Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

The Ambiguities Regarding the Vote Audit Process

The Ambiguities Regarding the Vote Audit Process

August 10, 2014 | Masood Korosh

After revelation of serious controversies between teams of Reforms and Partnership team of Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Change and Progress team of Dr. Ashraff Ghani Ahmadzai, Washington once again ...

Lebanon Facing the Spill Over Effect Of Syrian Conflict

Lebanon Facing the Spill Over Effect Of Syrian Conflict

August 10, 2014 | Manish Rai

The ferocious fighting in the northeastern town Arsal on the Lebanese-Syrian border has resulted in dozens of soldiers killed from the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), and forcing thousands of refugees ...

Violence against Women Would End With Unified Efforts!

Violence against Women Would End With Unified Efforts!

August 09, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

She is one of the brilliant students of the institute and keen to learn English. Her performance is really impressive because it is the result of both interest and hard-work and her teacher ...

The Spiritual and Social Impacts of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

The Spiritual and Social Impacts of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

August 09, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Michael Hart states, “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history ...

“Faith” as Capital: Case for Afghanistan

“Faith” as Capital: Case for Afghanistan

August 09, 2014 | Ahmad Shah Mobariz

Capital-labor division is traditionally known to the common man. Even though an economist assigns particular well-defined meaning to both terms, in its simplest form any resources other than labor ...

The Differences between Human and Animals

The Differences between Human and Animals

August 05, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

For the longest time, the general opinion a human superiority over animals resided in the belief of the superiority of the human mind and the ability to create and use tools. Investigations into nature show us that human beings are not alone ...

Rational Deeds Can Avert our Disgruntled Fate

Rational Deeds Can Avert our Disgruntled Fate

August 05, 2014 | Asmatyari

The man is entitled to be the supreme creature given his superior mental capability owes a peculiar attribute in his inferior body. Deeds are executed in the light of perception thought-out ...

Afghanistan Election: A Trap Scenario

Afghanistan Election: A Trap Scenario

August 05, 2014 | Ahmad Shah Mobariz

Laws of nature discovered and formulated by natural scientists sometimes find applicability on social phenomenon as well. For instance the S-shaped poverty trap explained by development ...

Release of Taliban; Please Show the True Picture

Release of Taliban; Please Show the True Picture

August 04, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The tragic incident of Ghor is still resounding in the country and it has once again intensified the public criticism on the policy of President Karzai to release Taliban prisoners to win their confidence ...

Religious and Secular Humanism

Religious and Secular Humanism

August 04, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Modern humanism, as defined by one of its leading proponents, Corliss Lamont, is “a naturalistic philosophy that rejects all supernaturalism and relies primarily upon reason and science ...

Gaza May Cost Israel in Coming Future

Gaza May Cost Israel in Coming Future

August 04, 2014 | Manish Rai

Israel and Hamas have agreed to a 72-hour ceasefire in the Gaza Strip which is already broken. There was a proposal that Israeli and Palestinian delegations will travel to Cairo, at the invitation ...

Afghans’ Eid – Hennaing With Blood

Afghans’ Eid – Hennaing With Blood

August 03, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Shall we celebrate Eid with the oozing blood of the henna-handed bride? With the gunshot wounds of the newlyweds or with the white beard of old men dyed with red blood? Visiting the ...

Worries over Audit Process

Worries over Audit Process

August 03, 2014 | Masood Korosh

As per schedule and after a long holiday, the audit and recount was once again postponed for another day due to absentee of Dr. Abdullah’s team observers. Yesterday, Aug. 2, was the ...

The Staggering Democracy in Afghanistan

The Staggering Democracy in Afghanistan

August 03, 2014 | Zafar Mirza

The concerns of presidential election are taking the country into an imminent chaotic situation. After Secretary Karry’s interference that broke the electoral stalemate between the two ...

The Victory of Humanity

The Victory of Humanity

August 02, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The first day of Eid in Gaza did not look like that of an Eid. This day is associated with festivities, new clothes, sweet dishes, visiting and meeting relatives and friends and spending every moment of the three Eid days with joys ...

Let’s Turn over a New Leaf

Let’s Turn over a New Leaf

August 02, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

"The moral evil in the world is due to man’s alienation from the deepest truth, from the springs of spiritual life within himself, to his alienation from God. Those who realize this try desperately ...

