Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Dictatorial Behavior Within a Democratic Framework

Dictatorial Behavior Within a Democratic Framework

September 12, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

We have a democratic framework which is established by years of international community military engagement. But still we lack something; something we do not have, and consistently threaten our already unstable democratic framework on the basis of which, we and our foreign allies want to build a new, safe Afghanistan that wouldn't be ...

Social Isolation

Social Isolation

September 12, 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

Man is a social animal. He lives in a society because he would not be able to live otherwise. The social interactions play a very important role in the lives of human beings and assist them not only in fulfillment of their requirements but also of their personalities. From the very beginning of their lives human beings have been living in the ...

Xenophobic Nationalism

Xenophobic Nationalism

September 12, 2011 | Farman Nawaz

Today when extremism has shaken the very basis of Pakistan we must see whether this extremism is the upshot of our nationalism or corollary of the sectarian concept of the religion. Before partition religion was utilized to shape Muslim nationalism in India but now extremism and fundamentalism are used to promote the concept of ...

Random Thoughts on 10th Anniversary of 9/11

Random Thoughts on 10th Anniversary of 9/11

September 11, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

Today is the 10th anniversary of 9/11 attacks when Al-Qaeda hijackers carried out the worst terrorist attack in recent history killing thousands of innocent people. Afghan and international media outlets have given extensive coverage reporting about the impact of 9/11, particularly focusing the war in Afghanistan. I have had several ...

Afghan Security Forces - Promising Progress

Afghan Security Forces - Promising Progress

September 11, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Chief of Army Staff, General Sher Mohammad Karimi, has said that the military of Afghanistan will become operationally independent by 2014, the deadline by which the majority of foreign forces are set to leave Afghanistan. According to the Chief of Army Staff, 60% of operations carried out by the Afghan National Army are done independently ...

Human Wisdom and Misery

Human Wisdom and Misery

September 11, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Since ages human beings have been striving for a better world to live in. The basic intentions behind 'human will' to design society and endeavors to develop political systems have been to fill human world with prosperity, tranquility and well-being., for this very reason human beings have dominantly demarcated themselves from other living ...

Suicidal Attacks and 9/11 Anniversary

Suicidal Attacks  and 9/11 Anniversary

September 10, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

One day, in India I came across two people with contrasting notion about my country Afghanistan. The first one was a bearded Muslim who was able to utter only few sentences of Pashtu, one of the national languages of Afghans, with Hindi accent approached and asked about my nationality. When I answered him, a welcoming smile emerged on his face ...

The War Remains Indecisive

The War Remains Indecisive

September 10, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

It is going to be ten years of the unforgettable incident of 9/11, which is thought to have changed the course of world order and consequently started 'the war against terrorism'. The country in focus in 'the war against terrorism' has been Afghanistan, as Al-Qaida – the responsible terrorist organization – was fully supported by the ...

State of Healthcare in Afghanistan

State of Healthcare  in Afghanistan

September 10, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Ten years after the ouster of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and the dawn of a new era that promised to be a far better deal for Afghans, access to quality healthcare still remains elusive for an overwhelming majority of Afghans. Whether for the urban rich, who tend to be more health conscious compared to their rural peers, or for ...

Financial Crisis and The End of European Welfare State

Financial Crisis and The End of European Welfare State

September 08, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The idea of European Union with a single political economic space and a uniform, neatly organized political ordering of like-minded countries has always been thought of as brilliant; as the embodiment of a long process that has been deemed to be only natural. Up until recently, everything was fine; the ...

General Will and Democracy

General Will and Democracy

September 08, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

The basic question about a demo cratic system is that whether it protects the liberty and rights of the people as whole or it protects the liberty of every individual. Does it let the individuals be sacrificed for the mass or mass for the individuals? Or, otherwise, it protects both the liberty of the individual and the mass at the same time? It is generally believed ...

Al-Qaeda Reprisal Attack in Quetta

Al-Qaeda Reprisal Attack in Quetta

September 08, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

Western media is doing extensive 9/11-week coverage. I have had several interviews in the past week, remembering personal memories and experience of that tragic day on September 11, 2001 when Al-Qaeda bombers destroyed the twin towers and this attacked changed lives of people around the world, particularly in Afghanistan and ...

