Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Dialectic of Global Trade Policy

The Dialectic of Global Trade Policy

February 21, 2019 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

There is a subtle yet important change occurring in how political leaders think about international trade, including how to remedy long-standing problems. It results from a key ...

The complexities of Afghan peace talks: Is peace worth Fighting for?

The complexities of Afghan peace talks:  Is peace worth Fighting for?

February 20, 2019 | Neela Hassan

The beginning of peace negotiation process in Afghanistan has awakened hope of better days in Afghans’ hearts: days in which no mother will be worried whether her kids ...

Afghanistan public health: Achievements and challenges

Afghanistan public health:  Achievements and challenges

February 20, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The decades of war and turbulence have taken a heavy toll on life in Afghanistan. It has also severely affected the capacity of concerned agencies to respond to critical public healthcare ...

General Welfare – Primary State Responsibility

General Welfare – Primary State Responsibility

February 19, 2019 | Dilawar Sherzai

Among the developed nations of the world, within the contemporary political scenario, there is a greater emphasis on the positive role of the state, because it is now clearly realized ...

Why a US-China Trade Deal Is Not Enough

Why a US-China Trade Deal Is Not Enough

February 19, 2019 | Minxin Pei

As Chinese and American trade negotiators meet in Washington to try to forge an accord on trade, observers are largely focused on the countries’ economic disagreements ...

Reflection on Promoting Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Afghanistan in the background of “One Belt And One Road”

Reflection on Promoting Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Afghanistan in the background of “One Belt And One Road”

February 18, 2019 | Ting Zhao, Jin Shi, Xiaoran Fu & Yue Zhou

On September 7, 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping first proposed the “Silk Road Economic Belt” during his speech at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. In the background...

Suicide Attacks on Iranian and Indian Security Forces: Fate of Pakistan in the Balance

Suicide Attacks on Iranian and Indian Security Forces: Fate of Pakistan in the Balance

February 18, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Two fateful suicide attacks last week, which were carried out in two different countries – one on elite Iranian security personnel near the border with Pakistan, which has killed ...

Reflections on Achieving the Global Education Goals

Reflections on Achieving the Global Education Goals

February 17, 2019 | Amina J. Mohammed

Throughout my life, I have seen the power of education. I have witnessed how quality education for all can support the creation of dynamic economies and help to sustain peace . . .

Afghanistan: the front rank of Dangerous Conflict Zone for Children

Afghanistan: the front rank of Dangerous  Conflict Zone for Children

February 17, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Despite constant humanitarian supports, Afghanistan persists to be in the top list of Most Dangerous Conflict place for Children in the world. The longstanding conflict ...

Afghan Peace Process: A Platform for Advancement of Regional Countries’ Conflicting Interests

Afghan Peace Process: A Platform for Advancement  of Regional Countries’ Conflicting Interests

February 16, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Second round of peace talks between Afghan Taliban insurgents and the United States of America is planned to start on 25th February 2019 in Doha, capital of the Emirate ...

What Will Succeed GDP?

What Will Succeed GDP?

February 16, 2019 | Diane Coyle

Is the world becoming increasingly prosperous? It would be hard to answer “yes” right now, at least so far as the leading high-income economies are concerned...

Pavements, Culture of Using Pavements, Role of Both in Urban Congestion

Pavements, Culture of Using Pavements,  Role of Both in Urban Congestion

February 12, 2019 | Nasir Ahmad Salehzada

Pavements are the key component of cities’ infrastructure which are constructed in cities particularly in crowded and less crowded areas as the citizens’ rights ...

Prince Mohammed’s Khashoggi bullet: An insight into Saudi strategic thinking

Prince Mohammed’s Khashoggi bullet:  An insight into Saudi strategic thinking

February 12, 2019 | Dr. James M. Dorsey

Continued, albeit slower-paced US and Turkish leaks potentially provide insight into far more than the circumstances of the October killing of Saudi journalist and ...

Reactions against Moscow Summit

Reactions against Moscow Summit

February 09, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

These days, the Moscow summit is at the forefront of media news and public attention. From the top public media bases up to social media networks are full of comments, debates ...

Financial Stability in Abnormal Times

Financial Stability in Abnormal Times

February 09, 2019 | Kenneth Rogoff

A decade on from the 2008 global financial crisis, policymakers constantly assure us that the system is much safer today. The giant banks at the core of the meltdown have ...

Afghanistan Makes Strides in Regional Connectivity

Afghanistan Makes Strides  in Regional Connectivity

February 07, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Seeking to regain its historical position as the regional transit hub, Kabul government has put its weight behind regional connectivity and increased the trade volume between ...

Is Japan’s Sun Rising?

Is Japan’s Sun Rising?

February 07, 2019 | Jim O’Neill

When I participated in the Chatham House/Daiwa Research Institute conference on the post-Brexit Japan-UK relationship in Tokyo last month, it was my first visit back to ...

Why is Afghanistan Failing to Fight Corruption?

Why is Afghanistan Failing to Fight Corruption?

