Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

The Bitter Facts of our Society


The Bitter Facts of our Society

Here, almost everywhere, at every step of life, trust and conviction are ignored and at every instance a relation is broken. However, we would need to understand why it is so. Why are there the starvation of certainty and the glory of uncertainty? Are human beings essentially and naturally good or bad? This is a very lengthy discussion, however, it can never be forgotten that the behaviors of the people largely depend on the type of circumstances and societies they are brought up in. A person may not be naturally bad but the conditions and circumstances may make him be bad on certain occasions.

The society we live in is, to a large extent, marked by selfishness and egoism. The injustice and discrimination are the normal behavioral practices. If a person for his own happiness gives another person grief; if a person deceives another person or if a group of people has violated the right of other groups, then it is not weird as it is common practice within our society. When the circumstances and the objective conditions have paved the way for such types of behaviors and attitudes, expecting something else would be unreasonable and even foolish. It is not possible to sow the seeds of a rose plant and expect that lilies would grow out of them. When the rules of the race are to push others back and strive to win the race in any possible way, not following it would mean losing the race, which nobody is ready to accept as everyone wants to win.

Looking at today’s society, it can be said that a person who is not cunning and selfish is basically foolish. On the other hand, the cunning evils cannot be blamed as well. In fact, in our society, when a person carries out an evil deed, he is not always responsible for it; in many cases the society can be blamed as it prepares him in such a manner that he has no other way. The society, wherein all the credits and opportunities are given to those who have mastered the art of deceiving others and who care the least about emotions and collective wellbeing, is bound to generate the people who are less human and more like robots that are conditioned to win only.

On a freezing and snowy night, if a person, shivering with cold passes by your house and you feel pity on him and do him a favor by providing him warm shelter and give a blanket to keep himself warm, then you should be totally ready for this that while leaving your house he would take your blanket and some other things along with it. It is because the blanket has protected him from the cold weather and now he fears the cold weather that he would face while going out. He can also ask for it and you, showing your generosity, can give that blanket along with some other things to him. But, that would be a favor and our people even don’t have the capability to accept the favor.

If a person does not know how to speak, teach him to talk but be ready to expect that once he is able to speak fluently, at first he would try to abuse you. And, if you teach a person writing his name, he would not hesitate to put his signature on the document containing your loss. In this society, if a murderer is not a relative to the victim, it is really weird.

Friendship, love, trust, honesty and piety are the values that are only meaningful to few of the people; otherwise, these are only words which the residents of our society use in order to hide the crimes of their conscience and the evils of their intentions. We, in our society, are basically surrounded by lies and false display and if we are able to safeguard our truth, it would be a great achievement. However, the company and possession of truth is really troublesome. It requires tolerating isolation and shouldering the responsibility of being different.

However, it is not something to be disheartened about. A human can be disappointed from another human but should not be disappointed from humanity, because human beings live for a certain period of time but humanity has always lived and will live forever.

The important point is to discuss why the sort of society, wherein a person has to lead another person by going over his corpse, should not change. Why shouldn’t we alter the system wherein human beings do not need the support and cooperation of others for the betterment of society as a whole, but need for their self-centered interests? There is something seriously wrong with the society that does not support affection and brotherhood but encourages the people to have negative competition so as to possess as much material comfort as possible. This basically spoils the society, as observed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off”.

The society we live in is in crying need of true humanity, true love and true affection. As quoted by Jiddu Krishnamurti, “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.”

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com 

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