Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Peace, Without Life, is Useless


Peace, Without Life, is Useless

“I looked at the earth and saw that it has been deserted and isolated. I looked at the sky and found it dark. I looked at the mountains and saw that they were trembling. I looked and could notice that there was no human and all the birds had flown away. And at the end I saw that all the green lands had turned into barren ones.” This could be an imaginary scene from a place that had been hit by war. But today it is even difficult to imagine about the horrors of war; it would be really immeasurable and lethal.

It would be wise to doubt about the sanity of those who propagate war and do not hesitate to push humanity towards it. Today, invigorating the possibilities of war, means risking the entire life on the planet earth. And our inclination towards war clearly depicts that we are far more evolved in violence and barbarism than our barbaric ancestors who used to fight with spares and sticks.

It is not wrong to conclude that history has chosen the wrong people for shouldering the burden of leading the world and the world order. It is really difficult to judge whether the people who claim to lead the world and decide the world order are really striving to establish peace and tranquility. They fail to understand that their thirst for power has in fact shown that they feel no responsibility towards their fellow beings and even towards the life on earth.

The matter to ponder upon is, “What is the basic factor that makes human being such a barbarian?” One of the basic factors is indeed the extremist beliefs and the uncontrolled and unlimited power. The ruling class in the world has in fact turned their thirst for power as a belief, and today the grip of the beliefs has tightened to a great extent. To stand as evidence to the claim, it could be noticed that today even science has been turned into a set of beliefs – a set of belief that has its own destruction within itself. Looking at the current role of science, it can be claimed that modern human beings are nothing except the ancient barbarians, or even worse, who are just dressed in modern clothes. Does such modernity mean anything? Is it really modernity if the innocent humanity is victimized by the uncontrolled desire of power and ultimately extinction?

Nowadays, it seems that the world is heading towards instability and chaos. If science is used in the similar fashion – for destruction of human civilization, then such an era is not far away when the true spirit of civilization and awareness would rise against the “knowledge and education”, and we would be compelled to conclude that we do not need science any more. As Thomas A. Edison wished, “There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.” But before that happens, it can be noted that the way the criminal minded groups in the world have used science is basically a great machination against science and knowledge.

Though human beings have developed much in science, they have not been able to form a scientific outlook. That’s why most of the scientific developments are made in the wrong direction. The tragic reality is that the respectable knowledge like science is leading the military institutions throughout the world in today’s modern society. Can human beings claim that they are civilized and sane as long as there are lethal military institutions, which are trained by the highest knowledge and the most skilled experts? I believe the greatest service to human beings would be to reduce dramatically the amount of money, energy, knowledge and expertise for the military institutions and weapon factories.

It is really weird to find human beings machinating and arranging so much and using so much energy and knowledge to dig their own graves and the grave of the entire human civilization. The wars can never lead human beings towards peace and tranquility and the weapons have nothing to offer to them except death certificate. Who would want a peace that is established with the cost of human life and resultantly the lives of all the human beings on earth? Peace, without life, though attainable, is useless. As John F. Kennedy had said, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”

Human beings, especially the authoritative people around the world need to realize that they have to take off the glasses of extremist beliefs and the uncontrolled power as with them they would never be able to see the true face of humanity the true beauty of life. They need to understand that their beliefs and their desires for power have made them corrupt the feelings of love and brotherhood that can establish peace and harmony;  and they are also required to recognize that they have even spoiled the sacred knowledge like that of science, which can serve humanity in myriad of other unbelievable ways.     

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com 

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