Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

What an Ironic Claim


What an Ironic Claim

The security situation is deteriorating; Taliban militants have launched the unprecedented attacks in terms of territorial span across the country. Thousands of people have left their houses seeking protection in the safer areas which is decreasing despite promising promises from government site. The unemployment rate is confusingly high and spirals up day by day. President Karzai emphasizes that he would hand over the responsibility to the next government within coming days while our respected candidates, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the leader of reform and partnership team and Dr. Ashraff Ghani Ahmadzai the leader of changes and continuity stuck in indefinite brawl over the result of election. People already have lost their hope over a functioning government in the future. They participated with interest and enthusiasm both in the first as well as second of Presidential election in hope that the next government be strong and enjoy greater legitimacy.

But the months long brawl and uncertain of the ultimate result have left people in an utter despair. They have given up their hope for having a strong government. Many have already started thinking about the advantages of the current one under the leadership of Mr. President Karzai des despite being as the most corrupt government in the world. Now it is heard that the situation may turn that worse people feel nostalgic about the administration of President Karzai.

In spite of all this, none of the two candidates are giving up their uncompromising stance. Both are talking that they would defend from the votes of people the thing which people does not want. We do not want that they defend from our votes; we want them to give up their insatiable desire for power and avoid drugging us into hell. What an interesting our respected politicians have found?

 During decades, Afghan politicians have claimed that people’s rights and their decision have been their main concern. Slogan of people has been at the center of their talks. What actually pulled them here and there have not been their own vicious and personal interests and desire for power. Most of the present politicians always talk that they fought for the rights of their community. But if they did not go to a war, what would have happened. we would have had a very united country; we did not  have millions of refugees; and importantly we had hundreds of thousands people killed as result of civil war fuelled by the present respected leaders who today again claim to defend from the rights of people.

I do not understand what rights they are talking about. Millions of civilians cannot sleep or see nightmare due to present political brawl respected candidates.  Are you defending people’s rights and votes through giving them nightmare? Are you defending the rights of people through leaving their children hungry through snatching their rights of getting employed?  I do not think so that anyone is ready to defend their rights and votes like that.

Such a nightmare grasped the lives of Afghans.  Washington as the largest supporters of the country which spent over hundred billions of dollars during past 13 years as per latest report of SIGAR certainly did not want to give up hands and let Afghan politicians to play by their own old formula---whether being in power or let no one else. Since the announcement of runoff presidential election primary result, John Kerry paid visit twice in order to push a political compromise between the two candidates. Unlike previous time when the intervention or efforts for mediation was followed by criticisms both from civilians and government but many the pages of social networks that Afghan youngsters generally support what Mr. Kerry did. Part of such support lies in the growing negative concept of the two presidential candidates.  The long and retard process of the election and the dominant uncertainty about the future and meanwhile the deteriorating economic condition have exhausted people. They blame the presidential candidates and other figures who are involved in the process for such a grave situation.

Secondly people have rightfully have understood that none of the candidates will accept the other as successor of Mr. President Karzai. One of them is announced as winner by election commissions, the very legal and authorized institutions to announce the result of election and the other one is claiming that his right was snatched. Despite efforts to make a peaceful transition, it seems that the present polarization does not signal stability in the future.  Election Commissions which are blamed of engagement in extensive fraud do not have the legitimacy to continue auditing the ballot papers from Reforms and Partnership team’s point of view.  On the other hand, the team of Change and progress under the leadership of Dr. Ashraff Ghani still continue that both election commission and election complaint commission are the very legal channels to audit and announce the result.

The victims of such a deadlock are civilians. Politicians should be thankful to strong communal structure. It is the communal and tribal social structure that Afghan politicians can easily bring mass support for themselves. If the social structure changed, Afghans like people in other parts of the world would have turned back to political figures and forced them to step down. The ground and hidden anger against politicians is completely visible meanwhile due to their strong communal bondage, if anyone from another community talk about a leader from the other community, the confrontation starts.

Certainly, our politicians are using communal sentiments in order to receive continuous support. If the society was not suffering from such an evil gaps, the candidates might not have claimed of defending people’s rights through actually snatching them.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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