Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Rational Deeds Can Avert our Disgruntled Fate


Rational Deeds Can Avert our Disgruntled Fate

The man is entitled to be the supreme creature given his superior mental capability owes a peculiar attribute in his inferior body. Deeds are executed in the light of perception thought-out in one’s mind based on sensational judgments. The mental supplement involving rational discourse is never brought into practice that enables man learn beyond the limits of superficial sensory perceptiveness. The sensory conception of man lies within a restricted limit; nevertheless his mental perceptiveness is boundless and is at par with excellence.  

Most of the problems, we encounter on daily accounts are associated with a flawed understanding of the root causes of the quandary and flawed strategies leading to its proper solution. Consequently, efforts exercised in the pursuit of extraneous vague goals, fall short to devise an appropriate way out. Thus, we keep on oscillating between the issue and the disingenuous course leading to suitable solution.

One of the degenerative understandings, commonly witnessed is an objective view of the issues. It has always been effortless, holding someone else responsible for our erroneous deeds. We have all turned professionals in disowning the ill-consequences, some of our ill-strategized feat brings. We spare not, any opportunity to earn credits for other selfless undertakings. Conversely, we are reluctant to own the responsibilities for a self accomplished, fallacious accomplishment.


Indiscriminate and faceless owing of the worldly discoveries is one of the persona Muslims bears. The mismatched references are superfluously used in order to justify their intellectually bankrupt state. The claimant for every invention left them in superiority complex and hollowness, turning their innate aptitudes plagued and dysfunctional. On the other extreme, years long propaganda against modern scientific education is also propagated that sought a credible support and appreciation from many so called well learned individuals.


Muslims exert greater effort on preserving absolute religious dogmas, tradition without being contemplative to coincide it with the demands of changing contemporary world. We draw a distinction between God’s words and deeds. Religion has turned a collection of congested beliefs, where no timely and compatible interpretation stands permissible.  Religion anchored on dogmatic interpretation annuls creativity and innovation and unswervingly dictates the political and social arena of our daily undertakings –thus completely restraining advancements with the changing world and developing circumstances; the Muslim society therefore could not prosper till date. The conservative elements have always taken measures to curtail the collective success and prosperity of the society terming the innovative developments anti-religion. They have always struck at the emotional nerve of their adherents; intellectually kept in the dark, denied access to the scholarly approach thus made an unnatural bond to the forged prescription.

We could not draw a clear, distinctive line between licit and illicit deeds. The plague of narrow-mindedness has worst affected us to the level that our ill deeds are fortified to the height of truth and other good deeds appear forged for us. The poison of biased understanding injected into the bloodstream of society has maligned their moderate disposition to extreme one. Freedom of thought, providing a sound basis of intellectual progress is not only given the status of ill recognition but also un-Islamic.

The stunning Universe is the true manifestation of God’s artistic creation; if a person comments on any aspect of universe intelligibly –it is equated a disgrace to Allah’s creative abilities and the person is rendered liable for punishment. As a substitute it is not regarded a sincere addition to an existing pile of knowledge. Galileo, the greatest scientist of the Renaissance, contradicted the idea of the centrality of earth in a solar system that differed church’s perspective, sentenced for no reason except the church’s absolute thought was challenged.  Laid at the depth of irrational and unreasonable congested beliefs, we draw prejudiced findings that dispose our ill motives.

The aristocratic, despotic regimes and absolute rule instilled in most of Muslim countries –the ruling class steers the fate of the nation, consequently the pages of history are filled with blunders individuals committed and the nation is left to reap for generations, no one realizes. 

Another pivotal problem –the fallacious and social structure enrooted on an erroneous classification system supporting proprietors, feudal lords and ruling elites. A superior ethno-political elite ruling for generations draws economic and political privileges. The lower class or ethnic groups are denied access to fundamental rights and necessities of life.

The system directly supporting, promoting and protecting injustices seem unlikely to extend space to talent, competence, capabilities, as an alternative recommendation, inducement and influential financial status help earning preferential societal position. Nonetheless, the whole functionaries of the flawed system escape apprehension –they are subjugated to practiced system not the constitutional provision because of despotic brought up. The culprits of Kabul bank swindle to date, escape detainment and prosecution because of having influential ties. It is imperative that constitutional safeguard is provided to hapless citizens seeking justices over authority and power abusers.

The injustices cracking the socio-political fabric of society and widen the societal divide across ethnic lines, must be curtailed. The politically under-privileged ethnic group rendered vulnerable with increasing the sense of insecurity and should be given in confidence. May the custodians of illusive slogans come forth to fight against all these social evils, injustices, biases and human rights violation?

It should be underlined that a sustainable triumph with continuous and unending effort, encompassing a dynamic mechanism, pursuing a workable strategy seems plausible and workable. Problems and crisis are the integral part of every society, as long as a pragmatic solution is not working out. Man owes the potentials of averting their disgruntled fate by exercising rational deeds following due course of actions.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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