February 05, 2019 | Neela Hassan

Transparency International has published the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), which ranks 180 countries on a scale from 0 to 100 based their level of public sector corruption ...

Europe and the New Nuclear-Arms Race

Europe and the New Nuclear-Arms Race

February 05, 2019 | Sigmar Gabriel

One of the pillars of nuclear-arms control became history on February 2, with the expiry of the 60-day deadline that the United States had given Russia to save the 1987 ...

Blame Game will Harm Peace Process

Blame Game will Harm Peace Process

February 04, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Following the marathon Doha negotiations between the Taliban and US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, the outcome of peace talks has been doubted. Meanwhile, the Taliban’s refusal ...

The Franco-German Pact Is Not the Problem

The Franco-German Pact Is Not the Problem

February 04, 2019 | Zaki Laïdi

All too often, important contributions to public debate go almost unnoticed, as was the case with Sigmar Gabriel’s recent commentary on the Franco-German relationship...

A Proven Dose of Solution to Rescue the Nation

A Proven Dose of Solution to Rescue the Nation

February 03, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It is noted in our society, that even educated people do not like reading books. They try to spend their leisure time with T.V, social media networks, mobile games ...

How Europe’s Populists Can Win by Losing

How Europe’s Populists Can Win by Losing

February 03, 2019 | Mark Leonard

Will the European Parliament elections this May result in a political revolution? Populist and nationalist parties certainly hope so. They are promising not just to ...

Afghan Government Should Remedy Short-Comings & ‘Governance Deficit’ to Make Itself a Body to Reckon With

Afghan Government Should Remedy Short-Comings &  ‘Governance Deficit’ to Make Itself a Body to Reckon With

February 02, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Recent peace talks between the US and Taliban insurgents, and exhibition of stubbornness in Taliban insurgents’ attitude toward Afghan Government by refusing to talk ...

Global Health Versus Online Trolls

Global Health Versus Online Trolls

February 02, 2019 | Junaid Nabi

The most frustrating part of my job as a public health scientist is the spread of false information – usually online – that overrides years of empirical research. It is difficult ...

Will Upcoming Election Ensure Democracy?

Will Upcoming Election Ensure Democracy?

January 31, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghans are preparing to celebrate democracy through participating the fourth round of presidential election, for which a number of political heavyweights have been nominated. . .

Nancy Pelosi’s Great Wall of Resistance

Nancy Pelosi’s Great Wall of Resistance

January 31, 2019 | Elizabeth Drew

Whoever explained to then-President-elect Donald Trump what it meant to be president – if anyone did – neglected to tell him that on occasion a president loses a policy fight. . .

Belt and Road Initiative Puts Impetus to Afghan Peace and Development (Part 1)

Belt and Road Initiative Puts Impetus to  Afghan Peace and Development (Part 1)

January 29, 2019 | Liu Jinsong

Recently Dr. Mariam Safi, founder and executive director of Afghan think tank DROPS, published her research report Integrating Afghanistan into the Belt and Road Initiative. . .

Pessimisms and Optimisms about Progress of Peace Process

Pessimisms and Optimisms about Progress  of Peace Process

January 29, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The progress of Afghan peace process in Qatar has caused some optimisms and also some pessimisms in internal atmosphere of Afghanistan. The optimism is expressed due ...

Afghanistan National Sovereignty Should Not Be Compromised in the Ongoing Peace Process

Afghanistan National Sovereignty Should Not  Be Compromised in the Ongoing Peace Process

January 28, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Since the start of peace negotiations with Taliban insurgents last year, people of Afghanistan are uncomfortable with the modus operandi and methodology this whole process . . .

Political Haggling Continues at the Table

Political Haggling Continues at the Table

January 28, 2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Taliban and US envoy seem to have made little headway in peace talks in Qatar as the US officials agree to troop pullout from Afghanistan. But militancy looms ...

The Death of an Indian Hero in Kabul

The Death of an Indian Hero in Kabul

January 27, 2019 | Sujeet Sarkar

The horrific truck bombing at the green village on Jan 14,2019 in Kabul ended the life of a young and bright international development professional Ms Shipra Sharma ...

How to Eat to Save the World

How to Eat to Save the World

January 27, 2019 | Modi Mwatsama and Howard Frumkin

There is not a country in the world that is not grappling with the serious health and environmental consequences of their people’s diets. There has to be a better ...

How to Eat to Save the World

How to Eat to Save the World

January 27, 2019 | Modi Mwatsama and Howard Frumkin

There is not a country in the world that is not grappling with the serious health and environmental consequences of their people’s diets. There has to be a better ...

Recent Attack on a Military Base Questions Afghan Government Claims to Reform Security & Defense Institutions

Recent Attack on a Military Base Questions Afghan Government Claims to Reform Security & Defense Institutions

January 26, 2019 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Conflicting reports were out after an attack on security personnel in Maidan-Shahar, capital of Maidan Wardak province. Initial reports described casualties as one hundred ...