviously reflects the uneasiness of the future and the grave security dangers to which the Afghans are exposed to.

The attack is much similar to the ones that have been carried outside the British Council office that killed more than 15 people, and another one on the ISAF barracks earlier this month which injured 77 US troops and 2 civilians.

The so-called militia has put a travel on a long way to exert its influence and make President Karzai's administration realize that they are not a spent force anymore. From the rugged terrain of southern Afghanistan to right inside the capital, the Taliban and Haqqani Network seem to be free to choose the moment of action to destroy our peaceful moment with bloodshed and horror as it happened just earlier with former president Burhanidin Rabbani, the Afghan high peace council chief.

It was strong enough to make the fragile government of Hamid Karzai and its allies realize that Taliban and Haqqani Network are still powerful and have the absolute vision and mission to further shock the government and world at large.

Coming back to the attack being carried out on U.S embassy recently where numbers of innocent people have lost their lives. The claims are all made that the militia has been nailed and its frustration impacts on the lives of people. The attack had a special feature to boast and it is the fact that the entire diplomatic enclaves of Kabul have been caught off the guard.

The easiness with which a handful of loaded gunman has holed themselves in strategic installments is, of course, no less than a snub to the supposed might and intelligence of Kabul and the so-called players. Bloodshed in that way was impossible without a masterminded guidance.

Today the trend of violence in Afghanistan that spans from suicide attempts to targeted attacks on Coalition forces and governmental installations have now graduated into the political assassinations. The last series of such attacks that involved the killing of the Afghan peace council's chief, former president Burhanidin Rabbani and president's brother and the other well-known officials are quite worrisome.

The strategy to eliminate political opponents as well as people of moderate beliefs from the Afghan society will come to cost dearly. This tendency of violence and victimization has to be checked now before it gets spread throughout the world.

However, the Afghan and NATO forces could hardly end up a 24-hour attack by militants on the U.S embassy and NATO headquarters in what has been a secure district in Kabul. Now, it is a more worrying concern for the people at large and the politics in the worldwide. Indeed, the episode raised new concerns about our country Afghanistan's security as NATO forces continue a phased withdrawal.

The U.S ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker has recited the attack by calling it harassment, and said that the Pakistan-based Haqqani Network was responsible for this bloodshed.
This year Kabul has seen couples of high-profile attacks on well-known personalities, at least three major ones since the NATO-led forces handed over the security of the city to the Afghan forces three months ago.

The ability of the Taliban insurgents to penetrate the capital's strongholds severely undermines the distrust and in-confidence of Afghan citizens in their security forces to protect them. The writer journalist Simon Klingert on foreign policy.com says, "The Haqqani network has ties to both with al-Qaeda and the Taliban."

The Attempts of such attacks by the Taliban and other insurgent networks also highlight some crucial questions about the capability of Afghan forces to control insurgents. As expert Andrew Exum notes that the ongoing transition in Afghanistan rests on the supposition that the country's security forces and intelligence services will be prepared to take responsibility for those areas that are transferred.
The extreme pressure of violence and bloodshed in the country puts a concern on the United States which is looking to handover security to Afghan forces completely by the end of 2014.

Shortly after the current attack, Crocker said that the transition is on schedule and that the United States and Afghanistan are working on a strategic partnership agreement to outline the U.S role beyond 2014.

But, Afghan President Hamid Karzai noted in this interview with CFR.org, that the two sides disagree on several points, starting with how binding the agreement should be since the Afghan forces by now don't seem to be ready to handover the security responsibility. Indeed, the Afghan forces beyond 2014 need a bold training and full support so that they could be able to disappoint the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

The accommodation and timing of attacks also raise questions about the U.S-led efforts for a political settlement to the war in Afghanistan through negotiations with the Taliban which is in the way. The attack reportedly comes shortly after the government of Qatar granted the Taliban permission to open what amounts to a political office there.

In the mean time, this new stance that inadvertently will keep afloat all the moderate elements in the Taliban to step in for an amicable resolution of odds in Afghanistan will carry the added mass of the Haqqanis, who to this day had believed and practiced an approach that is solely militaristic.

The indication is that all the stakeholders in the war-weary country should pick the threads and arrange a strategy that pulls Afghanistan out of the mass destruction. Their extremist routes also indicate that reconciliation and talks with the Taliban and Haqqani Network will not be a useful process for the people of Afghanistan and the people don't agree with this process.

Indeed, Pakistan is the key central to any stable future for Afghanistan. The Haqqani networks continue to enjoy a safe haven in Pakistan's tribal region bordering Afghanistan, and according to most analysts.

Most of the analysts are in view that the ongoing process of negotiations with the United States by the Taliban's deceiver leaders is a failure. Negotiation with the Taliban means, the start of another war in the country. For any prospective reconciliation with the Taliban and for the United States to be able to hand over security to a capable Afghan National Security Force, it must focus on governance reforms in Afghanistan.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafg hanistan@gmail.com

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