Sorry Latifa, You are a Hazara

Sorry Latifa, You are a Hazara

August 02, 2014 | Muhammad Younas

It was a pleasant day in Lal-o-Sar Jangal, Ghor Province Afghanistan. Latifa was thrilled since morning because she was going to Kabul City with her husband today for the honey moon. Her husband ...

Cross Communal Sympathy: Strong Step towards Nation Building

Cross Communal Sympathy: Strong Step towards Nation Building

July 27, 2013 | Masood Korosh

The growing fundamental changes at ground level are promising particularly among new Afghan generation. Despite serious challenges are still ahead that need to be overcome, Afghan ...

A Democratic Government

A Democratic Government

July 27, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

The crucial difference between democratic and non-democratic states is the kind of election they hold. In liberal democracies, elections go beyond simple voting. They reflect ...

Rational Solution to Palestine Problem

Rational Solution to Palestine Problem

July 26, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The ongoing situation in Gaza is enough to make everyone cry and tear apart the heart of every human who has a tinge of humanity and sensitivity towards human sufferings. A few days earlier ...

Enlightened Religion is My Idol

Enlightened Religion is My Idol

July 26, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Normally, everyone has an idol for which he is ready to sacrifice anything .However one person’s idol is different from another. One may idolize property, status, position, children ...

Restrictions on Speaking

Restrictions on Speaking

July 26, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

It can be observed around the world that there are people who have tried to stop human beings from discussing and sharing their opinions without any restrictions. There are as numerous ...

Will Middle East Attain Peace?

Will Middle East Attain Peace?

July 24, 2013 | Asmatyari

The deadliest conflict in fifteen day since July 8, between Israel and the Palestinians has killed 635 Palestinians, many of them civilians, and 3,640 civilian so far have been ...

The Intellectuals of our Era

The Intellectuals of our Era

July 24, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is an undeniable truth that through most part of history the intellectuals and writers have not been given the position and the status they ought to have. It can be found that during ...

Tightening Hands over the Neck of Gaza Residents

Tightening Hands over the Neck of Gaza Residents

July 24, 2013 | Masood Korosh

As Israel continues tightening its grasp around the neck of Gaza residents, the world watches over the incident without any effective plan on the ground in order to put an end the ...

A Burden on the Soul!

A Burden on the Soul!

July 23, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has created so many difficulties to so many people but especially the journalists and new reporters. If they report whatever they see, they can be the ...

Religion is Veiled in Mystery

Religion is Veiled in Mystery

July 23, 2014 | Hujjatullah

As a religious ritual, Muslims keep vigil three nights, in holy month of Ramadan, which are called “Qadr.” These nights are considered sacred for the completion of Holy ...

Tightening Sphere for Secularism in Pakistan

Tightening Sphere for Secularism in Pakistan

July 23, 2014 | Masood Korosh

During last month, Pakistan launched detrimental attack on militants’ hideout which forced thousands of people to migrate to Afghanistan. However, some Afghan analysts continued ...

Unity in Diversity Constitutes Strength

Unity in Diversity Constitutes Strength

July 22, 2014 | Asmatyari

There wouldn’t be delicacy in life, unless there’s happiness. Happiness wouldn’t be in a life, inside a soul, if there’s no rest, peace, justice, love ...

Probability of Undoing Women Rights Achievements

Probability of Undoing Women Rights Achievements

July 22, 2014 | Masood Korosh

Since 2001, Afghan women have come a long way in terms of achieving their rights and freedom. During Taliban they had no right to get education and walk out without a close ...

Getting Globalization Right

Getting Globalization Right

July 22, 2014 | Ian Goldin

Recent evidence suggests that much of the world has entered a period of low financial-market volatility. But this is no time for complacency; more turbulent times are likely to lie ...

Ramadan and Social Obligations

Ramadan and Social Obligations

July 21, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

The month of Ramadan is going on and the Muslims around the world are observing fast. Fasting in month of Ramadan is basically abstaining from any sort of food or drinks from the ...

Democracy and the Poisonous Mindsets

Democracy and the Poisonous Mindsets

July 21, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Out of few things that last thirteen years of democracy has not much changed in Afghanistan is the typical mindset of old militants, tribal elders, warlords and similar groups who got ...



July 20, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

One of the factors that are responsible for keeping human beings bonded with each other is trust. It is one of the most unique qualities of human beings and supports them in attaching ...

Legitimacy – A Key Element of State

Legitimacy – A Key Element of State

July 20, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

State, according to the German Sociologist Max Weber, is any “human community that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given ...