Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Is the Fear of Political Impasse Diffusing?


Is the Fear of Political  Impasse Diffusing?

The lengthened electoral deadlock, subsequent to unaddressed claims of industrial scale fraud orchestrated by sitting government, has earned an international concentration. The electoral result of a second round of the 2014 election, turned controversial with loud claims of mega scale fraud; hence served to lengthen the political impasse. This proceeding shouldn’t be deemed, mere a political transition, instead a significant political process that might have installed a major shift in the fate of war and poverty stricken people of Afghanistan.


Conversely, both the masses and political elites, alike are anxiously waiting for election result to be unveiled. Previously, President Hamid Karzai renewed his concerns at the negative effects the delay in announcing the presidential election results was having on people's lives, especially security, economic and governance issues. Undoubtedly, the delayed electoral result earned not only financial losses but also socio-political downfall for this piece of land. It can summed up, the seemingly orchestrated deadlock, pressed harder the very existence of the country; it absolutely, takes longer to recover from the inflicted loss. It is unanimously demanded the election process should be completed and results unveiled on schedule.

The leaders of international fame, including president Obama have had, urged the two candidates to get to common points whilst extending support to the continuation of the democratic process. However, the harmonious finalization of the disputed electoral process rests to compilation of fair and transparent results and acceptance of forthcoming setup. In that pursuit any formula other than power sharing might not seem workable, given the two candidates strongly adheres to the binding principles. However, the harmonious finalization of the disputed electoral process rests to compilation of fair and transparent results, or adopts a clear deal making course drawing equal and mutual agreement of both candidates.

Bearing in mind the complications of lengthened deadlock the deal was necessitated to avert the system heading to political turmoil, nonetheless, the credibility of the electoral result still counts enormously. The deal may not be given a winning status, as long as an inclusive government is not seen successfully operating on the ground, still reliant on clearer power sharing formula. It is feared if this or identical formula fails to deliver the desired outcome, the prolonged political crisis waits the fate of Afghanistan will substantiate the potential threat to harmonious co-existence of Afghanistan.

Seeing at the gesticulation displayed by the two candidates, a varied picture is drawn from their outlook. Dr. Ashraf Ghani, till date deems himself the winner, even after the result of the recount is drawn.  He is hesitant to a certain degree about the formation of the National Unity government. He still dreams of formation of unilateral government with all ministries distributed to the people of his choices. Dr. Abdullah, seemingly has installed a shift to compromise on the aforementioned setup, then aimlessly sticking to the negation of the electoral result endlessly. Previously, he uncovered his reliance to preserve national unity between the two candidates is more important than the details of their accord whilst expressing his point of view with a national unity government.

Dr. Abdullah did observe a high level of resilience, notwithstanding, there were credible clues ascertaining government machinery and anti-state elements, backing a favorite candidate. The deployment of election officials and worsening security condition also unearthed the planned manipulation. The legislation that constrained the membership of international delegate in Electoral Complaint Commssion (ECC), manifests the plot. Moreover, the act of targeting convoy of Dr. Abdullah and hotel hosting foreign election observers, depicts the hatched strategy, to turn the result in the favor of well placed contender. The study of ground reality unraveled the insurgents discouraged the electoral agent of one candidate to be sent to the insurgency hit far flung areas which is happened to serve the interest of another candidate.

The office of election commission rendered the point where the plan of manipulation electoral result was hatched. Even the previous news conference of an election official reflected a degree of favoritism put into practice. The election commission has turned controversial, provided it had a favorite and is alleged to have extended a popular support for one of the contestant. Consequently, one campaign was blatantly aimed to turn down, holding the other winner.

Devoid of all concerns, it was centrally needed to put and end to electoral crisis, by keeping the workability then specialty of proposed strategies, in consideration. Any strategy succeeding to secure the confidence of the two campaigns and Afghans whilst being able to drag the country out of lengthened impasse, was invalidation of fraud votes and compilation of fairer result, seem intangible.

The mega scale fraud involving perhaps more than two million ballots out of roughly eight million reported cast, according to independent international estimates, has thwarted efforts to achieve a democratic transition. The US’s Secretary of State John Kerry therefore, had to intervene twice to keep the campaigns in agreement on a unity government and a complete audit of the vote. In that pursuit an accord was signed between the two candidates, who pledged to abide by the agreement. Nevertheless, the ground reality uncovers otherwise. A state of indifference is witnessed by government relative to agreed setup and henceforth oppositions is offered.

It should be remembered that if politics is exercised on the principles of convergence of all political factions, then no visible or invisible force can dare to harm, our motherland. Nonetheless, if self fulfilling prophecy is practiced, then we ourself will be responsible for ill deeds, awaiting our fates. Any move that prompts to restore the confidence and trust of mainstream political forces might serve well the collective interest of Afghanistan.

The apt functioning of the National Government rest of the power sharing its structure and mutual cooperation and strong coordination built between the two presidential runners, along the course of time. One can’t rule out, enormous complications the presumed setup carries along itself -till every issue is streamlined and rightly directed.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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