Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Libya and the West’s “Humanitarian Imperialism”

Libya and the West’s “Humanitarian Imperialism”

August 25, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

As the endgame in Libya draws closer, the world is bracing itself for the post-Qaddafi Libya, wherein business opportunities and oil and construction contracts await those who have been and are quick enough to cultivate closer links with the Libyan National Transitional Council. Well, one is sadly disappointed to see young masses caught in ...

Iran’s Nuclear Controversy

Iran’s Nuclear Controversy

August 25, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Iran has recently agreed to resume talks regarding its nuclear program but it wants to pursue them through Russia as it considers the talks with Russia glazed with good intentions. There has been a stalemate regarding any such talks between Iran and major powers of the world and Iran has been going through certain sanctions imposed by United Nations Security Council. Six ...

Corruption is the Common Cause of Destruction & Annihilation

Corruption is the Common Cause  of Destruction & Annihilation

August 25, 2011 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Indeed, the abuse of public position in our society for some private gain is quite likely a growing problem and has become the ultimate hurdle towards progress and sustainability. Corruption is one of the old driving factors in every society of the world particularly ...

2nd Bonn Conference- A Probable Last Chance to Rescue Afghanistan

2nd Bonn Conference- A Probable Last Chance to Rescue Afghanistan

August 24, 2011 | Dr. Hussain Yasa

President Obama has reaffirmed that his vision for a way out of the Afghan conflict involves a new political settlement in Afghanistan backed up by agreement with the regional powers. This is the line he took while briefing his political and security chiefs on Thursday August 11. The next day he continued to proclaim the importance of ...

Afghanistan Needs a Modern Stock Exchange

Afghanistan Needs  a Modern Stock Exchange

August 24, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan's financial system is undergoing a slow process of modernization although the traditional financial markets and bazaars still dominate the way individuals, firms and government handle their financial matters. Much like any other sector in today's Afghanistan, slowly, foundations are being laid and modern ideas and expertise are ...

Opium Fire from Afghanistan

Opium Fire from Afghanistan

August 24, 2011 | Mohd. Ahsan

Opium fire from Afghanistan is burning Afghanistan itself, countries in and beyond the region. Afghanistan has turned into an opium producing factory that involves thousands of people and is making booming profit each year. From a simple drug hawker to war lords, tribal leaders and high ranking government authorities, all are having growing ...

No Headway in Talks with Taliban - Time for a Rethink?

No Headway in Talks with Taliban - Time for a Rethink?

August 23, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

From the very beginning, it has been obvious to those who, in some measure, know Afghanistan, the Taliban and the ongoing war that talks, negotiations and reconciliation with the insurgency and the Taliban have always been easier said than done. The latest indications in this direction has come in the form of the Taliban's spokesman ...

No More Ambiguities

No More Ambiguities

August 23, 2011 | By Dilawar Sharzai

The concerns regarding the future of the peace process and transition period in Afghanistan have been increasing with each passing day. There are expectations that there will be some sort of reconciliation between the government and Taliban, which would pave the way for better socio-political conditions in the country; and that the ...

Afghanistan’s Abandoned Agriculture Products

Afghanistan’s Abandoned Agriculture Products

August 23, 2011 | Najeeb Farhad

Afghanistan's economy is dependent on agriculture. For this reason, agriculture empowerment has been promoted as the main means of economic recovery and growth. Enabling the country's farmers would mean helping a sizeable portion of the society who can create jobs, keep the country's unique natural standing and provide abundant bread to the ...

IEC Also Ran Amok

IEC Also Ran Amok

August 22, 2011 | SherAlam Saqib

Finally, on Sunday, August 21, 2011, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) disqualified nine sitting MPs to be replaced with another 9 candidates previously certified as having lost the parliamentary election. The decision was announced by the IEC chairman, Fazl Ahmad Manawi, during a press conference in Kabul. He said that the ...

Pakistan, the Key to Stability in Afghanistan

Pakistan, the Key to  Stability in Afghanistan

August 22, 2011 | Mohd.Ahsan

With all the allegations Pakistan has on its head, its role and relations with the US and Afghanistan is to be considered important for stability in Afghanistan at a point where Afghanistan is standing at an important juncture – talks with Taliban and withdrawal of international community. Three decades of war in Afghanistan has caused ...

