Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Optimism and pessimism over Pakistan and Qatar peace process

Optimism and pessimism over Pakistan  and Qatar peace process

June 25,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The “Lahore Peace Conference” kicked off in Bhurban, a Pakistani town located near Lahore and Islamabad, on Saturday morning where many Afghan politicians have ...

Expansions Don’t Die of Old Age

Expansions Don’t Die of Old Age

June 25,2019 | Anatole Kaletsky

The US economy has entered its 11th year of uninterrupted expansion, breaking the previous record for the longest period of growth in American history without a recession...

No Hasty Deal with Taliban

No Hasty Deal with Taliban

June 24,2019 | Sheikh Manzoor and Hujjatullah Zia

As negotiations between the Taliban and the United States have picked up, India appears apprehensive about peace deal and had cautioned Washington not to take any hasty ...

The Gulf of Deniability

The Gulf of Deniability

June 24,2019 | John Andrews

What will constitute yet another act of war in the Middle East? On May 12, four oil tankers in the Gulf – two of them Saudi Arabian, one from the United Arab Emirates, and the ...

Afghan Peace Process: What has been Done and What is Needed to be Done?

Afghan Peace Process: What has been  Done and What is Needed to be Done?

June 23,2019 | Jalal Shams

After the Trump administration in the United States in January 2017, president Trump appointed Zalmay Khalilzad as . . .

New Challenges to Voters’ Registration Process

New Challenges to Voters’ Registration Process

June 23,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Three days ago, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) informed of progress in the voters’ registration process with announcing a relatively high level of statistics...

The G20 in Osaka

The G20 in Osaka

June 22,2019 | Shinzo Abe

On June 28, I will host the 2019 G20 summit in Osaka. Our agenda will focus on three key issues, each of which is particularly important for Asia...

Afghan Peace Process: Home Grown Solution Holds the Future

Afghan Peace Process: Home Grown  Solution Holds the Future

June 22,2019 | Srimal Fernando and Jalal Shams

Since October 2018, the US and Taliban negotiators held six rounds of direct peace talks in Qatar’s capital Doha. Any Peace  process has some key aspects which are vital ...

The Losses of Property and Valuable Human Life as the Main Consequences of Wars

The Losses of Property and Valuable Human Life  as the Main Consequences of Wars

June 20,2019 | Asim

Wars have always played a dominant role in human societies, if not positive all the times. There are many people in the world who consider that wars are necessary, though wars ...

Teflon Populism

Teflon Populism

June 20,2019 | Sławomir Sierakowski

Populist rule is invariably associated with corruption, nepotism, and incompetence. Why, then, do populists appear immune to scandal? Revelations that would have shocked ...

Staying Focused and Taking Solid Actions For a Brighter Future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Staying Focused and Taking Solid Actions For a Brighter Future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

June 19,2019 | Xi Jinping

Staying Focused and Taking Solid Actions For a Brighter Future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Regional Stakeholders Need to Take Practical Steps toward Peace Process

Regional Stakeholders Need to  Take Practical Steps toward Peace Process

June 19,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Afghan government has been calling on regional stakeholders and neighboring countries to play more active and constructive role in intra-Afghan dialogue. . .

Pessimism and Optimism on the Eve of Seventh Round Talks Between US and Taliban

Pessimism and Optimism on the Eve of Seventh Round Talks Between US and Taliban

June 18,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It is said that the seventh round talks between the US negotiators and the Taliban members in Doha, will take place in few next days hoping that this time the talks would produce sensible ...

The World Is Running Out of Time

The World Is Running Out of Time

June 18,2019 | Bertrand Badré

In 2015, the international community launched a renewed effort to tackle collective global challenges under the auspices of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda ...

Afghan-Pak Friendly Relations Critical to Peace Process

Afghan-Pak Friendly Relations Critical  to Peace Process

June 17,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have passed many ups and downs. Afghan-Pak officials exchanged harsh rhetoric against each other about the issue of terrorism on ...

What’s Wrong with Environmental Impact Assessments?

What’s Wrong with Environmental  Impact Assessments?

June 17,2019 | Maxwell Gomera

Walhi, Indonesia’s largest environmental organization, recently took the government to court for issuing construction permits to a Chinese company based on what ...

World Day against Child Labor: Children Shouldn’t Work in Fields but on Dreams

World Day against Child Labor: Children  Shouldn’t Work in Fields but on Dreams

June 16,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The continuity war has caused a huge number of children are subject to hard labor in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, this situation has not only forced them to abandon their ...

