Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Spirituality – The Inner Call


Spirituality – The Inner Call

 “If we want to be spiritual, then, let us first of all live our lives. Let us not fear the responsibilities and the inevitable distractions of the work appointed for us by the will of God. Let us embrace reality and thus find ourselves immersed in the life-giving will and wisdom of God which surrounds us everywhere.”

A man born on this earth has two lives which go together. When he leads a physical life, the spiritual life goes along with it. Many of them understand this. But very few find the true meaning of spiritual life and enjoy it.

When we look at the world with an attitude of wonder and awe, we become aware that the world is filled with spiritual life. Part of spirituality is being willing to admit that something is beyond your comprehension. Science has its place in understanding the world but it will never have all the answers. When we look at the universe and into our own hearts and see that which we don’t understand, we know that we have touched that which is unknowable and holy.

Cultivating your spirituality may help uncover what’s most meaningful in your life. By clarifying what’s most important, you can focus less on the unimportant things and eliminate stress.

For gaining spiritual growth one need not abstain from worldly pleasures such as eating well or married life. No need to live a solitude life. The desire to attaining more than enough of the physical needs leads to spiritual emptiness. Human beings are designed to lead a balanced spiritual and physical life.

You don’t have to go to the forest or a lonely place to attain spiritual wisdom. It is available in the calmness of your living room or your back yard of your house. No need to visit a mosque or a church or a holy place. It is available for everyone those who desire for it.

We know about Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses. They all had a spiritual side in their physical life and communicated with the Creator through visions, dreams and sounds. Spending time in mediation is a good way to communicate with the Creator. When you close the physical eyes, your spiritual eyes will open.

Where are you at in your spiritual life? Take a moment to reflect, do you feel a sense of worth, hope, purpose, commitment or peace? Do you have a positive outlook on life? Or do you experience feelings of emptiness, anxiety, hopelessness, apathy or conflict? These may be signs of spiritual poverty in your life and may be the reason for unhappiness or dissatisfaction.

When we follow the spiritual life, we come to feel that a life of peace need not always remain a far cry. We come to feel that a life of love, the love that expands, need not always remain a far cry. Everything that fulfils us divinely and supremely, we can achieve and claim as our very own if we follow the spiritual life. Right now Peace, Light and Bliss in abundant measure we do not have at our disposal. But when we practice spirituality, when our inner cry, which we call aspiration, climbs up high, higher, highest, at that time Peace, Light and Bliss we get not only in abundant measure but in infinite measure. And we can achieve and treasure these divine qualities in the inmost recesses of our hearts.

At the level of spirit, everything is always unfolding perfectly, and you don’t have to struggle or force situations to go your way. It is only your ego-mind that believes you are an isolated individual trying to survive in a hostile world. In truth, you are a spiritual being. When you surrender to Spirit and listen to voice of your deeper intelligence, you end the struggle. You free yourself from fear and doubt and release the obstacles your ego has created.

The entire spiritual path could be described as learning to let go, but letting go all at once isn’t possible. This is a path of many small steps, a process of replacing automatic reactions with deepened awareness.

Your destiny is to move in the direction of your soul, and the fuel that makes destiny move is intention. Each day, have the intention to let go a little bit more, closing the gap of separation that in only a delusion of the ego. Also unmask your false intentions, which take the form of guilty desires.

We all fall into traps of selfishness and delusions when we least expect it. The chance remark that wounds, the careless lie, and the irresistible urge to cheat are universal. Forgive yourself for being where you are. Apply the same dictum to yourself that you apply to others.

Over the years, you have formed likes and dislikes and learned to accept certain limits. None of this is the real you. You can’t force the real you to emerge all at once, however. Because it is painful to strip away the thick layers of illusion, you have to allow the soul to reveal itself in its own time.

Spirituality is not tied to any particular religious belief or tradition. Although culture and beliefs can play a part in spirituality, every person has their own unique experience of spirituality - it can be a personal experience for anyone, with or without a religious belief. It’s there for anyone. Spirituality also highlights how connected we are to the world and other people.

Spiritual practices can help us to develop the better parts of ourselves. They can help us to become more creative, patient, persistent, honest, kind, compassionate, wise, calm, hopeful and joyful.

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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