Nuclear Proliferation

Nuclear Proliferation

August 22, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Human beings, in the struggle for their survival, have gone to every possible extreme. They, both individually and in the form of some groups, have proved the Darwin's Theory of "Struggle for survival and survival of the fittest" correct in human society as well. There have been clashes and wars among human beings for the sake of the ...

A Gesture of Reconciliation...

A Gesture of Reconciliation...

August 21, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

"We attacked the buildings [of British Council] because we want to remind the British that we won our independence from them before and we will do it again…It was signal for the British and their allies on the Independence Day that invading forces are to be doomed to destruction as the British Empire had been destined to failure 92 years ...

Revitalizing Afghanistan’s Higher Education Sector

Revitalizing Afghanistan’s Higher Education Sector

August 21, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

There can be no denying the fact that Afghanistan's future will be in the hands of its children and the youthsof today. Bringing back normalcy to Afghanistan after more than three decades of conflict and violence and setting Afghanistan on the road to development and progress will be possible only when today's young men and women and ...

Who Cares About the Suffering of Innocent Afghans?

Who Cares About the Suffering of Innocent Afghans?

August 21, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Let's start with the very basic law of gravity. The bigger mass always attracts the smaller ones. But this law may not always prove to be same among the human communities. However, it seems far probable that bigger issues, incidents are quite helpful in streaming attentions toward themselves, while some of them can not do and another ...

Countering the Culture of Violence and Intolerance

Countering the Culture of Violence and Intolerance

August 20, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

>Afghanistan and Kabul have become living examples of how militants can strike at their own will, kill and main thousands of innocent Afghans guilty of nothing but going after their daily lives, destroy public property built with sweat and blood of the same people and in the end claim the moral victory. In the process, they seek and manage to impose a perpetual state of fear amongst common people ...

Countering the Culture of Violence and Intolerance

Countering the Culture of Violence and Intolerance

August 20, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan and Kabul have become living examples of how militants can strike at their own will, kill and main thousands of innocent Afghans guilty of nothing but going after their daily lives, destroy public property built with sweat and blood of the same people and in the end claim the moral victory. In the process, they seek and manage ...

Less Promising Than It Appears

Less Promising Than It Appears

August 20, 2011 | Nasruddin Hemati

Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the last decade has internationally proved highly difficult for Iranian government. Other than political isolation and international pressures because of violation of human rights and some international regulations, the controversial nuclear issue has grabbed world attention. With ...

Political Uprising Weakens the Democratic Establishment

Political Uprising Weakens the Democratic Establishment

August 20, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Despite the presence of foreign troops and billions of dollars in foreign aid, Afghanistan has been passing through a political turmoil and instability over the past one decade, said Governor of Balkh province, Atta Mohammad Noor, Addressing a gathering marking Afghanistan's 92nd Independence Day, which was attended by High-ranking ...

The Crisis Continues…

The Crisis Continues…

August 18, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

The parliamentary crisis with its turns and twists from the day one, has reached to an interesting and important stage where the turning point could either end the year-long political battle among the three pillars of state, or mark the origin of a political calamity that could lead to the unimaginable and irreversible. The protest ...

Strategic Deal with the U.S. and Prospects

Strategic Deal with the  U.S. and Prospects

August 18, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The signing of the strategic deal with the U.S., either in the shape of a declaration or a long-term agreement, has become unavoidable for both the governments of Afghanistan and the United States. It goes without saying that the government of Afghanistan is still almost totally reliant on international assistance both financially and in ...

A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember

August 18, 2011 | Abdul Samad Haidari

>This is an ultimate privileged moment for the people of Afghanistan at large to celebrate the 19th of August, one of the most precious and proud moments in their long rich political and cultural history to remember the freedom of their nation being achieved more than nine decades back with the support of their great HEROES from the Great ...

Unchecked Population Growth

Unchecked Population Growth

August 17, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Every state consists of a population (total number of people living together in a politically defined territory), territory, government and sovereignty. Population is the basic part of a state. States are formed for the welfare and wellbeing of their people; without population no state or society can exist. There are many ...

A unique Neighbor of Afghanistan: China’s Xinjiang

A unique Neighbor of  Afghanistan: China’s Xinjiang

August 17, 2011 | Xu Feihong

Last month, 20 Afghan agricultural officials finished their two month session of agricultural training program held in Xinjiang, China. Excitement and indulgence can still be felt from their talks with Chinese diplomats in Kabul. They were deeply impressed by the wonderfully arranged training courses, beautiful scenery and multiple ...