Afghanistan’s First Oil Field Opens Up

Afghanistan’s First Oil Field Opens Up

September 07, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Everybody knows about Afghanistan's vast depos its of minerals with the latest estimates putting the country's wealth of minerals at $3 billion. Ainak copper deposits in the province of Logar located south-east of Kabul has already been auctioned with China Metallurgical Group, a government-owned company from China having won the international ...

Mullah Omar Declares Victory

Mullah Omar Declares Victory

September 07, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

An Eid message on behalf of the Taliban leader Mullah Omar has been released by the propaganda website of the Islamic Emirate. The Al-Emara website claiming to represent Taliban has been very active with propaganda reports and disinformation. Though they are much updated about attacks, and post news reports mixing the content with some true ...

The Second Regional Anti-narcotics Conference

The Second Regional Anti-narcotics Conference

Jawad Rahmani | September 07, 2011

Yesterday, when I was on my way to office, I suddenly came across two persons fighting and throwing stones towards each other. However, all stones threw were missed but people gathered, including myself to stop them. Soon I figured out that both were opium-addicts. They were fighting in district 13 of Kabul city a place known as Pule-Sokhta, ...

The Dushanbe Regional Summit - Walking the Talk

The Dushanbe Regional Summit - Walking the Talk

September 06, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Presidents of Afghanistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Pakistan held the Quadrilateral Regional Summit on Friday, September 2, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The summit and its outcome have been an encouraging sign of a greater convergence of opinions and ideas among the countries of our region at a time when the need for enhanced cooperation among these ...

ANA has Become Far Better

ANA has Become Far Better

September 06, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

One of the critical issues in Afghanistan of President Hamid Karzai has been the process of security recruitment. Right after the outstation of Taliban regime, the entire administrative system, unlike many countries in the world passed through a similar track, collapsed, and there remained no recognized hierarchical administrative system ...

Mineral Deposits, the Only Big Hope

Mineral Deposits, the Only Big Hope

September 06, 2011 | Sher Ali Yecha

Afghanistan remains of strategic interest for several reasons. Geographically, it's at the crossroads of the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, and West Asia. Geologically, its rugged landscape holds over $3 trillion in untapped mineral resources, including iron, copper, cobalt, gold, and lithium, the metal critical to the batteries ...

The Ill-Fated Refugees

The Ill-Fated Refugees

September 05, 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

The issue of refugees is an international problem and needs proper attention from international commu nity. The refugees who leave their homelands in search of better life, most of the times suffer different sorts of hardships before they reach somewhere safe. Most of them even do not reach to the destination they set ...

What Makes Optimistic

What Makes Optimistic

September 05, 2011 | By Jawad Rahmani

After spending around three years out of my home country Afghanistan, I finally returned back with surprisingly cheerless mod to see and experience what I have been hearing and following from far away. Chronically categorizing, there are two types of Afghan migrants and refugees for whatever reason they left the country: old and new ...

Britain’s Police, Multiculturalism and Racism

Britain’s Police, Multiculturalism and Racism

Musa Khan Jalalzai | September 05, 2011

The recent riots and economic terrorism in the streets of Britain and the way it was tackled raised many question about the performance and credibility of the police department and its intelligence unites. During violence and disorder, Britain's police officers were in trouble and failed to protect public and government properties across the ...

Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency

September 04, 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

No existing society in the world is perfect. There are different factors in every society that are responsible for creating injustices and crimes and pollute the systems. Though in every society there is a system of maintaining justice but ideal justice can never be achieved as there are evident short comings. There have been development and ...

Groping the UK system

Groping the UK system

September 04, 2011 | Farman Nawaz

Last day, I was watching Hard Talk program on BBC World News. It was about a paralyzed person in UK who wishes to die but through a legal process. His argument is that for six years he is living this way and there is no hope of his recovery therefore he wants to get rid of this dependent life which is not only a burden for him but for his family ...

Bonn Meet Best Bet for a Stable Afghanistan

Bonn Meet Best Bet for a Stable Afghanistan

September 03, 2011 | Dr. Hussain Yasa

President Barack Obama maintains that his vision for a way out of the Afghan conflict involves a new political settlement in Afghanistan, backed up by an agreement with the regional powers.
He has proclaimed the importance of diplomacy in his discussions about the security transition and the upcoming 2nd Bonn Conference with ...

