Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Consequences of Delay in Announcing Election Results

The Consequences of Delay  in Announcing Election Results

January 26, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

More than three months have passed from the beginning of parliamentary elections but its results has not announced yet. According to the schedules, the Initial ...

The Consequences of Delay in Announcing Election Results

The Consequences of Delay  in Announcing Election Results

January 26, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

More than three months have passed from the beginning of parliamentary elections but its results has not announced yet. According to the schedules, the Initial ...

The Racial Discrimination Persists in Afghanistan

The Racial Discrimination Persists in Afghanistan

January 24, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

About two years ago, a racist plan was divulged from Department of the Presidential Administration that had attempted to deliberately prevent from the entry or recruitment ...

The Right Investments to Address the Human Capital Crisis

The Right Investments to Address  the Human Capital Crisis

January 24, 2019 | Kristalina Georgieva

For 75 years, the World Bank has been at the forefront of development, helping countries make smart investments to prepare their citizens for the future. It has been ...

A Glance at the Eight Years Performance of Afghan Parliament

A Glance at the Eight Years Performance  of Afghan Parliament

January 23, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The parliament of Afghanistan (Wolsi Gerga) has begun its winter vacation after eighth working years and many of the parliament members went on vacation to follow their personal ...

Afghan National Unity Government: The Golden Era for Afghan Women’s Development

Afghan National Unity Government: The Golden Era  for Afghan Women’s Development

January 23, 2019 | Hamidullah Bamik

The Afghan National Unity Government was established in June 2014. The life of the Afghan National Unity Government is approaching to its end legally. During these four years...

Presidential Candidates Fail to Touch upon Real Issues Facing the Country

Presidential Candidates Fail to Touch upon  Real Issues Facing the Country

January 22, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

People of Afghanistan have witnessed registration of about fifteen candidates for president in the upcoming general presidential elections in July 2019. Most of these candidates ...

The Afghan Presidential Elections From Chief Strategist to Formidable Challenger

The Afghan Presidential Elections  From Chief Strategist to Formidable Challenger

January 22, 2019 | Naser Koshan

President Ghani and his former National Security Advisor Mr. Hanif Atmar were synonymous in many strategic moves made by the presidential palace post 2014, the year the National ...

Effective Governance in Challenging Environments

Effective Governance in Challenging Environments

January 21, 2019 | Moh. Sakhi Rezaie

The “Afghanistan as a Regional Hub” narrative has gained traction in recent years. Yet a very important question remains: How this would be realized? While statistics ...

The Trump Administration’s Farewell to Aims

The Trump Administration’s Farewell to Aims

January 21, 2019 | Carl Bildt

Every now and then, a US political leader descends on Cairo to deliver an address outlining America’s policy objectives in the ever-challenging Middle East. For example ...

Forging Peace Together: At the 64th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Ties between China and Afghanistan

Forging Peace Together: At the 64th Anniversary of Establishment of  Diplomatic Ties between China and Afghanistan

January 20, 2019 | Liu Jinsong

Today marks the 64th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Afghanistan. In the past 64 years, our two countries have maintained a sound friendship ...

Taliban Refusal to Talk to Afghan Government is a Botched Attempt and a Bitter Reminder of 1990s

Taliban Refusal to Talk to Afghan Government is  a Botched Attempt and a Bitter Reminder of 1990s

January 19, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Since the start of peace negotiations in late 2018 and the appointment of US special representative for Afghan reconciliation, Mr. Zalmay Khalizad, many rounds of meetings ...

The Kabul Initial Election Results Announced after Long Ups and Downs

The Kabul Initial Election Results Announced  after Long Ups and Downs

January 19, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After nearly three months delay, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) announced the preliminary Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of the Parliament) election results ...

Managing Diversity Key to Social Peace

Managing Diversity Key to Social Peace

January 16, 2019 | M. Karimi

Living within a diversity requires that the inhabitants develop respect and broadmindedness for one another. Without these factors, it might be terribly troublesome to tighten . . .

The Leader of the World Bank Needs

The Leader of the World Bank Needs

January 16, 2019 | Homi Kharas and Eswar Prasad

Jim Yong Kim’s sudden resignation as president of the World Bank Group (WBG) offers an opportunity to reflect on the direction, legitimacy, and effectiveness of that 75-year old ...

The Role of Press in Democratic System

The Role of Press in Democratic System

January 15, 2019 | Writer: Moh Erfani / Translator: Moh Zahir Akbari

The press as a civil society entity is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy in political system and can play an important role in creating appropriate environment ...

Agonizing over Afghanistan

Agonizing over Afghanistan

January 15, 2019 | Richard N. Haass

After more than 17 years, the time has come to accept two important truths about the war in Afghanistan. The first is that there will be no military victory by the government...

The young population and upcoming challenges of the Afghan government

The young population and upcoming challenges  of the Afghan government

January 14, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Population is one of the most important factors and variables that must be considered in macroeconomic, social and political programs in national level. Undoubtedly, any ...

