Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

The West’s Crisis of Confidence

The West’s Crisis of Confidence

April 21, 2018 | Carl Bildt

In an age defined by US President Donald Trump’s rage, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s revisionism, and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s unbridled ...

Election in the Air of Mistrust

Election in the Air of Mistrust

April 19, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

Public will, which is demonstrated through election, constitutes the cornerstone of democracy. To form a civil society where people be able to exercise their rights and ...

The “Next Eleven” and the World Economy

The “Next Eleven” and the World Economy

April 19, 2018 | Jim O’Neill

On a recent holiday in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, I couldn’t resist thinking about these countries’ economic potential and ongoing policy challenges ...

Repeated Clashes in the Vicinity of Durand Line

Repeated Clashes in the  Vicinity of Durand Line

April 18, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Armed Clashes and missile volleys havebeen frequentlyreportingin few last yearsfrom the vicinity of Durand Line provinces. Last Sunday, again adeadly fighting broke out ...

Closing the Tech Sector’s Gender Gap

Closing the Tech Sector’s Gender Gap

April 18, 2018 | Gillian Tans

I am a woman, and I am proud to say that I work in technology. But I also recognize that the combination of those two facts puts me in the minority...

Fifty Shades of Trump

Fifty Shades of Trump

April 17, 2018 | Elizabeth Drew

Last week was a most unusual one for President Donald Trump’s administration. There was no high-level firing: the only dismissal of any note was that of the White ...

Why Markets Can’t Cool the Planet

Why Markets Can’t Cool the Planet

April 17, 2018 | Ivan Ascher

With global temperatures rising at an alarming rate, the race is on to lower the world’s consumption of fossil fuels and accelerate the adoption of greener ...

The Syrian Time Bomb

The Syrian Time Bomb

April 16, 2018 | Joschka Fischer

The ongoing conflict in Syria has much in common with the Thirty Years’ War, which devastated the heart of Europe – particularly the German city of Magdeburg ...

Rolling back militancy: Bangladesh looks to Saudi in a twist of irony

Rolling back militancy: Bangladesh looks to  Saudi in a twist of irony

April 16, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

Bangladesh, in a twist of irony, is looking to Saudi Arabia to fund a $ 1 billion plan to build hundreds of mosques and religious centres to counter militant Islam that ...

Revitalization of Villages in China

Revitalization of Villages in China

April 15, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

Rural development is one of the remarkable achievements of the Chinese government which seeks to balance the economic development and bridge the gap between ...

Turning Qatar into an Island: Saudi cuts off its nose to spite its face

Turning Qatar into an Island: Saudi  cuts off its nose to spite its face

April 15, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

There’s a cutting-off-the-nose-to-spite-the face aspect to a Saudi plan to turn Qatar into an island by digging a 60-kilometre ocean channel through the two ...

Taliban’s Concern about Civilian Casualties

Taliban’s Concern about Civilian Casualties

April 14, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

Civilian casualty is one of the most painful aspects of conflicts in the region and Afghanistan. Non-combatants, mainly women and children, have sustained fatalities ...

A Cautionary Tale for Media Regulators

A Cautionary Tale for Media Regulators

April 14, 2018 | Anya Schiffrin

To understand the possible consequences of US President Donald Trump’s constant denunciations of the press, one need look no further than Ecuador ...

How to Save Women and Newborns During Childbirth

How to Save Women and Newborns During Childbirth

April 12, 2018 | Katherine Semrau and Atul Gawande

tennis star Serena Williams’ harrowing story of life-threatening complications after the birth of her daughter reminds us that childbirth is potentially ...

He Rise of Silicon China

He Rise of Silicon China

April 12, 2018 | Marion Laboure, Haiyang Zhang, and Juergen Braunstein

In the future, if not already, the Silicon Valleys of artificial intelligence (AI) will be in China. The tech firms Xiaomi, Baidu, Didi Chuxing, Meituan, and Toutiao are ...

Pak-Afghan Relations- Time to Break the Ice

Pak-Afghan Relations- Time to Break the Ice

April 11, 2018 | Dr. Hussain Yasa

On Friday, April 06, 2018 Pak Premier had a full day visit to Kabul where in addition to the President Ghani and Chief Executive Adbullah Abdullah, he met Gulbuddin ...

The Significance of Intellectuals

The Significance of Intellectuals

April 11, 2018 | Dilawar Sherzai

Through most part of history, the intellectuals and writers have not been given their due position and respect. It can be observed that during the monarchies ...