Taking on Tehran

Taking on Tehran

June 16,2019 | Richard N. Haass

US President Donald Trump’s administration has singled out Iran – even more than Russia, China, or North Korea – with sustained pressure over the past two and ...

Regional Cooperation to be Stepped up in SCO Summit

Regional Cooperation to be  Stepped up in SCO Summit

June 15,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghan President Muhammad Ashraf Ghani traveled to the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek to attend the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation ...

Where is the Key to Peace: Kabul or Islamabad?

Where is the Key to Peace: Kabul or Islamabad?

June 15,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Recently the Pakistani Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, said that Pakistan is ready to help Afghanistan in post-settlement reconstruction and development...

Urgent Need for Population Control in Afghanistan

Urgent Need for Population Control  in Afghanistan

June 13,2019 | M. Rasa

Population is the basic part of a state. States are formed for the welfare and wellbeing of their people; without population no state or society can exist . . .

Lessons from India in Digital Disruption

Lessons from India in Digital Disruption

June 13,2019 | Nandan Nilekani

Digital technology can rapidly transform how countries provide services such as education and health to their citizens. The public services of the future should be effective ...

The Extension of Takfiri Terrorist Group is More Worrying than Taliban

The Extension of Takfiri Terrorist Group  is More Worrying than Taliban

June 12,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The expanding news of Takfiri terrorist group is repeatedly heard in Afghanistan after they lost its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq. It is said that more than 5,000 IS forces ...

Taming the Wild West of Digital Health Innovation

Taming the Wild West of Digital Health Innovation

June 12,2019 | Asha George, Amnesty LeFevre & Rajani Ved

Digital technology is revolutionizing our daily lives. Mobile devices monitor our movements, marketing algorithms guide our consumption, and social media shape ...

Voters Registration is a Major Step towards Holding Presidential Election

Voters Registration is a Major Step  towards Holding Presidential Election

June 11,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

According to media reports, the Afghan electoral officials have just commenced supplementary voters registering program ahead of presidential election scheduled for ...

Europe’s Silent Majority Speaks Out

Europe’s Silent Majority Speaks Out

June 11,2019 | George Soros

last month’s elections to the European Parliament produced better results than one could have expected, and for a simple reason: the silent pro-European majority has spoken...

Afghanistan Needs Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Afghanistan Needs Shanghai Cooperation Organization

June 10,2019 | Liu Jinsong

In a few days, the Council of Heads of State of the Member States of Shanghai Cooperation Organization ...

Maintaining the Momentum Against Cholera

Maintaining the Momentum Against Cholera

June 10,2019 | Anita Zaidi

When Cyclone Idai ripped through Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe on the night of March 14, it wrought unimaginable devastation and claimed more than 1,000 lives. In its aftermath ...

Necessary Lessons to Learn from the Moscow Conference

Necessary Lessons to Learn  from the Moscow Conference

June 09,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The second Moscow Conference has not only yielded any fruitful results, but also caused shame and possibly more turmoil. Those who repeatedly rushed into Moscow gates ...

Why Economics Must Go Digital

Why Economics Must Go Digital

June 09,2019 | Diane Coyle

one of the biggest concerns about today’s tech giants is their market power. At least outside China, Google, Facebook, and Amazon dominate online search, social media ...

Ramadan: Month of Peace and Blessing or Month of Violence and Atrocity?

Ramadan: Month of Peace and Blessing or  Month of Violence and Atrocity?

June 08,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

According to Islamic teachings, the holy month of Ramadan is the month of blessings, forgiveness, kindness, brotherhood and love of humanity. Getting closer to Eid-Ul-Fiter ...

China’s New World Media Order

China’s New World Media Order

June 08,2019 | Wu’er Kaixi and Christophe Deloire

Since the Tiananmen Square massacre 30 years ago, China has achieved extraordinary economic development. Yet, contrary to the expectations of many Western leaders and analysts ...

Why the EU Election Was a Win for Macron

Why the EU Election Was a Win for Macron

June 03,2019 | Zaki Laïdi

Though the final vote tally might seem to suggest otherwise, the European Parliament elections were a strategic success for French President Emmanuel Macron...

Italy’s Narrow Path to Recovery

Italy’s Narrow Path to Recovery

June 03,2019 | Pier Carlo Padoan

Italy faces a double economic crisis in which two recessions and a banking crisis over the past decade have come on top of a slow structural decline in growth over a far longer ...

Why Fukuyama is Breathtakingly Honest

Why Fukuyama is Breathtakingly Honest

June 02,2019 | M. Rezaie

The world, today, is going through a historic era whose repercussions will stay with mankind for generations to come. The decades ahead will define the future ...