Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Never Underestimate the Communal Problems


Never Underestimate  the Communal Problems

Despite serious worries about the aftermath of announcement of runoff presidential Election, there are figures, including Mr. President Karzai, who are optimistic about the future. Months ago, he said that Afghanistan has changed tremendously and elapsing back to chaos of the past was impossible. He said that loopholes to way back was sealed and concreted. So, the country would not fall back once again uncertainty and instability it experienced during last decades.  Similarly, many talk about how Afghans are tired of war and instability. As after controversy the result of second of presidential election, some media outlets harshly criticized the way politicians act.

These are all true. People are tired of war and instability. They want to live a life of peace and prosperity like the rest of nations. They want their children to go school, get education and build dignified life unlike the previous generation who only survived. Deep down all wish that one day all ethnicities and communities embarrass one another in fraternity and brotherhood.

Indisputably, the gaps among ethnic groups have shrunk visibly since the US-led military intervention for which any sensitive Afghan will be thankful to Washington. Thousands of NGOs which poured the country with billions of dollars recruited youngsters irrespective of sex, race, community and language. This increased the condition of human resource. Only few years ago, NGOs had serious problem in terms of finding talented Afghans for managerial post. But now for any vacant position hundreds of highly qualified individuals apply. On the other hand, working together in one department or the same organizations, being together for hours and sharing stories to one another by the course of time has depicted any new picture from the community for the new generation.

I have heard this sentence from many saying that I have not seen like you nice guy in your entire community! Though this sentence apparently seems simple but actually reflects the deep down communal suspicion developed during years of civil war which was fought on the communal lines mostly. In other words, by saying the above sentence, the teller actually had a different concept from the community members and when he/she befriended, a new picture appeared. At the start, he/she may think only one has good characteristics and the rest are bad.

Though the communal differences are something which is easily definable historically, religiously and even biologically but there is something which develops in the society and overshadows the positive thoughts. For instance, Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran, the most sacred book for all Muslims irrespective of their sects clearly says: “I created you in tribe and in different colors only for you identification but the most honorable of you in the front of Allah those who are pious”.

With this verse of Holy Quran, nobody can tell that because your blood relation what that community or ethnicity that is why you are bad. Similarly, there are hundreds of example in the behavior of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who tried his best to develop an Islamic Ommat, or Muslim Community, which goes beyond race, language and nationality. Some of his close companions were not Arab but slaves who were bought by Arab traders. With such behavior Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) tried his best to eliminate the tribal system and inspire Muslims to leave in harmony and never act on the line race, nationality, language and etc.

Unfortunately, by the course of spirit of his true teachings last and replace with issues he fought for. Religion Islam and even grand personality of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) become an integral part of Arab Nationalism.

Anyhow similar examples can be observed in Afghanistan. Here unlike what Holy Quran says for Muslims, the extent of goodness and evilness of a person is defined on account of blood relation. If you belong this community or ethnicity or tribe, then you are good and vice versa.

One of the main factors that proved party effective in elimination of such concept is modern values and over-connection of people with one another. The intervention of international community following US-led military involvement paved the way for Afghans to become familiar and embarrass modern values.  Working under the same roof and hearing ideas and viewpoints through new media channels have made Afghans somehow tolerant against opposite notion.

But there is still a long way to go. These achievements can be ruined if not properly protected by officials. There are still enough resource of ethnic fuels to get fire and takes the country back to stage it was before 2001. The only way to ensure that country moves on the right truck is not mere optimisms and closing over eyes over challenges just beneath the current promising tolerance.

For example, during past few years, time and again the Kabul university hostel became the communal battlefield among students. Just last night, July 6, students fought with one another on communal basis and caused serious problem for one another.  Certainly, only few are required to ruin the country. It does not matter how overall Afghans are tired of war. Few can deprive all from lasting desire for peace and stability.

Therefore, present and upcoming government should be vigilant and properly deal with any sorts of communal controversies. Otherwise once the fire breaks out, even inflammable things also would burn. Frankly, even those people who hate war will also change burn or sometimes can change to individuals further fueling it.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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