Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Why is the Life the Way it is?


Why is the Life the Way it is?

Living life is considered to be very simple by the people nowadays. They live most part of life with routines.  They get up early in the morning, take their breakfast, go to their work, come back at night, sleep and then follow the same routine the next day. Nonetheless, they live it in such a way as if they are doing a great favor to the life itself. And, if we cogitate about the purpose of why they are doing what they are doing, we can come to know that they do all such things in order to earn more and more money. And, what is the purpose of collecting so much money? They want to amass more and more property around themselves, which they can all as their asset. They just don’t want to have enough food to eat but to stockpile the food for many generations to come.

Is this the sort of life human beings must have? Does this life differentiate them from other creatures and make them stand as the best of them? The type of life being lived by the human beings today makes human being nothing better. And as Plato’s disciple Aristotle had said that human beings are the talking animals. Though sarcastic, the statement points towards a very important fact of life.

Human beings have, as a matter of fact, made their lives easier, but if this brand of life is considered as the true life then humans have not understood the life at all.

It is correct that all the humans have their own perspectives and they have their own ideologies about life, but there has to be a better way of living a life. It is also true that there are views and philosophies that can prove truth as false and false as truth. Therefore, a particular perspective cannot be announced as truth with complete confidence.

The Sophists in Greece had a strange philosophy about truth and about ideas. They used to say that if a person feels cold, it is winter season, while if a person feels warm, it is summer season. Moreover, they were also very much popular in proving winter as summer and summer as winter.

On the other hand, Heraclitus, who was an outspoken Greek philosopher used to say that this universe is changing every moment; so in every new moment it changes from what it was in the previous one. Therefore, accepting this phenomenon as true, it is not possible to know the truth of anything, neither it is possible to say anything with surety about it. Inspired by the same philosophy Heraclitus’s disciples did not use to talk about anything freely. In most cases, they used to explain things with gestures.

However, I do not believe that not speaking about anything would solve the issue. As a matter of fact, in today’s world it is necessary to talk comprehensively about everything to make it clear to others. Once, someone asked from famous philosopher Nizam, “What is better – silence or talking?” Nizam answered, “Even for asking this question you required to talk.” This shows that even to talk about silence one needs to talk; while talking about life, which is a very wide and comprehensive topic, one needs to talk much.

So, the way we are living today may be considered very sacred and dignified by many, but I believe most of the people live their lives without knowing that they can live their lives in a different way as well. They never think about what they are doing and why they are doing it. They even do not know why they want to live alive and why they are scared of death. They are unfamiliar with the most important question of life, “Why is the life the way it is?”

There are only few people who have a day in their life, which if deleted, would completely change their life. And, there is hardly any person who, if had not been born, would have changed the lives of those who are living. Thus, it can be said with complete confidence that though there are many who are living on the face of earth but there are only few who are living the way the life should be lived. They are the ones who think about the purpose of life and know its meaning. For them living life does not mean just following the routine every day. They are the ones who recognize the fact that the life can be lived in a different way and in a more productive way, not just for gathering material gains but uplifting the falling values and morals of human beings.

A straw that has fallen in the river and is flowing with the flow of the river can never decide where it would go and what would be its destiny. It can just wait and see where the flow of the river would take it. Today’s human beings resemble the same straw. They need to realize that they are living beings and the best among others, at least in their own opinion. Therefore, they have to know that they can swim in the river and sometimes may even swim against its flow. They need to write the script of their life themselves and must strive for achieving what they dream about. However, the very first step towards such a life is that he must ask the question, “Why is the life the way it is?”

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com 

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