Natural Disaster Management – Need for Adopting a Holistic View

Natural Disaster Management – Need for Adopting a Holistic View

August 17, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan has always been prone to natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes which, upon their occurrence, have devastated homes, displaced people and took human lives. Floods, landslides and earthquakes are the three most frequent natural calamities in Afghanistan. As if the curse of wars ...

Reviving Afghanistan’s Moribund Carpet Industry

Reviving Afghanistan’s Moribund Carpet Industry

August 16, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The famed Afghan carpet industry has certainly seen better days. The once thriving industry, on which livelihoods of countless many Afghans revolved, now lies in shambles. Afghan hand-weaved carpet has traditionally been a prized possession, embellishing homes in the West and the East alike, bearing the distinction of having originated ...

Corruption is the Worst Threat to Human Welfare

Corruption is the Worst  Threat to Human Welfare

August 16, 2011 | Abdul Samad haidari

The extreme ongoing root of corruption and violence in our society and in the world at large is not something new or strange to hear for the very first time. Perhaps this crisis has been going on since our existence. Indeed, as long as humans are hungry on this planet, corruption, violence and destruction will surly continue to ...

Our Response to Disabled

Our Response to Disabled

August 16, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

The decades of war in Afghanistan has influenced every aspect of Afghan life. A part from major impacts on political and economic spheres, there has been great impact on individual level as well. There are so many examples of the people who are either psychologically or physically affected by the war. A considerable number of the people who ...

Do not Crash a Rekindled Hope

Do not Crash a Rekindled Hope

August 15, 2011 | Sher Alam Saqib

The second parliamentary election in post-Taliban Afghanistan was held on September 18, 2010. Almost one year has elapsed since Afghan people across the country braved the death threats posed by Taliban lunatics to demonstrate their will and commitment to the democratic process that has been in place since 2001. That day was not without ...

The Plight of Afghan Children

The Plight of Afghan Children

August 15, 2011 | Sher Ali Yecha

If you give a smile to a child, you will receive a sweet smile in response. That signals the pure nature of children. In Afghanistan the children are deprived of their basic rights, are subject to mental and physical violence, they work hard dawn to dark whether it is scorching summer or freezing winter and are utilized for launching ...

The Phenomenon of Social Control

The Phenomenon  of Social Control

Dilawar Sharzai | August 14, 2011

A society marked with the growing deviations from the rules and regulations are considered to have weaker social control. Basically social control is the apparatus of controlling human social behavior so as to bring it in conformity with the rules, regulations, norms and values of the society. It can be either intentional or ...

Tourism for the Country

Tourism for the Country

August 14, 2011 | Ibrahim Walizada

Afghanistan is a potential tourism destination, if given some proper attention on this. There is an Afghan Tour department, but they are like the symbolic office-bearers sitting in there without any strategy and plan for this sector. There is considerable number of tourists who visit the country. These are generally the informed common ...

Man Forgets to Live for the Sake of Getting a Living

Man Forgets to Live for the Sake of Getting a Living

Abdul Samad Haidari | August 14, 2011

Sometimes to believe the realities is extremely hard. Perhaps it becomes hard to believe when man forgets the importance of the other living creatures on the same planet, he/she lives in, and being caught by the cruel rules of the circumstances that force one to dance as it is set to! And thus, it is hard to observe the conceivable rule of the ...

The Unsettling Reconciliation

The Unsettling Reconciliation

August 13, 2011 | Dilawar Sharzai

Recently, the future of Afghanistan has been the burning issue in different discussions. Both the security situation and peace process are ambiguous and there is a margin of a great deal of efforts to make the situation clearer. The US and other foreign troops have to be withdrawn till the end of the year 2014, while there are concerns ...

Global Calls, Regional Meddling

Global Calls, Regional Meddling

August 13, 2011 | By Nasruddin Hemati

While Libyan rebels are said to have captured parts of a strategic city for Muammar Gaddafi's government in Brega, Syrian protestors are under fresh violent crackdown by Assad forces. According to the reports Syrian soldiers opened fire on protesters in at least one flashpoint city and deployed across the country on Friday as President Bashar Assad' ...