Mullah Omar’s Message

Mullah Omar’s Message

September 03, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Che recent hard-hitting message of Mullah Mohammad Omar, the Taliban's supreme leader, delivered just before the Eid-ul Fitr, is a good yardstick by which we can measure and understand what the Taliban and their leadership's thinking is towards the current situation in the country and the proposed peace talks. The message sits in an uneasy ...

Target Killings in Pakistan

Target Killings in Pakistan

September 03, 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

Another tragic incident on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 added to the series of target killings and bombings in Quetta, Pakistan. The incident was a car bomb blast which intended to target those who were saying their Eid Prayers in Hazara Eid Gah, Quetta. The blast occurred some meters away from the Eid Gah, on Gulistan Road and resulted in the ...



August 29, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

There are different ways of perceiving a religion, or it would be better to say that there are different degrees of perceiving a religion. There are people who strictly adhere to the basic teachings of religion and are reluctant to make any compromise regarding even the slightest deviations from those teachings. The people with strict adherence for the

The Road to Success in Afghanistan-Nation-Building

The Road to Success in Afghanistan-Nation-Building

August 29, 2011 | Sajjad Hussain

The United States has spent nearly a trillion dollars over the past ten years, fighting two wars in vastly different places. A small portion of this effort has been dedicated to what has commonly been called nation-building. In fact, U.S. mission has been a mixture of both state-building, which further develops the institutions of ...

The Volatile Situation in Af-Pak Border Regions 

The Volatile Situation in  Af-Pak Border Regions 

August 29, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The death of around 35 Pakistani security forces in a Taliban attack on security posts in Chitral district of Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has once again given birth to fears that the situation in border areas is becoming increasingly volatile. Allegedly, the militants had crossed the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan. In the ...



August 28, 2011 | By Dilawar Sharzai

The world is replete with different sorts of thoughts, ideas, feelings and beliefs. These thoughts, ideas and beliefs are basically the endeavors to understand the world or the different phenomena in the world. Since the very beginning of their life on earth human beings have wondered about different things existing in the world ...

Taliban Surge & Uncertain Future

Taliban Surge & Uncertain Future

August 28, 2011 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Reading the very current course of political crisis in Afghanistan and worldwide and the excessive growth of fundamentalists claims a very uncertain and dismal future for the people of Afghanistan and for the world at large. We witness every day the surge of Taliban movements, by targeting the key officials and their acceleration in occupying ...

The Persisting Problem of Unemployment

The Persisting Problem  of Unemployment

August 28, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Among the many problems Afghanistan is grappling with, unemployment continues to be one of the gravest. According to the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled, around 3.5 million persons in the country, who otherwise should be engaged in some sort of gainful employment, are unemployed. Officials from the same ministry have ...

Afghanistan, Pakistan and Terrorism

Afghanistan, Pakistan  and Terrorism

August 27, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Last weak, Pakistani President, Asif Ali Zardari, talking to the delegation of ambassadors of Central Asian countries in Islamabad emphasized that stable Afghanistan is must for peace in the region. He mentioned Pakistan's willingness for reconciliation process that is going on in Afghanistan. "Pakistan supports every effort intended towards peace and ...

The Parliamentary Crisis, a Dangerous Systemic Failure of the System

The Parliamentary Crisis,  a Dangerous Systemic  Failure of the System

August 27, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The saga of the parliamentary crisis, still far from over, has shown that the rule of law and its supremacy, as universal principles, are still alien to Afghanistan's political elite and its body politic. The ongoing crisis has its origins primarily in violation of the laws that are in force in pursuit of narrow personal and group interests and further, the absence of a ...

The Story of Quds Day in Kabul

The Story of Quds Day in Kabul

August 27, 2011 | By Abbas Daiyar

Yesterday a neighbor was asking me about the protesters and their demands on Friday in Kabul. He thought it was another of the unending protest rallies of parliamentary candidates. And to his utter surprise, I said it was a protest rally for Palestine, and that I had been to the demonstration. He was ...