Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Terror Continues in Afghanistan


Terror Continues in Afghanistan

At last, the much awaited number of American troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan has been announced. It, according to the statement of President Obama, has to be 10,000 till the end of this year and 33,000 till September2012. There has been much controversy regarding the drawdown of the American troops from Afghanistan. The most important issue being raised is the post withdrawal scenario in the country. Keeping in view the controversial preparedness of Afghan National Security Forces(ANSF) that have to replace the security arrangements after the drawdown of the American troops, one can not easily reach to solid conclusions.

But, it is for sure that the situation would turn very challenging for Afghan forces to handle, if not impossible. The second controversial issue is the political and administrative preparedness of Afghan government in the post withdrawal Afghanistan. Definitely, the present government in the country has not been able to show that it possesses the capability to address the diverse challenges, existing in Afghan socio-political scenario. In the same regard government has rather made the co-operating and peace-loving factions turn against it, by giving more preference to finding ways for negotiating with Taliban.

Undoubtedly, the best solution for the issue of terrorism in the region is negotiations with Taliban but that must not be strived for, while Taliban themselves do not seem in the mood to come to negotiating table. Karzai has gone even to the extent to call Taliban as "Angry brothers", but the "Angry brothers", quiet on the contrary, have speeded up their terrorist operations inside the country, with more modern tactics. It seems like Taliban are not very much tantalized by the government offers or they do not consider Karzai government to be authoritative enough to carry on the talks with. But, they or some factions of them may in the times to come concede to have dialogue directly with the Americans, who are also eager to have Taliban on negotiation table for a proper solution to the issue of terrorism in Afghanistan.

They seem to believe that some political compensation may tame their extremist nature and they may decide to live in accordance to constitution of Afghanistan. But it does not seem very easy, keeping in view the overall response of the Taliban leadership. Taliban have turned very violent recently regarding their summer assault. They have made some major blows to Afghan security forces, by targeting high profile personalities from amongst their highest ranks and bombing their security checkpoints. The recent attack on police station in Kabul is a continuation of the same series of attacks.

There has been myriad of such violent expeditions by the terrorists in the region that has deteriorated the peace and tranquility of the country and has made it suffer to a great extent, making the citizens bother about their survival more curiously. The attack on medical clinic in Azra district of Logar province on Saturday, June 25, 2011 has further added in the concerns of the citizens of Afghanistan about their survival. The blast was carried out through the detonation of sport vehicle packed with explosives that entered the medical clinic forcefully after being stopped by the guards. The explosion was so severe that the whole building collapsed killing almost 60 people and injuring about 120 others. The number of the people killed has not been ascertained but any number near the mentioned number is really very high and threatening. The most unfortunate aspect of the incident is that almost all the casualties are civilian casualties.

And reports have not ascertained whether the incident was carried out by Taliban, as Taliban spokesperson, ZabiullahMujahid, has claimed that this attack was not carried out by their fighters. But, it is difficult to say whether ZabiullahMujahid is the true representative of the complex network of terror that is termed as Taliban or not, or whether there are not Taliban out of the faction that is being represented by ZabiullahMujahid. Taliban must no more be considered as a small group functioning within a very confined setup, with limited members. Rather it must be considered as a complex network of terror, embodying various factions with differing objectives. The only singularity among their different factions is that all use the means of terrorism. So, keeping in view such a scenario it is difficult to exclude Taliban as a whole from this incident.

In addition, this incident took place on the day when Afghan President along with his Pakistani and Iranicounterparts were in Tehran negotiating about the ways to counter terrorism in the region. It is difficult to say that there has been any evident connection between the two incidents, but it must be highlighted in perspective of the endeavors being made by neighboring countries to counter terrorism in the region with Afghan government.

Definitely the regional assistance can help much in bringing stability in the region, only if they are not coated with the glazed hypocrisy. It is not just the matter of a single country, all the countries in South Asia are influenced by this menace and they have to sort out the solution through collective efforts. Pakistan itself has been suffering both in terms of human lives and financial losses. Now, they seem to have realized that regional powers can really play a tremendous role for long lasting solution to the problem. Further, the countries in south Asia seem to have been much irritated by the presence of American troops in Afghanistan.

All of them are in the favor of withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, but they really have to make sure that the post withdrawal scenario must not turn into a scenario wherein the regional powers exercise their own interests in Afghanistan that can result into another proxy war. Withdrawal of US-led international troops must be taken in the perspective of providing Afghanistan an opportunity to stand on its own, and this has to be facilitated by the neighboring countries. They must realize now that no one can breed a wild animal without being bitten. Who so ever has assisted terrorism has been bitten by it severely.

The evolving scenario, in the region in general and in Afghanistan in particular, has been reaching to its transition and whenever the transition period arrives there are decisive changes both in physical law and in social phenomena. Human beings, mostly the authoritative ones, do exercise some influence over the nature of the changes that take place as a result of transition. We, the residents of Afghanistan especially those with authority, have to exert our utmost efforts to make the nature of these changes more peace-loving, co-operative, and above all - non-violent.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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