Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Will blame games end between Afghanistan and Pakistan?


Will blame games end between  Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Pakistani Prime Minister, ShahidKhaqan Abbasi, has traveled to Afghanistan and met with Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah, and other high-ranking Afghan officials on Friday. According to the local press reports, peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan, joint counter-terrorism efforts, the return of Afghan refugees, boosting bilateral political and trade ties, and regional connectivity topped the agenda of the talks.However, it is also said that the two leaders held a one-on-one discussion following the recent delegation-level talks at the Presidential Palace.
Apparently, Abbasi welcomed Ghani’s vision for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan and his offer of peace talks to the Taliban militants.Thus, both leaders called on the Taliban to respond positively to the peace offer and join the peace process without further delay. They agreed that there was no military solution to the ongoing Afghan conflicts and that the political solution was the best way forward.The two leaders described terrorism as “a common enemy” and “agreed not to allow their soils to be used for anti-state activities against each other.Abbasi also extended invitations to Ghani and Abdullah to visit Islamabad at their earliest convenience.
The high-profile visit came after Afghanistan’s Foreign Ministry alleged that Pakistani jets had dropped four bombs in Pakistan’s Kunar Province’s Dangam district. It was also warned by Afghan officials that continuing violations of international norms... will have further consequences on the relations between the two countries. On the other hand, Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry rejected that allegation as baselessand was justified that operations had been conducted against originally Afghanistan-based militant groups on the Pakistani side of the border, not the Afghan side.
Overall, Afghanistan and Pakistan have been playing blame games for many years. As a consequence, the tensions in two sides’ peace talks have widened insecurity and wars in Afghanistan. Afghanistan had frequently said it does not trust Pakistan, and theydo not want to be honest about Afghanistan’s peace and security. For this reason, when Pakistaninvited the president to visit Pakistan butrepeatedly rejected. In dealings with Pakistan, Afghanistan insists on a few points: first, Pakistan is in an unannounced war with Afghanistan which means that peace with the Taliban is not possible without peace with Pakistan; initially, we need to resolve our fundamental issues with Pakistan, then with the Taliban and other insurgent groups.Because these groups are blamed for receiving orders from the intelligence circles of that country andthat’s whytheycannot join the peace process until they are allowed.
Secondly, it is blamed thatPakistannot honest in fighting against terrorist; theydivide terrorism into good and bad, targeting only those groups that are hostile to the Pakistani government and carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of Pakistan but those groups that targets Afghanistan are supported. Meanwhile, Kabul stress that Islamabad should set their relationships on the basis of government to government and adjust its policies to the same extent. Supporting terrorist groups and negotiating with some insurgent groups instead of the government can undoubtedly damage the relations between the two countries. Farther more, they must understand that the current situation is not in the interest of any party, and none of the countries could profit from the insecurity of each and other. 

Thirdly, Afghanistan wants Pakistan to recognize its national sovereignty and accept that Afghanistan is an independent state that independently adopts its domestic and foreign policies. Afghanistan has always called for good-faith relations and good will with neighboring countries, regions and the world, and has never intervened in the affairs of other countries. Afghanistan does not allow any country to use its soil against other countries and always respects the sovereignty and national interests of the countries.
Although the details of the Pakistani prime minister’s visit to Afghanistan have not yet released and yet it is unclear what the trip has made for peace in Afghanistan, but anyway, this trip hope to be the start of a new chapter in the political relationship between the two countries. But the main problem in improving relations between the two countries is the lack of trust and lack of transparency in the negotiations. As long as mutual trust is not drawn to each other, political negotiations will not result in arbitrary results. Therefore, the Government of Afghanistan has announced that it will welcome all the options that can help build trust between the two countries.
Accordingly, in the past six months, Pakistan has been increasingly pressured by diplomacy and the volume of US aid has fallen to a great extent, and it will be too costly for Pakistan.after formulating a new strategy by the United States and the European Union, the authorities of these countries clearly criticize Pakistan’s actions on terrorism. America, but has taken a more explicit and sharp reaction to Pakistan and has warned the authorities that the United States can no longer tolerate Pakistan’s dual battles.However, Pakistan has been trying to shape a new coalition with Russia and Iran in the region for a year and to establish a wider economic relationship with its strategic partner, China.
However, major economic agreements with China, in particular China’s connection to GwadarPort, may have macroeconomic implications for Pakistan, but these benefits cannot compensate for the political, security and economic costs that are caused by the blurring of relations with the West. For this reason, Pakistan is attempting, from one hand, to find a possible alternative to Western countries to reduce the negative effects of the pressures on these relations, and on the other hand, it seeks to restore the confidence of Western countries, and in particular the United States, in the honest struggle with Terrorism. These efforts seem no longer possible without watering the ice of relations with Afghanista and serious steps against terrorists. For this reason, they have repeatedly tried to show their relations with Afghanistan normal by reopening talks with Afghanistan.

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at mohammadzahirakbari@gmail.com

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