A Formula for Health Equity

A Formula for Health Equity

April 10, 2018 | Agnes Binagwaho

Imagine a country where some 90% of the population is covered by health insurance, more than 90% of those with HIV are on a consistent drug regime, and 93% of children ...

Closing the Global Economy’s New Digital Divide

Closing the Global Economy’s  New Digital Divide

April 10, 2018 | Shamel Azmeh

From cloud computing to artificial intelligence, technology is beginning to revolutionize how the world economy functions. But while these shifts are enriching ...

Will blame games end between Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Will blame games end between  Afghanistan and Pakistan?

April 09, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Pakistani Prime Minister, ShahidKhaqan Abbasi, has traveled to Afghanistan and met with Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Officer ...

Learning from Martin Luther About Technological Disruption

Learning from Martin Luther About  Technological Disruption

April 09, 2018 | Nicholas Davis

Five hundred years ago this week, a little-known priest and university lecturer in theology did something unremarkable for his time: he nailed a petition ...

When Will Tech Disrupt Higher Education?

When Will Tech Disrupt Higher Education?

April 08, 2018 | Kenneth Rogoff

In the early 1990s, at the dawn of the Internet era, an explosion in academic productivity seemed to be around the corner. But the corner never appeared. Instead ...

Trump’s Trade Confusion

Trump’s Trade Confusion

April 08, 2018 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

The trade skirmish between the United States and China on steel, aluminum, and other goods is a product of US President Donald Trump’s scorn for ...

Moderating Islam: Saudi Prince Mohammed walks on shaky ground

Moderating Islam: Saudi Prince Mohammed  walks on shaky ground

April 07, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has dazzled international media and public opinion by lifting some restrictions on women’s rights, holding out hope for the ...

US and Afghanistan – Pushy Peace Seekers

US and Afghanistan – Pushy Peace Seekers

April 07, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

The reconciliation process has been a rocky road for Afghanistan and the conflicts between Kabul government and the Taliban escalated in recent months. The spike ...

Sustaining Progress in Transition Countries

Sustaining Progress in Transition Countries

April 05, 2018 | Cihan Sultanoğlu

In the World Bank’s most recent “Doing Business” report, half of the Eastern European and Central Asian countries included in the global ...

Will China Really Supplant US Economic Hegemony?

Will China Really Supplant  US Economic Hegemony?

April 05, 2018 | Kenneth Rogoff

As China and the United States engage in their latest trade tussle, most economists take it as given that China will achieve global economic supremacy in ...

Water Crisis in Afghanistan

Water Crisis in Afghanistan

April 04, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Studies show that water scarcity is intensifying throughout the world specially in Afghanistan and its neighboring countries.Globally, thousands of incidents and conflicts ...

Saudi Arabia’s Perilous Pivot

Saudi Arabia’s Perilous Pivot

April 04, 2018 | Shlomo Avineri

The most dangerous moment for a bad government, the nineteenth-century French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed, “is usually when it ...

The Neglected Menace of Pollution

The Neglected Menace of Pollution

April 03, 2018 | Philip J. Landrigan and Richard Fuller

pollution is one of the great existential challenges of the twenty-first century. It threatens the stability of ecosystems, undermines economic development, and ...

Breaking the Brexit Stalemate

Breaking the Brexit Stalemate

April 03, 2018 | Guy Verhofstadt

March 29 marked exactly one year since British Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, thus launching the formal two-year ...

Will new approaches end the war in Afghanistan?

Will new approaches end the war in Afghanistan?

April 02, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Apparently more than 20 countries and organizations for the duration of the two-day Tashkent Conference agreed that peace and security in Afghanistan were essential ...

Partnerships should be based on solidarity and trust, and not on greed

Partnerships should be based on  solidarity and trust, and not on greed

April 02, 2018 | Shobha Shukla

Partnerships that are critically important to progress towards a better world where a just social order is a reality for everyone, must be based on solidarity and ...

The West’s Unilateral Cold War

The West’s Unilateral Cold War

April 01, 2018 | Sergei Karaganov

MOSCOW – Rising tensions between the United Kingdom and Russia are but further proof that Russia and the West, according to no less an authority than Richard ...

Egyptian ultras: Down but not out

Egyptian ultras: Down but not out

April 01, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

Egyptian general-turned-president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi won a second term virtually unchallenged in what is widely seen as a flawed election. The run-up ...