Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Necessary Lessons to Learn from the Moscow Conference


Necessary Lessons to Learn  from the Moscow Conference

The second Moscow Conference has not only yielded any fruitful results, but also caused shame and possibly more turmoil. Those who repeatedly rushed into Moscow gates with too much eagerness and bowed to the enemies of the Afghan people should now learn important lessons from the interactions with the Taliban. Many of the politicians thought that Taliban had reached at Kabul gates under pretext of peace and as soon as possible they needed to specify their position and may get a place in the future government. Seemingly, all of our optimistic politicians thought that they could repeat the anarchism of the nineties with the help of the Taliban and other regional actors.
In fact, those who have long struggled to reach such illegitimate dreams they see their personal and party interests in political disorder and instability. Because when the conflicts of all happen against all, those who have spent their lives in instability and lawlessness will benefit more than others. Anyway, the second Moscow conference with presence of prominent political figures from Afghanistan and Taliban under Russian control ended with no fruitful result but it taught good lessons to all stakeholders, especially political parties and government of Afghanistan.
The first lesson that we should learn from the futile Moscow meetings is not to rely on the power that has high demand and still have sweet plans in his head for Afghanistan. Russia as the legacy of the former Soviet Union is responsible for all today’s devastation as the consequence of its aggression on Afghanistan; they are not only dishonest to Afghanistan, but also trying to fill the place of the United States after the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan. The old Moscow politicians are still in the era of the Cold War, and now, with the defeat of the United States in Afghanistan war, they see themselves in a historic victory against the superpower of the West.
The historic conflict between the two superpowers has lasted for many years with mostly ended in the favor of United Sates; now, once again Russia wants to compensate its historic defeats in the past with legitimizing a group who are the killers of innocent school children, men and women in the country.  So, the old KGB workers and their Afghan colleagues dream a lot of nightmare and having different desire these days and nights. It is not unreasonable that individuals such as Zamir Kablof and one of the Afghans who were formerly one of the Khad missioner close to the Russian intelligence community host such conference.
By the way, neither Afghanistan and nor Russian close allies have good memory from its friendship and commitment in the past; Looking at past history of relations between the two countries they always deceived Afghans and left us alone against other aggressors and enemies. They have also applied the same policy against its close strategic allies Iran. Recently, Putin indirectly pointed to Iran that Russia is not fire extinguisher to put out every ignited fire referring to resolving the conflicts happened between Iran and United States.

The second lesson, especially for the politicians who are likely unsatisfied from the current leadership of the Afghan government, is that with dissented voices against enemy we will not have any achievement rather it would end up with humiliation. Because those are hidden behind Taliban they have been their supporter and the main driver of war and conflicts in the country.Therefore, they have are well experienced and know all the political factions of Afghanistan like the palm of their hand, and so it does not seem that the time has come to prefer others to the Taliban. Though some of the elders have miscalculated when the peace talks between the United States and the Taliban accelerated, but by now they must have learned that the realization of this dream is too early.
The third and more important lesson for all political factions, including the Afghan government is to decisively fight and firmly stand against armed groups who kill people and destroy the country. People do not deserve to go under terror and violence tolerating mediaeval way of life after 18 years of sacrifices. The Taliban have also shown that they will never retreat from their inhumane demands. At the last meeting with Khalilzad, they raised their main demand and repeated the same thing in the Moscow conference. Their main goal is to establish the Islamic Emirate system and make inhumane constraints on the people of Afghanistan something that nobody is willing to accept that.
The Taliban, while sitting behind the negotiating table, are not ready to accept even one day cease-fire and successively carry out suicide attacks on innocent people of Afghanistan. Their latest example of attacks carried out on Marshall Fahim University and multiple attacks in the western part of Kabul today. With these attacks especially attacks on mosques, schools, hospitals, markets and other civilian places they divulged their true nature. They showed that neither they are loyal to Islamic values and nor to national interests, but they are only loyal to the intelligence networks of regional countries. Therefore, the only possible way is to insist on maintaining the political system, constitution, human rights and the past achievements.
And finally, the Afghan international allies should also learn a lesson that Taliban will not be a better partner than government and people of Afghanistan. They should stay committed to what they have signed as a strategic friendship with government and people of Afghanistan. The world, especially the future generation will determine our friendship on the basis of what we build today.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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