Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

It’s Time Western World Rethinks its Policy of Intervention


It’s Time Western World  Rethinks its Policy of Intervention

The shameful and baseless policies and strategies of Western world have almost brought this world into the edge of destruction. Starting from Afghanistan, to Syria, the Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and large number of African countries are burning in a fire and the situation is so complex that no think-thank might have thought of these grave consequences. Every intervention by the US and its Western allies have resulted in deaths of millions, the displacement of millions more and of course, the destruction, anarchy and the resultant drift and divide that took these countries many years backward but unfortunately, none of these interventions or occupations gave away the projected results. In almost all of the mentioned countries, people have started yelling that they were far better when they were living before these interventions. There were the dictators like Saddam Hussein or Bashar-al-Assad, there were military dictators and there were the non-democratic rulers but all of them were better than what they are left with today. The situation has given rise to a popular perception in the Muslim world that it was the policy of the West to weaken all the Muslim countries and they have achieved their aims very nicely. Now, no Muslim country can be called free of the direct or indirect impacts of these interventions. Countries like Pakistan are fighting Taliban within their borders, Turkey is still growing with the fear of Kurds and now ISIS fighters, Saudi Arabia and Iran are caught in the conflict of fighting for Sunni-Shia dominance in the region and in this way, no country seems to be stable, safe and secure in the Muslim world. No need to mention here those large numbers of countries where insecurity and militancy has brought almost each and everything to zero.

The biggest failure of the Western policy was Iraq where country has fallen into the hands of ISIS which is turning out to be more dangerous than the regime of Saddam Hussein. The government of Iraq is limited to capital Baghdad and its outskirts only and is also facing the worst political turmoil since its invasion by Western powers. Thanks to the support of Shia militants from Iran and supporters of Shia cleric As-Sadr who have shown some resistance before the whole country could have fallen into the hands of ISIS. After staying away from Iraq for two years, US President Barack Obama authorized US troops to carry out airstrikes against the ISIS militants so that the minority Yazidis may be rescued and aid can be taken to them.

Almost the same is situation in Afghanistan where the condition of security is getting exacerbated even before the coalition forces leave the country. The control of government is limited to the provincial capitals only and many urban areas have fallen into the hands of militants and Taliban. Increasing number of military operations against these militants in which more than hundreds are killed every day from both the sides, and increasing attacks of Taliban and militants shows that coming days are going to be much difficult for the Afghan security forces and Afghans in general. Taliban exhibited their strong power by carrying out attacks in group of thousands of militants in different parts of the country at the same time like Kunduz, Badakhshan, Helmand, and other parts and our security forces are still struggling a lot to take back their posts. Only hope is that, once the election standoff is resolved and country excels on the path of democratic stability, militancy will die of its own and smooth running of the state will turn the things around. It must be kept in mind that if US doesn't want the fate of Afghanistan similar to that of Iraq, it must review its policy of abandoning the country at the end of this year or 2016. Until and unless the country becomes absolutely stable politically and economically, and its security forces don’t come up with the expectations of fighting all the external and internal threats, abandoning the country would be the repetition of the mistake once done by world power after Afghanistan was left on the fate of fighting factions after the exit of Russian forces.

The conditions are even worse in Africa, starting from Libya to Nigeria and onwards. In Libya, the country is facing the worst militancy of its history and different factions are fighting for power. The fighting, insecurity, ethnic and racial divides and other factors have not only badly affected this already shaking continent but also pulled it many decades backward. These reasons may also be the base of further fighting and conflicts in the region for the years to come.

Same fears are felt about the decision of Britain and the US to provide arms to the Kurds of Iraq who are fighting ISIS. Experts fear that this may be the base of disintegration of a central government in Baghdad but also cause serious and permanent threat to its neighboring countries especially Turkey that has long been fighting Kurds on its borders.

However, these saddening and tragic situations in the above mentioned countries have turned two points clear; one, you can never achieve a positive result from a negative way. Starting from Iraq to Afghanistan and then to Libya, all the invasions and interventions were made to liberate these countries of the militants and dictators and the resultant circumstances even turned out to be worse. In all these countries, millions of people lost their lives and trillions of dollars of American and European taxpayers were also wasted. After this, before making any kind of military intervention in any country, it must be thought if the targets and objectives are positive or not. If they are merely to protect your own rights and benefits, you would soon end in failure but this failure would cause the deaths of thousands of people. In all these countries, we can hardly find people who should be able to advocate the right of Western powers to make military intervention and they unanimously term it to be a failed strategy.

Secondly, the policies and strategies should not be based on baseless fears and speculations. In many countries, the interventions started just to topple down a leader who was not ‘your ally’ or was not ‘acceptable’ for you. In order to bring a favorable person into power, different kinds of conspiracies were invented and in the worst scenario, the military intervention was put into practice. However, the same person turned out to be ‘non-acceptable’ after some time and once again, each and everything had to be started from the beginning.

In all these issues, the most saddening is the discovery that the efforts and resources wasted from a negative approach could have changed the fate of these countries and the world if utilized by positive approach like for making schools, boosting up agriculture and commerce, strengthening the political institutions and others. But of course, they were going to bear fruit in long term and none of the Western powers are interested in long-term investment when they lack the vision to see its results.

After such bloody and tragic instances, let’s hope that world powers should rethink their strategy of making interventions in the affairs of other countries.

(Muhammad Rasool Shah works as Academic Coordinator at Barakat Int’l School, Kabul. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com)

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