Selling Africa’s Good News Stories

Selling Africa’s Good News Stories

January 14, 2019 | Shayera Dark

Anywhere in the world, freelance journalism is an extreme career choice. The job requires withstanding pitch rejections, ignored queries, stolen story ideas ...

The Outcome of Kim-Xi’s Visit

The Outcome of Kim-Xi’s Visit

January 13, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The recent visit of Korean Leader Kim Jong-un to China to hold his fourth summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping signals a strong diplomatic tie between Beijing and ...

Managing Minefields: Saudi/UAE Aid Puts Pakistan-Iran Relations on the Spot

Managing Minefields: Saudi/UAE Aid Puts Pakistan-Iran  Relations on the Spot

January 13, 2019 | James M. Dorsey

Pakistan is traversing minefields as it concludes agreements on investment, balance of payments support and delayed payment oil deliveries with Saudi Arabia...

Afghanistan at the Cross Roads

Afghanistan at the Cross Roads

January 12, 2019 | Saikat Kumar Basu

Since time immemorial Afghanistan has been a flashpoint of human history in Asia. From the days of the reign of the erstwhile Persian Empire till the time of invasion by ...

Regional Competition over Hosting Afghan Peace Process

Regional Competition over Hosting Afghan Peace Process

January 12, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After 2001, many of regional countries considered the Taliban as a terrorist group because they committed human crimes against civilians with disregarding international law...

Can Peace Change the Nature of Terrorists?

Can Peace Change the Nature of Terrorists?

January 10, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Terrorism and suicide can never be considered as an unreasonable or accidental behavior. The terrorism phenomenon follows a strategic and rational logic. Considering terrorism ...

Is Canceling Brexit Now Inevitable?

Is Canceling Brexit Now Inevitable?

January 10, 2019 | Anatole Kaletsky

In times of political turmoil, events can move from impossible to inevitable without even passing through improbable. In early 2016, the idea of Britain leaving the European . . .

The Pros and Cons of Freedom of Speech in Afghanistan

The Pros and Cons of Freedom of Speech in Afghanistan

January 09, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

With the emergence of relative democracy in the post-Taliban government, Afghans have been entitled to voice their opinion publicly. Everyone sought to raise ...

Afghanistan’s Rigid Cultural Norms; A Serious Challenge for Girls’ Education (Part 3)

Afghanistan’s Rigid Cultural Norms; A Serious Challenge for Girls’ Education (Part 3)

January 09, 2019 | Hamidullah Bamik

Cultural discrimination against women includes those differences of treatment that exist because of stereotypical expectations, attitudes, and behaviors towards women...

Afghan Defense & Security Institutions Should Protect Civilians & Respond to Challenges

Afghan Defense & Security Institutions Should Protect Civilians  & Respond to Challenges

January 08, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

With fresh appointments at Ministries of interior and Defense, it is pertinent that Afghan Government take steps to outline the most important tasks that are needed ...

Afghanistan’s Rigid Cultural Norms; A Serious Challenge for Girls’ Education (Part 2)

Afghanistan’s Rigid Cultural Norms; A Serious Challenge  for Girls’ Education (Part 2)

January 08, 2019 | Hamidullah Bamik

Resistance anti-Teaching Girls by Male Instructors: In Afghanistan, many families are not willing to accept male teachers for their daughters. When the first girl school ...

US and Legacy of Conflicts

US and Legacy of Conflicts

January 07, 2019 | Mohammad Hedayat /Translator: Moh Zahir Akbari

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is a person who always creates great waves of surprise! These surprises seem to be rooted in President Trump’s personality ...

Afghanistan’s Rigid Cultural Norms; A Serious Challenge for Girls’ Education (Part 1)

Afghanistan’s Rigid Cultural Norms; A Serious Challenge  for Girls’ Education (Part 1)

January 07, 2019 | Hamidullah Bamik

The Afghan government, headed by Hamid Karzai, the first elected president of Afghanistan after the collapse of Taliban’s government in 2001 and its international donors ...

Trump’s Political Conundrum about Afghanistan

Trump’s Political Conundrum about Afghanistan

January 06, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

In his Wednesday’s remarks, US President Donald Trump said Pakistan and Russia should fight in Afghanistan not the US. He also gave a historically garbled ...

A Year to Act

A Year to Act

January 06, 2019 | Ian Goldin and Robert Muggah

Let us hope that 2019 is the year when the historical tide turns. In 2018, divisions within and between countries continued to deepen. And while geopolitical tensions ...

Afghans’ Fluctuation between Hope and Fear

Afghans’ Fluctuation between Hope and Fear

January 05, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Debated hotly, peace talks seem a gleam of hope for Afghan nation in 2019. Afghans, who left a deadly year behind, desire that warring factions will reach a consensus with ...

The Needs for Fundamental Reforms in Election Commissions

The Needs for Fundamental Reforms  in Election Commissions

January 05, 2019 | Sayed Asif Hussaini/ Translator: Moh Zahir Akbari

It is true that elections are not the only principle for democracy, but are the main way for the implementation of democracy. Democracy is misshaped without election...